
Resolve Embraced

"Suijin!" Misuki exclaimed, the bracers glowed with a deep silver light. Water blades erupted from the ends. 

Misuki swung her arms in a graceful arc, the water blades slicing through the core and dividing it into two.

Its energy dissipated into the air as the halves fell to the ground. She landed gracefully on the forest floor, her bracers fading into mist as she gazed at the core. 

"I killed it!" she exclaimed, Kaito ran to her, his footsteps echoing through the forest, and slapped her on the back gently.

"You did it!!" he exclaimed, a smile spread on his face, 

Misuki's smile faltered for a moment as she glared at Kaito, her eyes flashing with annoyance. "Hey!" she yelled.

Kaito continued hitting her back, his laughter echoing through the forest.

"Cut it out!" Misuki yelled,

She turned around and slapped him with water, the droplets hitting him with a soft splat.

Kaito crashed into a nearby tree, his laughter ceasing as he rubbed his head with a wince.

Ryujin, Kuro, and Yukiko approached from different directions, Ryujin had a wide and cheerful smile, Kuro frowned deeply, and Yukiko's eyes were cast downward.

Kaito stood up, his eyes scanning the surrounding forest. "Hold up... why hasn't the forest disappeared already?" he asked.

"Come to think of it..." Ryujin added, he gazed at the trees.

"Why is it still here...?" Kuro asked, his eyes narrowing as he looked at the forest.

Kaito's eyes widened. "It's not dead yet!" he exclaimed.

The vines rose up from the ground, their branches dashing towards him.

Kaito ducked just in time, the branches crashing into the tree behind him with a loud thud.

Seeds shot out from every direction. and vines burst forth, their long tendrils snaking through the air like living whips. all heading toward them

Ryujin jumped through the air, his leg extended in a graceful kick. Flames erupted from his foot, engulfing the vines and reducing them to ashes.

Yukiko's right hand slapped against the ground, and a shimmering wall of ice erupted from the ground, blocking the seeds.

Kuro's fists flew through the air, punching and destroying any vine that dared to get too close.

Misuki's eyes widened as she hid behind a tree branch, her hands clapped together in a swift motion.

Water burst forth, shooting spears of liquid that destroyed the terrain

Smoke and debris filled the air, and then, during the chaos, a faint cry echoed through the air. "Not today... I'm out of Climax!" Kaito yelled, his body straining as he tried to break free from the vines that had ensnared him.

The vines flung Kaito into the air, his body soaring above the forest.

Misuki's voice pierced the air, "Where's Kaito?" she cried out, her eyes scanning the forest and the smoke cleared.

A faint yell echoed through the air, and the team's eyes snapped upwards. "Kaito!!" Misuki exclaimed.

Yukiko dashed past Misuki running to a tree then leaped from branch to branch then got to the top of the tree.

The vines were closing in on Kaito, their deadly tips aimed straight for his heart.

Yukiko used the vine as a foothold, her feet pounding against it as she ran upwards.

With each step, the vine began to freeze. "I'm not going to let him die!" she exclaimed. 

Kuro's eyes widened in awe as he watched Yukiko's speed increase. "She's faster now!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement.

Yukiko reached the tip of the vine, its icy surface glinting in the fading light. She leapt into the air, her hand outstretched as she yelled, "Kaito!"

Kaito's eyes widened in surprise as he saw Yukiko, her hand grasping for his. He stretched out his own hand, their palms meeting in a firm grip.

"Yukiko!" he exclaimed.

Yukiko's grip on his hand tightened as she pulled him towards her "I've got you!" she exclaimed.

The vine, now completely frozen, snapped off, its icy shards falling to the ground with a soft clatter. 

Ryujin smiled as he gazed out at the forest turning to ash. "The forest is dying now," he declared.

Yukiko and Kaito were plummeting towards the ground. "Eh, Yukiko..." Kaito called out.

"Yeah?" Yukiko replied, her smile unwavering.

"How do we survive this fall?" Kaito asked, his eyes wide with alarm.

Yukiko's smile grew wider. "Oh, that's easy," she said.

She raised her hand, and a torrent of snow burst forth, creating an avalanche that fell below them.

Ryujin, Kuro, and Misuki stood below the avalanche

"Ehh... " Ryujin said

"You've got to be kidding me..." Kuro grumbled

"This won't end well..." Misuki sighed 

and the avalanche fell over them covering them in snow, Kaito and Yukiko fell on the snow which cushioned their fall.

The rest of the team poked their heads out of the snow, shaking off the powdery flakes.

Misuki's face emerged. "Nice one, Yukiko! You buried us!"

Ryujin and Kuro chuckled, their laughter muffled by the snow.

"Well, at least it's soothing," Ryujin said, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

Kuro nodded in agreement, his face still half-buried in the snow. "Yeah, it's like a cold bath."

Kaito's gaze drifted away from the group, his eyes scanning the horizon.

"Hey guys, see the river!!!" he exclaimed.

The team followed his gaze, their eyes widening as they took in the sight of the river snaking its way through the landscape.

And beyond the river, they saw it - a sleek, modern base.

"Is that it??!" Kaito asked.

Kaito took off running. Yukiko followed close behind, her eyes fixed on the base.

The rest of the team emerged from the snow, shaking off the flakes as they gazed after Kaito and Yukiko.

"Well, I guess we're going in," Ryujin said, a grin spreading across his face.

Misuki nodded. "Let's do it!"

The team set off after Kaito and Yukiko.

They walked for a while, the silence broken only by the sound of their footsteps and the distant rush of the river.

As they walked, the base grew larger to their view and they finally reached the front door seeing Akari standing in front it

"I guess you all made it" She said, closed her eyes and smiled widely.

In the heart of the city, a young couple, hand in hand, strolled through the bustling streets.

They laughed and chatted, their eyes locked on each other, as they made their way to their favorite restaurant.

As they turned into a quiet alley. The darkness seemed to grow thicker, and the air grew heavy. The couple's laughter faltered, and they exchanged a nervous glance.

Suddenly, a low growl echoed through the alley, making them freeze. The sound sent chills down their spines, and they instinctively drew closer together.

But before they could turn to flee, a dark figure emerged from the shadows.

Then, in an instant, the couple vanished. Blood splattered on the ground, but as quickly as it had appeared, the blood disappeared, leaving no trace.