Chapter Twenty: Tempting Indulgence.

Victoria's heart was racing as Manny led her away from the outdoor lounge area, his hand warmly enveloping hers. She could scarcely believe she had allowed herself to be so brazenly forward with this young resort employee. The very idea of a dalliance with someone of his station would normally be utterly unthinkable for a woman of her pedigree. And yet, there was an unmistakable spark, a roguish charm about Manny that she found herself helplessly drawn toward.

"Where are you taking me?" she asked, trying to inject some propriety back into her tone despite the giddy thrill coursing through her veins.

Manny flashed her a disarming grin over his shoulder. "Someplace a bit more...private. Unless you'd prefer to put on a show for the whole resort?"

Victoria felt her cheeks flush at his brazen insinuation. "Don't be crass," she chided, though the rebuke lacked any true bite. "I'll thank you to remember who you're dealing with."