Thirty: Best Friends Forever?

Brenda burst through the door of Ava's office, her eyes glued to her phone screen. She was engrossed in the blog post that had sent shockwaves through the internet, and that's exactly why she had rushed over to see her best friend.

"Well, don't you look pleased as punch," Brenda remarked, her tone laced with suspicion. "I'd wager you haven't seen the viral blog post that's causing such an uproar."

Ava slowly raised her gaze from the document she'd been reviewing, her calm demeanor unruffled. A small, cryptic smile played on her lips. "I have seen it. But what's the big deal?"

Brenda's eyes widened in disbelief. "You've seen it? And you're acting like it's no biggie?" She shook her head incredulously. "Girl, have you lost your mind? It's a scathing exposé about your love life!"

Ava shrugged her shoulders in a nonchalant manner that only seemed to fuel Brenda's rising exasperation. "Yeah, some nonsense about Liam and me. So what?"