Chapter 50: Goodbye

"It is time for you to take the reins of your birthright, Ava," Charles continued, his voice hardening into solid adamantine. "Seize control of Taylor Enterprises, marry a suitable husband to produce legitimate heirs, and keep our family's legacy strong. As it should be."

Ava felt the weight of his edict crashing over her like a suffocating tidal wave. The enormity of what he demanded - the total capitulation of her independence and identity - rattled her very core. She had fought for so long, sacrificed, and bled to carve out her path in life away from his domineering shadow. Yet now, he sought to trap her back under his control through emotional blackmail and financial threats.

Reeling from the blow, Ava could only gape at her father, speechless, as tumultuous emotions battered her from all sides. Seeing the riot of conflict etched across her features, Charles pressed his ruthless advantage.