Chapter 59: The Second Date

Liam arrived early at the upscale Italian restaurant, his heart pounding with anticipation as he surveyed the intimate space. Ambient lighting cast a warm glow and soft music played, creating the perfect atmosphere for romance... or deception. 

He settled into the secluded booth he had meticulously reserved and ordered a glass of sparkling water, his eyes locked on the door. Every chime of the entrance bell made his pulse spike - was it her? 

Suddenly, there she was. Ava glided into the restaurant like a vision, her elegant emerald gown clinging to every curve. She was a brilliant pop of color against the muted tones of the restaurant. Liam leaped to his feet, utterly transfixed.

"Wow...Ava, you look stunning, so beautiful" he breathed as he pulled out her chair with a flourish. 

She eyed him warily as she sat, her posture stiff. "I didn't dress up for your benefit. So you can quit ogling me like some lovesick puppy."