Full story

I am a student at salvatore school for young & gifted. The salvatore school is actually not a place for humans as it is a school dedicated to teach the young supernaturals protect themselves and blend into society. 

On the lake bridge,

"I have been searching for you the whole school, it turns out you are here." Hope sat down said while looking at person next to her.

The person turned his head to face hope and extended his hand "Hope"!. She took his hand and leaned on his shoulder and asked "what are you doing here?"!

The man turned his head to face the lake again, with a worried look on his face he said "The future is not peaceful"!

Hope startled, looked at him "what do you mean?". The man turned around and layed down on her lap and kept silent.

Hope knew the man didnt want to talk now, so she just caressed his hair in silence.


Meanwhile In the principals office

Alaric saltzman is now having a headache as he looked at tied up landon. "Are you sure that he stole it?"!

Dorian took out a usb and handed it over "There is a video in it that can prove landon indeed stole the knife" .

Alaric took the usb and sighed "Ok and do you have any idea about what this knife could be". 

Dorian shook his head "No, I am still looking"!

"Ok then, keep me updated if you have any news about it". said alaric.

Then dorian left levaing beind alaric who was wondering what to do with landon.


Hope looked at the person sleeping comfortably in her lap and smiled softly, she leaned forward and pecked his lips lightly, "Wake up, mohith."

Mohith woke up feeling bit of wetness on his lips he knew, it must be hope who kissed him when he was asleep.

"what time is it?" asked mohith looking stupidly at the moon in the sky! 

Hope laughed at his stupid look and said "Its mid night now". 

"what" Mohith looked startled and asked hurriedly "what about landon?"! 

Hope looked angry when landon was mentioned "I handed him over to Alaric".

Mohith looked at her angry expression and knew that guy landon must have suffered under her hands.

"Fortunately you warned me to keep an eye on, otherwise he would have escaped with the knife and who knows what would happen by then". Hope sighed as she said.

Mohith looked at hope and wanted to say something but hesitated, Hope saw him and asked curiously "what?"!

"I saw a different furture today, the future where he escaped with the knife" Mohith said.

Hope had an ominous premonition and it further confirmed her premonition when he kissed her sharing the memories of what he saw. 

Hope eyes widened as she digested the memories "Is that a f**king dragon?"!

Mohith nodded confirming that it was indeed a dragon.

Hope took a deep breath suppressing the turmoil in her heart and said "we need to inform Alaric and warn him to take precautions as the dragon might come here anytime." 

Mohith agreed with her, so the two rushed towards the school. 


In the principals office

Alaric was still awake, searching for the clues about the knife. 

'knock' ' knock' ,

A knock startled him as he thought who could it be in the middle of the night but he still responded "come in"! 

Mohith and hope came in and sat down.

Alaric was suprised when he found it was Hope and Mohith and asked curiously "what is it?"

Mohith looked at hope and signaled her to explain. 

Hope looked at alaric and took a deep breath "The school might be in danger"!

Alaric was confused and asked "I'm sorry, what?"!

"There might be a dragon on its way here, I mean a real dragon, it is here for that knife" Hope said pointing at the knife alaric was holding.

"A dragon?" Alaric was even more confused, Hope nodded.

"You do know that dragons are a myth right" said alaric not taking it seriously.

Hope began to frown as she didnt know how to make alaric believe her. 

Mohith looked at her frown and glared at alaric startling him.He stood up and walked towards alaric and took his hand sharing the memories about the dragon.

After a few minutes Mohith took his hand back and sat beside hope again and smiled at her "You wont look good when you frown".

Hope was moved, she took his hand and stared into his and leaned to kiss.

"Dragons are not myths", "dragon exists" Alaric kept muttering, his scalp was numb and he was sweating.

Hope and Mohith were silent and waited for Alaric to calm down.

After a while Alaric came back to his senses, he looked at mohith and asked "If what you showed is true, then the dragon is coming for the knife" 

Mohith knew what alaric wanted say so he interupted "Yes, if you take the knife and run, it will indeed follow the knife".

Alaric breathed a sigh when he knew they had the initiative. 

Mohith looked at relaxing alaric and said "The dragon isnt the only one that is coming for the knife".

Alarics heart reached his throat when he heard this, but he was a man who faced many things, so he quickly calmed down and said "First, deal with the dragon".

"So, how do we deal with dragon" Hope asked.

The three discussed for a while and came up with a plan but for the plan to go perfectly, they need someone to distract the dragon.

"I will distract it" Mohith volunteered.

"No" Hope objected as soon as mohith spoke.

Mohith looked at hope and gave a smile "I am the best person for the job".

Hope looked worried but kept quiet, she knew he was indeed the best person for distracting the dragon but she didnt want him to do it.

"I will do it" Mohith said.

Alaric agreed with him "ok, but we still need a back up plan in case, in case we cant kill it in one go"!

Hope raised her head and said "I know a spell that can kill instantly ".

Alaric frowned and warned hope "dark magic is forbidden"!

Hope lowered her head and kept silent, she thought in her head 'I need to find the dragon and kill it, so that mohith wont have to be the bait'.


The next day...

Hope looked tired, but there was a light in her eyes as she looked at the map with the location of dragon, that night after leaving principals office and saying goodnight to mohith,she went to find Lizzie who was her best friend and alaric's daughter.

When lizzie learned about the dragon, she was thrilled and excited, so when hope asked her for help to do the ritual, she agreed with out a thought. 

The two then performed ritual, using a mouse as a sacrifice and the memory in hope's mind as the anchor to loacate the dragon. 

Lizze wanted to tag along with hope but there was a annual football competition today and she was participating so, she didnt go with hope but she asked hope to tell her all about the dragon tonight.


At afternoon...

Hope stole the knife from alaric's office and sneaked out of the school into woods, she kept walking in the woods until she reached an open place.

she knew that the dragon was around here and wanted to lure the dragon to perform a death spell on the dragon,but she forgot one thing, how could mohith who can see the future and knew her well not know what she was thinking.

So when hope reached the open place, she saw mohith and alaric were preparing a net trap.

"You are finally here" Mohith hugged the confused hope and kissed her.

Hope came back to her senses "How?"!

"Mohith informed me that you were going to act alone and brought me here" Alaric said while tightening the steel wire enchanted by mohith.

"Oh and I heard from emma, that someone performed black magic on the school grounds yesterday, that wont be you will it?" Asked alaric standing up.

Hope kept silent.

"Come on, hope. You know black magic is harmful" Alaric sighed. 

"We will talk about this later" Alaric came to hope and extended his hand, Hope looked at him with a question mark on her face.

"The knife" Alaric said. "Oh, here" saying this Hope handed over the knife.

Alaric took the knife and said " I will re-check the trap, you two stay here and be vigilant"!


"Why" Hope asked mohith 

"Why what?" Mohith looked at her,

"you know what I am asking about" Hope said with an angry look on her face.

Mohith tried to hold her hand, but hope refused and pulled her hand.

"I had dream yesterday night. You almost died fighting the dragon" Mohith used his strength and forcibly hugged hope.

A tear fell from his left eye and landed on her shoulder.

Hope stopped struggling and hugged him tighter "I am sorry"!

"I dont know how I can live if something happened to you". Tears kept falling as he said.


"Nothing will happen to me, you know I am tribrid " Hope said comforting him.

"I know, you will enter transition but I just dont want to see you get hurt" Mohith said looking into her eyes.

"I'm sorry" Hope said holding his hand and wiping away his tears.

"I know, I cant stop you from trying to protect me, even though i am immortal and cant be killed but I dont want you to be hurt while trying to protect me." Mohith said.

Hope hugged him and kept silent.




A loud roar sounded as alaric came running and shouting "Follow to the plan".

Hope immediately cast a barrier spell after alraic ran behind her, just in time to deflect the dragon fire.

'evanescet sine vestigio' Mohith cast an invisibilty spell and ran behind the dragon.

Hope saw mohith disappear and shouted to alaric "turn on the trap"

Mohith lifted the spell on him and took out a gold biscuit from his pocket "Hey, look what i got"!

The dragon turned it head and saw the shining gold biscut and turned around flying towards mohith with a roar and landed turning into human form.

Alaric pressed the button when he saw the dragon was in the position. 

The dragon girl snatched the gold biscut from mohiths hands and before it could react, she was engulfed by a steel net.

Enraged she opened her mouth spit the fire to melt the net, unfortunately she found that the net was unscathed, she wanted to transform but found she was suppressed and couldnt transform.

Alaric looked at dragon girl struggling "Its incredible that we caught a dragon."

He looked at mohith who was obeserving the dragon and said "Thanks to your help that we caught it so easily, by the way, where did you learn this enchantment that could suppress the dragon"!

Mohith looked at alaric and knew alaric was vigilant about him since he joined the school "I created it ".

Alaric was suprised as he didnt expect the answer "How?"!

"I perfected the celeste's curse and modified a bit and turned it into runes for enchantment" Mohith replied calmly.

"Celeste's curse?"Alaric asked doubtly.

"I dont know the name of the curse, it was performed by a witch named celeste" Mohith said.

"you mean celeste dubios?" Alaric asked,

Mohith nodded confirming.

"You are saying you perfected the curse that can reverse werewolf curse" Alaric asked with his eyes widened,

Mohith nodded "Yes, the perfected curse can keep werewolf from transforming into human even on full moon"!

There was a turmoil in his hear when alaric heard this, he never thought that beside seeing the future and being immortal,mohith was even more talented in witchcraft.

Hope ignored the shocked look on alaric face and asked "what should we do now?".

Alaric calmed down the shock in his heart and walked near the trapped dragon girl, he took the knife from his pocket and showed it infront of the dragon girl and asked "do you know about it?"

The dragon girl kept staring at the knife but didnt speak.

Mohith said "Its useless to ask her, she is dumb and cant speak".

Alaric then remembered mohith could see the future so he asked "Then can you look into the future and look for what is it?"

Mohith gave him a blank look, but said "ok".

Alaric gave the knife to mohith.

Mohith held the knife and closed his eyes.

The wind that was gentle suddenly became violent, as a minute passed by thunder sounded in sky as clouds gathered.

Hope who was beside mohith saw the situation was bad and snatched the knife from mohith, interrupting him.

Mohith opened his eyes, they were pitch black like a black hole but soon he blinked hard as his eyes returned to normal.

"what happened just now" alaric asked,

"Its a taboo to actively look into future" Mohith said,

"Then why didnt you say it before, we could have searched for clues slowly" Alaric shouted speechlessly.

"Its ok, It maybe threatening to others but It cant do anything to me" Mohith said.

Hope was used to it as she saw him frequently peeking into future and get struck by lightning, at first she was worried a little but she saw him turned into ashes by lightning and he came back alive with intact body out of nowhere, she put down her worries.

"So, have you learned anything about the knife?" Hope asked curiously!

"It is one of the key for unsealing a creature named malivore" said mohith.

"Malivore" Alaric muttured.

Soon the three took the dragon girl and walked towards the school, they decided to imprison the dragon girl in the werewolf cellar, where landon was being help.


In the principals office,

Mohith was explaining to alaric about malivore, while Hope was listening.

"Malivore is a immortal golem created by an ancient witch,anciet vampire and ancient werewolf through golem creation spell by using their blood and mud. It was created to consume all other supernatural creatures except the three species, but it soon became sentient and rebelled so they gathered a group of dark witched and sealed it returning it into its original nature, a mud pit." Mohith took a sip of water and continued "A knife, an urn and a dagger were used as medium to seal it".

"so you are saying that this knife was used to seal malivore" Alaric asked looking at the knife.

"Yes and it needs the gather the three artifacts used to seal to unseal itself and rise again." Mohith nodded.

"Then why arent there any records about it or any other other supernautrals". Hope who was quiet asked.

"Any creature consumed by malivore will be trapped in an endless dimension in its body and the memories related to the creatures it consumed will be forgotten." said mohith.

Both Alaric and Hope were shocked and fell silent.

After a few minutes of silence Alaric asked with worry"So, as long as the knife is here, the monsters will continue to come".

Mohith nodded and said "Actually the knife is last seal, the other two urn and dagger were already broken".

The atmosphere fell into silence again.

"Is there any way to stop it" Asked hope breaking the silence.

Alaric looked at mohith hoping to get a positive answer.

"yes" Mohith shook his head.

"how?" Alaric and hope looked happy as they asked at the same.

Mohith looked at hope and said "The malivore which was created by the blood of three species is immortal and only a creature on same level of it can end it".

"On the same level" Hope muttered.

Alaric frowned and began to think hard.

"A tribrid" Hope wisphered.

"yes" Mohith nodded.

Alaric looked at hope "No, there must be other way".

"Its the only way" Mohith said.

As we couldnt reach a consensus, we decided to give the hope final say.


Night, In mohith's dorm 

Hope layed down on mohith arm and asked "I heard that after becoming a vampire, you cant use magic."

Mohith carressed her hair and said "Dont worry, you are special !"

Hope smiled and kissed him on the lips and before she could react, mohith hugged her kissed back. The two soon became immersed in their own world as they both stripped their clothes, and soon panting and moan filled the room.

At Morning, 

Mohith woke up as the sunlight filled the room, He looked at hope who was sleeping peacefully in his arms and kissed her forehead waking her up.

Hope opened her eyes and squinted "Let me sleep for five more minutes".

Mohith looked at her closing her eyes again and picked her up in a princess hug.

"Ahh... Just one more minute" Hope yelled as he picked her up.

Mohith brought her into the bathroom and dropped her into the tub filled with water, he then went under the shower and turned it on.

Hope squinted her eyes and looked at mohith taking shower, She got up from the bath tub and walked behind him and hugged him.

Mohith turned around and hugged hope back.

Hope raised her head and kissed him as he kissed her back, Soon both could feel their desire rising.


"Not now" Mohith said as he broke the kiss.

Hope looked reluctant as she used her hand to stroke his little brother, but mohith held her hand "Today is your big day and we dont want to be late". 

"mmm..." Hope reluctantly agreed and moved her hand away. 

The two soon came out and began to dress.

Mohith looked at the dress worn by hope and praised "You look beautiful!", Hope smiled happily and said "You look handsome too!".


In the shack behind the school,

Alaric looked complicated as he looked at Hope who was now dead, Freya who was beside him said "I cant believe that my little niece has all grown up now".

Alaric looked at her and kept silent.

Mohith was now nervously sitting beside hope holding her hand, He knows that she will be sucessfull but he just felt nervous.

Its been an hour and hope still didnt wake up, Freya and allaric both looked worried.

"No, I have to do something". Mohith shouted and left the shack leaving freya and alaric confused. 

At Limbo, 

Hope was happy as she was now talking to her father, she never thought she would see him again.

Niklaus looked at his daughter, who was now grown up and took out a coin and handed it to the ferryman and boarded the sip towards peace. 

She began to cry seeing her father leave again.

At the shack, 

Mohith came back holding an arrow and Landon who was tied up.

"whats going on?" Alaric shouted.

'Posuit manere' Mohith recited a spell causing Alaric and freya to stay still.

Freya who was startled by it wanted recite a spell to break it,

'indicens' Mohith used another spell to mute them.

Soon he began to arrange the candles around hope and began to recite some ancient text while drawing a magic circle.

He placed landon who was struggling in one circle and placed hope in other circle and placed the golden arrow in another circle and connected the three circles with a Triangle. 

He then stopped reciting the ancient texts and walked towards landon with the arrow, he then took landons hand and cut it with arrow tip.

He let the blood of landon flow into the magic circle, The blood soon filled the entire magic circle. 

He let go of landon who was collapsed, placed the arrow in its circle and started to recite again.

The Nature seemed to feel something as golden red thunder roared in the sky and wind began to howl as it tried to interrupt the ritual but unfortunately mohith placed a barried spell on the shack, so it was quiet in shack except for mohith's voice.

Soon the ritual came was coming to an end, you could see a golden light came out from landon and flew into hope's body merging with her. 

At the same time the golden arrow began to glow brightly as it seemed to have received some empowerment but unfortunately for it mohith took the arrow and broke into pieces.

"The loophole is closed" Mohith breathed a sigh of relief.

He picked up hope and placed her on the bed aside. 

He then destroyed the magic ritual. 

He then undid the spell on the freya and alaric and throwed landon to alaric "He can be saved if you take him to hospital". 

Alaric glared at mohith angrily and picked landon and left saying "You are expelled".

Mohith didnt take it heart as he owns the salvatore school and nobody could expell him.

Freya looked at hope and asked "What did you do?". 

Mohith took hope's hand and smiled "I made her truly unkillable, just like me".

Freya was also a powerfull witch, she knew that no body is unkillable even their original family so she said "Its impossible".

"There is no such thing as impossible to me " Mohith replied without even looking at her.

"How?" Freya asked in confusion.

"I was lucky to encounter an unawakened phoenix and its loophole." Mohith sighed as he lamented.

"Pheonix?" Freya was startled. 

"Yes, Pheonix's are immortal creatures that can rise from ashes after they are killed. I transferred the pheonix bloodline in him into hope giving her the power to resurruct infinitely." Mohith said with happy smile on his face.

"What about the arrow" Freya accepted the fact quicky and asked about the arrow.

"That arrow is like whitle oak stake to your original vampires, It is the only thing that can kill a pheonix but now its destroyed" Mohith said.

In the Limbo,

Hope soon stopped crying, she know she spent a long time here and mohith and other would be worried.

She soon came river which can take her back so she jumped into it.

At the shack ,

Hope opened her eyes, she saw mohith who was smiling at her and freya who looked complicated but didnt see alaric. 

Before she could speak, She began to feel dizzy as everything seemed so sensitive to her, She could hear the ants crawling on the ground and she could see the insects on the trees in the distance, her head seemed overwhelmed but soon began recover.

Hope looked at mohith who looked worried and wanted to hug, but she felt weak.

Mohith looked at hope who wanted to get up and said "You are still going through transition, you need to drink blood before you could fully become a tribrid."

He looked at freya and signalled her to go out. 

Freya smiled and left.

He cast a barrier spell again around the shack to prevent anyone from coming in and hearing or seeing.

He then layed beside hope cut a wound on his neck and said"Drink".

Hope gulped as she looked at him, she hugged him and began to drink.

The nature outside seemed to feel the birth of tribrid and clouds began to fill the sky as red lightning began to flash but soon the phenomena was gone as hope became a full tribrid.


In mohith's dorm,

Hope and Mohith were both naked and hugged each other.

"So I am now a tribrid and a pheonix". Hope sighed and said.

"Yes, In fact I had this idea from the movement i saw landon " Mohith said.

"why, isnt tribrid also immortal" Hope asked confused.

"Are original vampires immortal?" Mohtih asked back.

"No" Hope replied,

"The nature wont allow anything truly immortal, it created a white oak as weakness of origan vampires and red oak as weakness to you and that golden arrow that can kill a pheonix" Mohith said.

"But now You became a pheonix and I destroyed the Golden arrow, You can be trudy immortal". Mohith said.

"You mean that red oak that we saw at the shack can kill me" Hope asked with a frown on her face.

"Yes and dont worry i will burn them all tommorow, but unfortunately you weakness is also a plant that can grow anywhere so we cant truly eliminate your weakness." Mohith sighed.

"Does this mean, you also have something that can kill you?" Hope asked with worried face.

Mohith laughed and answered "No, I am truly immortal".

Hope looked confused "Didnt you say that nature wont allow it?" 

"I am more powerful than it" said mohith.

Hope gave a blank look and leaned to kiss him, Mohith began to kiss back.

The two soon began to drown in desire and pleasure as hopes moans filled the room.


The next day,

Mohith took hope to the place of malivore.

"Is this it?" Hope asked looking at the goo pit.

"Yes" Said mohith.

Hope then throwed the knife in her hand into the pit fully releasing the malivore.

The goo soon began to boil as it rose and formed a black golem.

Before it could speak Mohith used a spell to bind him and said to hope "You can kill it now"

"Yes" Hope said firmly and bit her wrist, she used her blood to make a sword and walked towards malivore who was struggling to breakfree from the binding spell of mohith.

Hope stabbed the malivore with sword made of her blood and ended him along with all the creatures it contained.

Now other supernatural creatures except the three species and Mohith are truly myths and legend.

Mohith and Hope watched as the mud golem became ashes. The held hand walked towards outside but there were stopped by three people.

Mohith looked at them and said to hope "They are the ones created malivore". 

"Oh" hope smiled and sevred their three heads before they could react.

Mohith looked at hope and said with a smile "You have become more ruthless".

"I am now an immortal and you are the one who said I should become more ruthless" Hope kissed mohith and said.



20 years later,

Hope and Mohith are married now.

Alaric is gone, Mohith became the principal at the school and hope became teacher along with lizzy.

Lizzy asked hope to turn her into vampire after her father died so Hope turned lizzy into her dependant making lizzy a hybrid of vampire and siphoner.

The price is there is sire bond between her and hope, but mohith helped them remove it and lizzy stayed at school along with her lover MG.

Mohith and Hope are now living a happy life although there are always enemies who dont have eyes and try to disturb their life but mohith and hope began to use enemies to train the students in the school.
