Chapter 123

Wu Haoyu's POV:

The sleek black Audi purred beneath me as I navigated the winding roads leading to my villa. The night was still young, but my mind was far from rest. Huang Yanyan's safety consumed my thoughts, an ever-present worry that had only intensified since her kidnapping ordeal. And now, this mysterious Yang Wei had entered the picture, setting off alarm bells I couldn't ignore.

I gripped the steering wheel tighter, my knuckles turning white. Something about the old man didn't sit right with me. His story seemed too convenient, his appearance in Yanyan's life too coincidental. I'd learned long ago that in our world, coincidences were often carefully orchestrated ploys.

As I pulled into the driveway of my secluded villa, I'd already made up my mind. I needed to investigate Yang Wei, to uncover any potential threats he might pose to Yanyan. She might think me overprotective, but I'd rather face her frustration than risk her safety.