The Columpus realm

Chapter 3

Arun's steps faltered abruptly, causing Yagami to collide into his back. "Why the sudden halt?" Yagami protested, slightly winded. Arun's eyes were fixed on a weathered structure ahead, its ancient stones whispering tales of forgotten magic. "We've finally arrived," Arun breathed, a mix of relief and excitement coloring his voice. "Every ache and blister endured on this journey feels worth it now."

Curiosity piqued, Yagami leaned in. "What's happening?" he asked, scanning their surroundings warily. Arun's tone turned serious. "Stay back," he cautioned, motioning Yagami behind the shelter of a towering tree. With a practiced grace, Arun began to chant, tapping into the potent energies of the fourth step of Shi Chi. Thunder rumbled ominously as the air crackled with raw power, swirling around the ancient structure like a tempest.

"Portal creation!" Arun declared, his voice cutting through the charged atmosphere. A brilliant beam of light erupted from the structure, slicing through the sky and opening a shimmering tear in the fabric of reality. Without hesitation, Arun and Yagami stepped into the beckoning light, hurtling into the unknown.

As they emerged on the other side, Yagami blinked in disorientation. "Where are we?" he gasped, eyes wide with wonder. "Welcome to the Columpus realm," Arun replied, a hint of satisfaction in his voice at sharing this secret with another soul after centuries of solitude. "Here, time flows differently, if at all."

Yagami's mind buzzed with questions. "Different realms? Are there more?" Arun nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Countless realms, each governed by its own laws and mysteries," he explained. "And this realm's rule?" Yagami pressed eagerly.

"The absence of time," Arun replied simply, marveling at Yagami's enthusiasm. "No past, no future, only the eternal present."

Yagami's eyes sparkled with newfound knowledge. "Incredible!" he breathed, awestruck.

Their conversation was interrupted by Yagami's sharp intake of breath. "Look! What's that?" he exclaimed, pointing towards a faint shimmer in the distance. Arun followed his gaze, a knowing smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "That," he said, "is the Gate of Teleportation, the key to traversing vast distances in the blink of an eye, crossing not only space but realms and dimensions."

Yagami's mind reeled with the possibilities. "Can we really travel anywhere?" he asked, barely able to contain his excitement.

Arun nodded solemnly. "Yes, but it comes with risks," he warned. "Hold my hand tightly and stay close. The journey through the portal is treacherous, with pressures beyond comprehension."

With trembling hands, Yagami gripped Arun's hand tightly as they stepped into the portal's embrace, disappearing into the unknown.

Meanwhile, in a distant corner of the realm, a lone figure with flowing white hair stood locked in combat with a formidable beast.Channeling the ancient art of Vinasa, he made quick work of his opponent.

he dispatched the creature with ease, a sense of boredom creeping into his movements.

"Another day, another dull fight," he muttered, his voice tinged with frustration. As he wiped the creature's blood from his blade, a fluctuation in space caught his attention, and a smirk played across his lips. "He's finally back," he mused, anticipation lighting up his eyes.

With a flicker of movement, the figure vanished, leaving behind only a faint echo of his presence.

As Arun and Yagami emerged from the portal's embrace, the air crackled with residual energy, smoke billowing around them from the impact of their arrival. The distant figure, now aware of their presence, soared towards the teleportation island, his gaze filled with anticipation and intrigue.

Little did yagami know, his journey had only just begun.