The Awakening

Chapter 6

After repairing the barrier, they all went to sleep, and all of them were in their rooms, but Yagami and Arun were in the same room because there was a lack of space. When Arun was about to sleep, Yagami broke the silence and asked Arun, "Who was that man who beat you like a dog?" "Ahem! How dare you call me a dog!" replied Arun. "Sorry, sorry. My mistake. But who was he, for real?"

Arun, upon hearing this, told him, "We don't know anything about him. He's a complete mystery."

Hearing those words, Yagami, with a surprised look, asked him, "Does the man have the 3rd supernatural power?" "No," replied Arun, "it's not possible because you have to be born at the end of time and space, feed on the energy of the cosmos, and live in the void since the world was even created. So, it is impossible for him to have that power." Yagami asked, "But how did you know about it?" "It was written in a book which was written by an entity stating himself as the ruler of Naraka," replied Arun.

The boy, with curiosity in mind, was not able to sleep all night, but finally, he slept, and he woke up in an unknown place where he was surrounded by many people throwing stones towards him, telling him to leave because there's no place for a mutant there.

He started bleeding and tears were coming out of his eyes, thinking to himself, "Why was I born as a mutant, always getting bullied and not having any friends? Why? Why?" and he screamed, "Why?!" Suddenly, he woke up in real life, realizing it was night, breathing panickingly.

He looked at his hand; it was turning a little bit black. For some reason, he was sad and looked at Arun and told him, "You're the person I admire the most." When he was sleeping, some moments passed, and the sun set up, and they all headed towards the Awakening Temple.

The boy was way too excited to think that he would be able to also use chi like others, but suddenly, with a saddened face, he asked them, "What if I wasn't able to awaken? Will you all kick me out like others did to me and my family?"

They all looked at him with puzzled looks and smiling faces. Purnima told him, "Rest assured, we are with you and will never leave your side."

Hearing those words, he almost cried but controlled himself, and after some hours, they reached their destination. It was a big pitch place on a rock, chained with luminaring magic, and there were 3 big stones trapped in a time-stopping spell in it.

They all gave their chi to those stones to start the awakening ceremony. The boy was suddenly thrown to the central of the awakening temple by Nirmal with a kick.

Arun looked at him and scolded him not to do that again with a kid. "Okay, okay. Don't get angry," replied Nirmal.

After fulfilling the condition, the awakening ceremony started, and the boy was floating. He was scared and asked them, "What is happening to me?" All of them told him not to worry about it. Suddenly, a burst of energy came out from those 3 stones, creating a massive ball of chi around the boy, and suddenly, his body automatically started to absorb the energy.

All of them were shocked and looked at each other with surprised looks and said at the same time, "He absorbed chi in just 1 second!"

The boy's body automatically started to absorb chi at a high speed, and the environment around the ceremony started to change. A big storm was created, and thunder was coming out of it like crazy. Suddenly, the boy spat out some blood from his mouth, and all of the energy then started to get contained in his eyes, and his eyes started bleeding. After some time, he opened his eyes; he was almost about to reach the half-step. All of them were shocked after witnessing the miracle in front of them. The boy, after absorbing more energy, reached half-step Shi chi, and a massive explosion occurred, and there was dust everywhere.

They all panicked and tried to see if the boy was okay or not. When the dust was nearly cleared, they all saw the boy silently standing.

[To Be Continued…]