Uninvited Guests

Chapter 17

After all of them escaped from the Pokha realm, the news of the Khas family's one branch being destroyed by Sushank and other boys spread like fire all over the Pokha realm.

On the main branch, the leader of Khas Family and also the founder of the Khas family 

King Nagaraja has also heard this news, and with great rage, he ordered all of his people to gather at the training hall.

All of them also knew why their king had called all of them, and they were also scared that the king would punish them.

All of them gathered at the place, and all of them were trembling. In fear and with a trembling voice, all of them greeted him as your majesty, and the king, with just a single voice, made them all kneel in front of him. Even the 10 guardian generals were kneeling within their eyes, and all of them begged the king, Please don't kill us! With sweating hands, all of them were trying their best not to faint.

The king's angry expression unexpectedly became happy, and he told them we were going to celebrate the destruction of 32 branches of our family! hahaha!

King Are you okay, or are you joking with us? asked the 10 generals. Do you think I will joke in this matter? replied king

The general was shocked and, with a trembling voice, asked him, Why are you so happy to know that one of your branches out of 32 has been destroyed? 

Because I was just joking, I don't know why, but I felt good when I heard the 32 branches were destroyed, and after some moments, all of them were celebrating. 

The king, with a calm expression, ordered all of them to go now that the celebration had ended! All of them hearing the words went to their branch, while the 10 generals were discussing the weird behavior of their king.

Inside the King Place 

The king's calm face suddenly became serious, and with tremendous force, he told someone who you are and how dare you sneak into my hall?

The unknown man, while laughing, told him, King Nagaraja, is this how you treat your guests? You should learn manners.

The king is angered by his words and released a burst of energy and tells him if you're mocking me. The man was unaffected by his pressure and told him, Didn't I tell you to treat your guests?

The king was also shocked because he wasn't even affected by his chill, while the other 10 guardians were chilling. They suddenly also noticed their king chi and were alerted, and they dashed towards the king hall.

Meanwhile, the king and the mysterious man were having their conversation. The mysterious man told him something that shocked him. 

The man told him A shou shin 1st step

Powerhouse and founder and king of Khas State, what a nice feat you have their 

The king was shocked by his words and immediately dashed towards him with a 3rd-order sword and told him to go to hell. The man had not even tried to dodge the attack when the attack was about to hit him. His mask neutralized the attack of the king. 

The man with just a finck of a finger made the king throw far away, causing the king hall to shatter. 

The king, while maintaining his posture with a grim expression on his face, told him you were interesting, and with lightning speed, he appeared in front of him and used Domena, and suddenly a mini-dimension was formed where there was nothing, and the man told him you impressed me using Domena at such a young age. You made me impressed. 

The king, with just his voice, created a giant sword and told him, This is my Domena, where I can create any weapons I desire, and the threat of the sword to the man 

The man looked at the attack and told him, It's all you have. I take back my words; you're not as impressive as I thought. 

The king was angered by his words and told him to go to hell!

The man with just one finger destroyed the attack and told him bye, and suddenly the dome of the king was destroyed, which caused the king to cough blood. 

The 10 generals also arrived and were shocked because he was stepping on the head of the king while sitting on his throne. 

The generals were shocked and dashed towards the man to attack him, but with just his glance, all of them were on the ground, and they were all heavily injured just by his glance. 

All of them were also in disbelief, seeing their king in half-death stature. He asked him, Why are you attacking us? Have we done something to offend you? If that's the case then tell me, I will try to resolve it.

I just came here to have some fun with you, but instead of asking , you started to attack me, your first mistake, and you don't treat your guests, which is your second mistake. 

The king was shocked, and he asked him if this was the main reason you were half dead. Yes, replied the man. 

The man with just a single voice made a fluctuation in the whole space and time. The king, after witnessing this, was also shocked by the man. With a single word,'rewind', the whole time was rewind, and the king was back to normal. 

And the place was also back to its original stats. 

The king, with a scared face, thought to himself, This time I messed up for real, and all the generals were also shocked. Suddenly, he heard the same voice when he attacked our hero's 

He, with a short reminder, told them I would return, so next time, learn to treat your guests, and he despaired. After he left, the king was filled with rage and shouted, I will f**king kill you!!!

The man in the center of everything was standing and wandering around different realms of Nepal. 

He thought to himself, Haa! It's been a long time since I visited Earth. Should I go there? But when I go there, the realm will be completely destroyed. What should I do?

The man said, Hey, you, the author. I know you're the creator of this world, but still, can't you just make me weak? Wana, visit Earth, please!!

There was no response, but suddenly a

Bala appeared out of nowhere and got attached to the man. The man with a happy face told the author thank you, and he went to earth.

Stay tuned for the next chapter, and bye!

[To Be Continued...]