

Following their exercise, the guys headed towards the house while having a conversation about the ruler of misfortune."Is the monarch of calamity really a dragon?" said Yagami, looking shocked.We would have to battle a real dragon if that were the case."

He is indeed not your typical dragon.He was royalty since he was the second son of the dragon king.Yagami asked him, "Are you trying to mess with the entire dragon race?" after hearing those remarks, and he was shocked.You don't have to worry about that, Tanuj said. He was long banished from the royal family and is now known as the monarch of misfortune.

How come? Yagami was questioned, as he selected

"You mean the other dragons are good?" the Path of Evil asked Sushank. Asked Yamagami, it's almost true but still some hate humans and other races in most cases they help humans and others replied Nishan

So you mean that the monarch of calamity hates humans and both dragons.If that's true,then why don't he attack us?asked yagami.Sushank with irritated expression"Can't you just stop asking questions?You are making my brain numb."No"Replied Yagami.Sushank with a fearsome gaze looked at him and told him to be quiet.But in return the boy insisted of being scared,he saw his mi**le finger and told him fuck up!

Sushank with a puzzled look,thought to himself,"Why isn't he scared of me?If the others knew about this they will laugh at me and all of them will mock me by saying"Even after being on forth step of shi chi,a mayor half-step of second stage chi user told me to shut the fuck up"Even thinking about it makes me embarrassed"

Sushank with little angry face punched him on his head and told him,"shut the fuck up you brat and learn how to behave!"The boy with a angry face told him,"You are the first one who started this!"

The heroes after having some fun went towards the house of the man family.

After some while,all of them were sleeping,the boy woke up and went outside the house and he started to run towards the top of the mountain.After reaching the top,he started to manifest the chi.

The boy after some while thought to himself,"This place is really beneficial for me to manifest and comprehend the chi."A while later,the two children's of the man family woke up and went outside of the house.Both of them were planning to explore the jungle at night.

ieyana told khushee"Is it safe for us to explore the jungle at night ieyana replied,"It will be okay,you don't need to worry because I am here so why fear?You only have to not tell our parents""Ok ok I understood"replied ieyana.

Both went inside the vast jungle.The boy also saw them from far away and thought to himself,"Do they look familiar?"And with a little bit of close look,he recognised them and watch a little bit of puzzled and thought to himself,"Why are they entering the forest at this time?"The boy with lightning speed headed towards their direction.

The girls after some while got bored of exploring the jungle and decided to return,but for their misfortune,thekhushee forgot the way.But instead of telling Ayaina about this,she told ieyana,"Why fear when i am here?"She told ieyana to follow her.The boy was also following her and with a funny expression, thought to himself"This girl is very stupid.What is that dialogue?I think it was "why fear when I am here?"You need to fear because they are heading to the wrong direction.Its like stepping on a stone even after knowing it hurts."The boy,instead of helping them,he decided to watch them carefully.After some while khushee told ieyana,"Actually uhhhhh..... I forgot the way"ieyana told her,"Really?It's ok"And after some while of processing what just happened,she shouted,"YOU FORGOT THE WAY?!""Hehehehehe... Sorry"khushee said.

The ground started to rumble and suddenly a voice came,making them very scared.And on the other side,We show the real culprit. It was actually Yagami who was doing this to make them scared more and make fun of them.

The kids almost pessed on their clothes.But after some while, everything begins to become normal and with a sign of Relief,they looked at each other faces and hugged each other.

After some while

The boy appeared in front of them and the girls were very scared because the boy appeared out of nowhere and told her,"Why are you scared,Ikhushee? Aren't you the one who told ieyana"Why fear when I am here?"Ayaina with a angry face told him,"So you were the one who caused all of this?"Suddenly a roar came out of nowhere and the boy was alerted, the girls were scared.

Out of nowhere,the trees and bushes started to shake and the boy was also scared.He said,"WHO'S THERE?!"Suddenly a familiar voice came,"Your father!"After hearing the words,the boy recognised the culprit.It was actually Sushank who came there for revenge.After some while,both of them with kids returned home and advised them to not go anywhere at night.The boy looked at Sushank and said,"You will pay for this"But Sushank with a mocking laugh told him,"You don't need to worry.Every dog's day comes one day"After having some fun they returned and on the next day all of them decided to leave

And thanked Man and Maya for letting them stay in their house.Man told them,"You don't need to thank me it's your duty to help each other."And Sushank secretly gave Man 1 Lakh RS.

They left and after some while they were in Columbus realm and all of them entered the teleportation gate and returned.on the way sushank and yagami were still fighting and making ecah other

We are again shown the mysterious man who was talking with the author.He asked the author,"Can't you just make ma a little weaker?""No"Replied the Author and the man was angered by his words and told him to fuck up.The author with angry voice told him,"FUCK YOU!!!"

Narator: leave them they are always like and stay tuned for next chapter

Fuck you!,author same to you!,replied author

Narrator:Hehehe , sorry both of you shut the fuck up now and once again sorry

[To Be Continued...]