The Return

Sushank, Purnima, Nirmal, and Arun were all tense. Yagami had been missing for 25 days, and despite their exhaustive search efforts, they still hadn't found him.

Arun, with a tense face, shouted, "Are we really going to stop searching for him now?!"

Everyone began to sweat at his outburst. They had no choice but to abandon the search for the time being because the Monarch of Calamity had been resurrected. They needed to plan how to prevent the impending chaos.

Purnima spoke up, "I'm sorry, but we have no choice right now but to abandon the search. A catastrophe could occur at any moment, and we need to prepare for it. Don't worry about Yagami."

"Yeah, she's right," Nirmal added. "He's extraordinary. He will find us somehow."

After reassuring Arun, they sat on a huge rock, still worried about Yagami. In the middle of the night, they felt fluctuations in space and time and immediately became alert.

The chi from the mountains and the world began to gather at one point. The high concentration of chi created another dimensional rift.

They knew anything could emerge from the rift, and the tense atmosphere grew thicker. The wind echoed through the forest, amplifying the tension.

Breaking the silence, a hand emerged from the rift. Seeing the hand, they felt a flicker of recognition. Moments later, the whole figure came through. They were shocked—it was Yagami, returning from another world.

Relief and joy washed over them, but their happiness was short-lived. Something was off about Yagami. He was releasing an immense amount of chi, far more than usual. The overwhelming energy he emitted filled the air, making them uneasy despite his return.

Sushank, with a worried expression, said, "Why is he releasing so much chi? This isn't normal."

Arun stepped closer, his eyes narrowing as he studied Yagami's aura. Suddenly, his face lit up with understanding. "Wait, I think I understand what's happening. Look at his chi flow—he's reached the second step of Shi Chi!"

The second step of Shi Chi was a significant breakthrough in their training, known to increase a warrior's power dramatically. However, it also came with the challenge of controlling the sudden surge of energy.

Arun turned to the group, his voice calm yet authoritative. "Everyone, listen. Yagami has advanced to the second step of Shi Chi. This explains the excess chi he's emitting. We don't need to worry too much. We just have to help him drain the excess chi until he can control it."

Purnima nodded, relief mingling with her concern. "That makes sense. We've seen this before with others during their breakthroughs."

Nirmal added, "Right. We need to be careful but efficient. If we don't help him release the excess chi, it could harm him and potentially us."

Arun, taking charge, said, "Let's form a circle around him. We'll use our own chi to help stabilize his. Sushank, you take the left. Purnima, to the right. Nirmal, behind me."

They quickly positioned themselves around Yagami, focusing their energies to create a balanced flow. As they synchronized their chi with Yagami's, the intense pressure in the air began to ease. Yagami, still disoriented, looked at his friends with gratitude as he felt their supportive energy enveloping him.

Slowly but surely, the excess chi started to dissipate, and Yagami's energy stabilized. The group sighed in relief as the dangerous surge was brought under control.

"Welcome back, Yagami," Arun said with a smile. "We've missed you."

Yagami, now more composed, returned the smile. "Thank you, everyone. It's good to be back." As he spoke, his eyes fluttered and he swayed on his feet before collapsing.


For the next ten days, Yagami remained unconscious, recovering from his ordeal. His friends took turns watching over him, ensuring he was safe and comfortable. They were curious about his experiences but knew he needed time to regain his strength.

On the tenth day, Yagami finally woke up. His friends rushed to his side, relief evident in their faces.

"You're awake!" Purnima exclaimed, her eyes shining with happiness.

Yagami smiled weakly. "Yes, and I have a lot to tell you."

They gathered around him as he began to recount his experience. "When I was pulled into the rift, I found myself in another world. It was a strange and dangerous place filled with monsters and demons unlike anything we've seen. Their power was different from ours—it was based on elements."

"Elements?" Sushank asked, intrigued.

"Yes," Yagami continued. "There were creatures with control over fire, water, earth, and air. Their abilities were formidable, but what was most shocking was the presence of Kai."

"Kai?" Nirmal echoed, surprised.

"Yes, Kai.he had a dark element which was the most formidable element of that world. He helped me survive and taught me about that world's power dynamics."

Arun leaned in, his interest piqued. "Were there strong people there?"

Yagami shook his head. "No, not in the way we understand strength. The monsters and demons were powerful, but the inhabitants relied more on their elemental abilities than on chi like we do. It was... different. They lacked the depth of training and discipline that we possess."

The group exchanged glances, absorbing the information. Purnima finally spoke, "It sounds like an incredible yet terrifying place. We're glad you made it back safely."

Yagami nodded. "It was a harrowing experience, but it has given me new insights. We need to be prepared for anything, especially with the Monarch of Calamity on the rise."

Arun placed a hand on Yagami's shoulder. "Rest now. We'll discuss our next steps once you're fully recovered. We're just glad to have you back with us."

As Yagami lay back, exhaustion still evident on his face, he felt a deep sense of gratitude for his friends. Together, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead.

To be continued…