Chapter 7: Social Debut II

Name: Julia Miral Devalrue

Race: Human

Age: 5

Talent: Ice Manipulation, Sword Saintess

Rank: F

Str: F

Int: F+

Sta: F

Agi: F

Def: F

Mana: F+

Those talents. I expect nothing less from Lazarus's fiancé.

Julia Devalrue, hails from the Devalrue family who are avid supporters of the Gremory family. The heads of both families are good friends which resulted in the engagement of Julia and Lazarus. The very reason she was a villainess was because she supported Lazarus and just like Lazarus she was a very troublesome enemy to face causing the protagonist major problems.

"Oi you, what are you doing here?" The boy who did this looked like a complete delinquent and was pointing his finger at Julia.

"Yeah what are you doing here?" This boy looked like his sidekick and a bootlicking subordinate.

Julia looked very troubled, I mean who wouldn't when two brats just come over and question you like they own the place, treating you as an uninvited guest.

"Stop being so annoying and mind your own business" answered back Julia, she wasn't interested in dealing with the two delinquent looking boys. Even though the statement sounded authoritative and commanding it was only natural for it to carry that tone as she was from a ducal ranked family.

"Who do you think you are to talk to me like that? I am Henry Knights from the marquis ranked Knights family. Stop acting so insolent infront of me" said the kid who was the boss among the two.

Both I and Julia were amazed by the boy's arrogance. Neither of us, who are from a higher ranked family had been able to have amassed such arrogance. Another reason for my amazement was due to how cliche this moment looked. I wouldn't be surprised if a boy came over to help Julia, enraged the two brats infront which led them to push the boy into the fountain but failed to only fall themselves.

The scene looked too unbearable for me to witness so I had no choice but to reveal myself to stop this farce from continuing which consequently alerted all three of them of my presence.

"Hey who are you now?" Honestly can't this sidekick just shut up, doesnt he realised how annoying he is?

I not in the mood to hear more of his cliche villain like lines anymore, open a portal using 'Teleport' below the feets of both boys and teleport them above the fountain by opening another portal, where they end up dropping into the fountain. Now drenched in cold water both begin to scream and cry like new born babies. Julia and I look at each other and then at the boys while her mouth remains open in utter shock with what's unfolding infront of her gem like eyes. The noise from the cries and screams of the now wet and cold brats echoed in the garden alerting the adults at the party as they hurried over here due to the commotion.

The mothers of both boys rushed towards the fountain the second they saw their children in the state they were in. When questioned how this happened both pointed their fingers at me in unison.

"It's him!" They didn't stop tearing up until their mothers calmed them down.

After both their children calmed down, the mothers turned their attention to me.

While glaring at me with intense hate the unknown woman couldn't help but say

" You ill mannered kid, why did you push my sweet child inside the fountain?"

"I didn't push them" I replied swiftly which was true yet they refused to believe me.

"Then who did?" Mrs Knights seemed livid with my response.

"No one pushed them, all I did was use my talent to ensure their fall into the fountain". My confession didn't make the situation any better but instead worse.

"You uneducated filthy brat! It seems like your parents failed in educating you well or perhaps couldn't even afford it. How did someone like you even get in here?"

"Childish behaviour" I calmly exclaimed. If this isn't childish behaviour then what is? This unreasonable woman doesn't even attempt to find out the reason behind my actions but instead talk about how ill mannered I was in her point of view.

Some of the adults around us chuckled hearing my comment, thus infuriating Mrs Knights even more due to the shame my words brought upon her by being scolded by a mere 5 year old child.

Before she could utter another word a familiar voice reverberated in the atmosphere "It is childish isn't it Lazarus?"

Everyone's attention shifted to the woman who said this which was obviously my mother, Altair. Witnessing the wife of the current head of Gremory's entrance Mrs Knights chose to remain quiet.

Mother came over to me only to crouch down can slowly caress my my head while looking me with those loving eyes of hers. She then turned her attention to Mrs Knights.

"Are you insulting my son a Gremory, who also happens to have the blood of Ravenblade in him. You do realise that you're basically confronting two of the five royal families with that dirty mouth of yours. So tell me, would you rather have your family and everyone related to them perish or apologise for your wrongdoing? I'm already being merciful by giving you a choice".

Mrs Knights face was grimaced in absolute horror. There was a common saying among the populace which was 'messing with a Gremory only results in inevitable destruction'. Well this saying came to be due to the very violent and agressive actions of the Gremory's. Everyone who has caused them trouble or angered them had their family slaughtered mercilessly giving them a very infamous reputation.

" I… I am sorry L-Lady Altair and young master Lazarus".

Mother held my hand and walked out of the party. I hope after this I don't have to go to anymore parties.


I couldn't help but dismay at my powerlessness.