Chapter 8: Sharing The Pain!: Jama-P's Counterattack, Forced To A Stop Mid-Sentence!

Date: May 10, 1995

It was now the next week, after Angel Daisy had awakened as our newest member of the team, and we had had our latest battle against Pluie and Jama-P. But we were now at school, in the newspaper club room, and all four of us were trying to decide, what the cover of our latest newspaper should be. "I think that Yanagiba would look good on the cover," Hinagiku said. "But our last newspaper cover had Yanagiba on it," Momoko stated matter-of-factly. "Hinagiku, don't you think we should have someone else to be on the cover?" I asked, agreeing with what Momoko had stated. And after a bit of squabbling, between Momoko, Yuri, and Hinagiku. Another classmate, named Shizuka, entered the room, and asked Momoko for a favor, Momoko went outside to see what Shizuku wanted, but not before she asked me to accompany her. "Well, this is slightly awkward. But, I guess if Pluie shows up again, we can be close to each other, in order to fight at a possible moments notice," I thought to myself, as I sighed.

It was sometime after school, and after Shizuka, had handed Momoko a love letter, and had asked her to hand it to Yousuke Fuuma for her. We then found ourselves in a grassy area, with a dirt path, next to a grassy hill, and who should show up but Yousuke Fuuma.

"Oh good...they are arguing again...but still, I just had a bad feeling...well, might as well standby and see what happens. Because I have a feeling we might be fighting soon," I thought to myself, as I then became on edge. After Momoko had handed Yousuke the love letter, we both turned around, and then started walking away.

And it was while me and Momoko were still walking away that Yousuke had decided to say something odd to Momoko, to which as we both turned around, Yousuke lunged at Momoko, putting his two hands around her neck, and proceeded to choke her. "Okay Yousuke what the heck man?!...Wait, those red marks on his face...Well, at least my sixth sense is as strong as ever..." I thought to myself, as I remained on edge. But just to get confirmation on my suspicions, Momoko pulled out her Saint Miroir, and scanned Yousuke's body with it. And sure enough, Jama-P was possessing him.

"It really just seems, that as long as we are Love Angels, and as long as there are devils out there, these fights won't ever stop!" I said, as I then reached into my pocket and pulled out my Saint Sword Of Bluebell.

"Elegant Wedding Flower!" I said. And in a flash of light, I was Angel Bluebell once again. However, as I took my usual pose and began my introduction, holding my Saint Sword Of Bluebell upwards with my left hand.

"The nature of the bluebell..." I began. However, Jama-P, who was still possessing Yousuke, then picked that particular moment, to slap the Saint Miroir out of Momoko's hands, and once again proceeded to choke her. Causing my introduction to be forced to a stop mid sentence.

"Okay, this just got very very bad. So as it currently stands, I can't purify Jama-P, because Momoko hasn't transformed into Wedding Peach. I could use my 'Saint Sword Of Bluebell Lightning Sword Slash.' But I can't risk seriously injuring Yousuke...damn attack requires me to be in a really enraged, and angry state. But viewers, rest assured, you will read about my attack doing its part soon enough," I thought to myself, as I turned my attention to the right of me briefly, to address the viewers.

Anyway, it was after a brief struggle, and Jama-P deciding to exit Yousuke's body, albeit at a much larger size, that Yousuke finally let go of Momoko. The only problem now, was that Jama-P was now choking Yousuke, who was now laying motionless on the ground.

"Damn you! How dare you drag him into this! Hold on, calm're getting stressed need to get this upset. Well, time to tell Momoko that now is a better time as any for her to transform," I thought to myself, as I put two fingers from my free right hand, on one of my temples, as I tried to calm my temper. And once I had cooled off after a few seconds, I then spoke up.

"Momoko, I think now is a better time than any for you to transform don't you think?" I said in a somewhat concerned sounding tone of voice as I then drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder. Without having to say a single word to me, Momoko went and retrieved her Saint Miroir. And after we had both nodded to each other, she then raised her Saint Miroir.

"Beautiful Wedding Flower!" Momoko said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress form. And once was in her wedding dress form, she then decided, that now was a better time than any, to speak her mind to Jama-P.

"Get away from Yousuke right now, or you'll be sorry Jama-P!" Wedding Peach said.

"Well, she is clearly not pleased...I am so glad I'm her ally, because I can't even begin to imagine if the script was flipped...and I was a devil instead. Well, I guess it's my turn now to say a quippy line," I thought to myself, as I first displayed an expression of pure dismay, which then turned to a more confident expression.

"I would do as she asks, because both of us would really hate, to have to resort to playing rough Jama-P!" I said, as I brandished the tip of my Saint Sword Of Bluebell menacingly at Jama-P. "I am not the same devil as I was before," Jama-P said. "Well, that's not good...well, time to try and purify him," I thought myself, as I then drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder, as Wedding Peach then launched her attack at him.

"Lovely Operation...Tempete!" Wedding Peach said, as she then did a full spin, and her Lovely Operation Tempete Rod, then appeared in place of her bridal bouquet, in a flash of light. It then started emanating rainbow shockwaves from it, in equal intervals.

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!" I said, as I swung my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, in a left horizontal swing in front of me, and fired my purification attack at Jama-P. And once both of our attacks, hit Jama-P's attack, at exactly the same time, the attack instantly disappeared. And as both of our purification attacks, laid into Jama-P, both of us then decided to speak up.

"Jama-P, leave Yousuke alone, he has nothing to do with this!" Wedding Peach said.

"I would highly suggest, that you do as we both ask, Jama-P, and leave him out of this!" I said.

And after suggesting that he just let our attacks purify him, he did. Of course, things weren't exactly over, even though Jama-P had now been purified, and turned good. Because, it was at that moment that a certain devil decided to speak up and fire a familiar stream of black energy at Jama-P. "Oh, speak of the devil...Pluie's here...okay...that was a massively cheesy thought...thank goodness that I didn't say that out loud, because that was super corny," I thought to myself, as a sweatdrop appeared on one side of my face. After Pluie had appeared, and had scolded Jama-P, for allowing both of our purification attacks, to purify him, and turn him good, he then chose to say something else. "Once the devils have possession of the Saint Something Four, the destruction of the Angel World, will begin," Pluie said, with an evil smug smirk on his face.

"Okay Pluie, so that is how this is going to unoriginal of you...and come to think of it, he seems to remind me of someone...someone who was just as arrogant, and as evil, as Pluie...and with also just as big an ego problem as know what...let me just push this to the side...because this isn't a priority right now...after all, it's not like I am going to cross paths with him...he's technically dead after all," I thought to myself, as I then spoke up. "And you think that we are just going to stand by and let that happen? Not if we have anything to say about it!" I said, as I put my free right hand on my chest plate, with a bit of confidence on my face.

"And now I will honor the devil world by dealing with the two of you, farewell, Wedding Peach and Angel Bluebell!" Pluie said, as he then fired a bolt of black energy at us. But thanks to our superhuman agility, we both leapt, and flew up, and out of the way of Pluie's oncoming attack, and then landed on a nearby ledge on a concrete wall, side by side.

And once I had retracted my angel wings, and the sound of chiming bells then suddenly filled the air, Wedding Peach then began her introduction. "How dare you play with people's hearts as if they were toys, drawing friends into a fight that isn't theirs, I cannot forgive such a lack of compassion! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" she said, as she struck her usual pose.

"Once again Wedding Peach, you delivered your introduction well. Okay then, let me try and finish my introduction this time, providing nothing unexpected happens to interrupt me again," I thought to myself, as a tickmark then appeared on my face, only for it to disappear a few seconds later. I then once again began my introduction, whilst holding my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, upwards with my left hand. "The nature of the bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong!" I said, as I swung my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, up towards, then over my right armor clad shoulder, and then downwards in a diagonal swing.

"And I really don't care!" Pluie said, as he then proceeded, to charge at us both, with his sword of darkness, at the ready.

"Okay Pluie, that was quite rude of you...but you are evil...still...that is not a valid excuse...damn need to focus, you have a job to do here," I thought to myself, as I put two fingers from my free right hand, to my right temple, as I tried to quell my frustration.

It was then, once I had finished my thought, that Wedding Peach then decided to transform into her battle outfit. "Bridal Change Wedding Dress Transform! Angel Amour Peach!" Wedding Peach said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit.

And once both me and Wedding Peach turned to one another, and gave each other a nod. We then decided, to both go on the attack against Pluie. Wedding Peach kicked him across the face, "Bridal Kick!" She said. While I went at him, with an uppercut, with my free right hand. And once all three of us landed again, and Pluie's sword of darkness hit the ground, embedded itself in the ground, and then vanished in a wisp of black energy, Pluie then decided to speak up. "You'll pay for that Love Angels!" He said.

"You know Pluie, I would just love to see you try and make us pay!" I said, with a smirk, very evident on my face, that would even make Heath Ledger's Joker proud.

However, before Pluie could think of a comeback, Jama-P then floated on over, whilst calling out Pluie's name. Only for him to be punched aside by him. "A pathetic wretch like you deserves to be destroyed!" Pluie said, as he conjured up a ball of black energy from his left palm.

"Wow Pluie, are you literally kidding me right now!? You would harm him just to further your evil goal!? Just how low are you willing to sink!?" I thought to myself, as I then proceeded to dash forward, in a desperate bit to protect Jama-P from Pluie's attack. And thanks to our superhuman agility, me and Wedding Peach managed to get over in time, Wedding Peach grabbed hold of Jama-P, while I stood right in front of them both, using my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, to block his attack. However..."Damn it this hurts! I can't believe how much this attack hurts...I thought that my Saint Sword Of Bluebell acted as a channel for my attacks? Well, I guess that's probably why I am suffering this bad from Pluie's attack...Wait, Wedding Peach is getting hurt too?!...Damn you Pluie...I will see that you pay dearly for this!" I thought to myself, as I screamed in pain, as the pain on me and Wedding Peach, continued to mount.

"Wedding Peach, Angel Bluebell, you both saved me," Jama-P said, as the both of us continued to suffer from Pluie's constant attack on us.

"So are you two showing me an example of this love that you two have been talking about so much, well than Wedding Peach and Angel Bluebell, it's time for you both to die!" Pluie said, as he scoffed, and then proceeded, to lay on more of his black energy, on both of us, which caused both of us, to further suffer. "Okay...seriously?! So now you're going to go and do that?! Damn this hurts! I even find it difficult to think, this pain is completely horrendous!" I thought to myself, as I continued to scream, and suffer from Pluie's attack.

"Yousuke, I am so sorry I dragged you into this!" Wedding Peach said, through pain and some difficulty.

"Well, Wedding Peach is now blaming herself, for something that was out of her control. Well, time to see if I can put her at ease. Damn it, this really hurts!" I thought to myself, as I then tried, through severe pain, and difficulty, to put Wedding Peach at ease.

"Look Wedding Peach, I am sorry too, that I couldn't help you out when he was attacking you. But you need to put that behind you, and we need to focus on the here and now!" I said, through gritting my teeth, and severe pain throughout my body, as both us and Jama-P, continued to suffer from Pluie's constant barrage of negative evil black energy.

"Hold on a second Mr. devil!" A familiar female voice said.

"There's more than two Love Angels you know!" Another familiar female voice said. And as Pluie instantly turned his attention towards the two female voices. He saw both Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy, standing together. And as I turned towards them, with difficulty, a small smile then found its way onto my face. "Well, those two really know how to arrive at the right time. Still, this really really hurts!" I thought to myself, as I continued to feel the severe pain from Pluie's attack, even though he had stopped attacking me and Wedding Peach.

"Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy," Wedding Peach said, whilst on the ground and through pain, as she then managed to give a small smile.

"Well, my turn to say something. Man, this pain really hurts! I would not wish this on anyone," I said, while I grimaced slightly, as the pain coursed through me.

"You arrived just in time!" I said, through more difficulty, and pain.

"In the language of flowers, the name of the pure lily, means that it will bloom and grant love!" Angel Lily said, as she said her introduction, and then struck a pose.

"The daisy is the emblem of the pure and innocent heart. And its power can withstand the force of even the most evil wind!" Angel Daisy said, as she said her introduction, and then struck a pose.

It was then, after Pluie had growled with irritation, that both Angel Lily and Angel Daisy had arrived on the scene, both Angel Lily and Angel Daisy, then decided, to transform into their battle outfits.

"Bridal Change Wedding Dress Transform! Angel Precious Lily!" Angel Lily said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit.

"Bridal Change Wedding Dress Transform! Angel Courage Daisy!" Angel Daisy said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit. And once they had both transformed, they then both decided, to go on the attack against Pluie.

"Saint Pendule...Daisy Blizzard!" Angel Daisy said, as she used her bubble attack, from her Saint Pendule, on Pluie.

"Saint Lip Liner...Lily Rainbow!" Angel Lily said, as she used her Saint Lip Liner attack, on Pluie.

But unfortunately, Pluie managed to dodge both of their attacks. "Mark my words Love Angels, the next time we meet, I will destroy you!" Pluie said, as he then fled back to the Devil World. "Don't count on it Pluie!" I thought to myself, with a look of total determination on my face, as I clenched my free right hand, into a fist.

And it was then that Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy, made their way over to us. "Are you two okay?" Angel Lily asked us. "We're in slight pain, but we'll be fine after a little bit Lily," I said, as I gave a thumbs up, through the pain that I was still feeling, throughout my entire body. "How's Yousuke?" Wedding Peach asked. "He's just fine, he'll recover," Angel Daisy said, with confidence. "Well, I'd say that is a happy ending to this fight. Still, I just instinctively rushed in to save Jama-P. And despite the consequences of it, I just went and did it. I guess my bond with Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy, is already very strong. I just hope it will be enough, to last through the rest of the series," I thought to myself, as a smile then found its way onto my face.