Chapter 15: A Battle At The Soccer Stadium!: Aquelda The Coward!

Date: June 28, 1995

A day had now passed since our most recent encounter with Aquelda. "And to tell you the honest truth viewers, sorry, Bluebell here. To tell you the honest truth viewers, I find her, like that of Pluie, to be quite cowardly. Because only a coward would flee from a fight, which is something that towards the end of this fanfic, will no longer be an option for either of them. Because I can tolerate a lot of things, but when you put innocent people's lives at risk, or in another certain someone's case, kill my friends. That is when it becomes unforgivable, as well as inexcusable. And I intend to prove that such things are more then a justifiable means to fight, in order to keep those that I care about safe. But I seem to be rambling a bit here, on with the story."

Anyway, at Saint Hanazano Middle School, Momoko eagerly awaited to invite Captain Yanagiba on a date to a soccer game. As for me, well, I was right beside her as usual, in case either Pluie or Aquelda decided to pop up uninvited. Anyway, Momoko had received these tickets from her father. But she wound up hiding the tickets from Yuri and Hinagiku, worrying that they would be mad at both of us if she told them.

Yanagiba was then seen checking his locker as Momoko watched him from a Janitor's closet. As for me, I was...not doing that. And was just watching all of this from a distance away. Because, yea, that is sort of creepy if I am going to be honest here. Anyway, he then pulled out multiple love letters and gifts that had been given from other girls not knowing how to respond to them all. Yousuke then walked by and told Yanagiba to narrow his response down to one girl so the other students would stop sending him letters. As Yanagiba agreed with this, Momoko then screamed in dismay and then quickly hid in the closet when the boys turned around to see who was there. "*Sigh* Really subtle there Momoko..." I thought to myself, as a sweatdrop found its way down one side of my face. They then both walked away whilst talking about the ticket Momoko had left, while Momoko hoped that Yanagiba would accept to go on a date. "Bluebell here again, this viewers, would wind up not being the case, as events that would transpire a few paragraphs down would show."

Later that night, Momoko was still undecided about what outfit she wanted to wear to the game. She then asked Jama-P for his preference, but wound up yelling at him when he stated that the clothes she had out all looked the same. Momoko then tried several outfits on, but she still found it difficult to determine which outfit to wear.

On the day of the game, One of the soccer players, Kaji Shinichi, was seen making a goal for his team as me and Momoko cheered him on. Momoko then assumed that Yanagiba was running late. "Hold on a second here viewers, Bluebell here, wait for it, yea no, not exactly, but she is allowed to assume...oh look, Yousuke is here...great...*sighs*...Well, this can only go one way. And I can guarantee you viewers, it isn't going to be pretty...*sweatdrops*...Anyway, back to the story." Anyway, Yousuke explained that Captain Yanagiba had given him the ticket to learn new strategies by watching a professional match. Realizing she had given him the extra ticket, Momoko then made an excuse about reporting for the match and the two then minded their business. Kaji then made another goal, which caused Momoko and Yousuke to unintentionally hug each other. She then pushed him away, and an argument began between the two of them, while I just looked on and sweatdropped.

And yet, unbeknownst to the three of us, Aquelda was watching the game from above the stadium, having sensed the love wave of the crowd cheering for Kaji. She then used her evil energy to the people in the crowd, resulting in them booing at Kaji and interrupting the game. Jama-P then told both Momoko and myself of the devil's presence, and once we had found an empty area out in the hall of the stadium, Momoko readied her Saint Mirroir, while I readied my Saint Sword Of Bluebell. "Beautiful Wedding Flower!" Momoko said, as she transformed into her wedding dress form. "Elegant Wedding Flower!" I said, as the light blue ribbon shot out of the five petal bluebell gem on my Saint Sword Of Bluebell's handle, tied itself around my left wrist in a bow, and then enveloped the rest of my body, changing me into my usual battle outfit. "Well viewers, I gotta tell you, this doesn't get any easier with regards to transforming, and despite what I actually said in the 4th chapter, about getting used to it, I still haven't. Anyway, back to the story." Anyway, Aquelda was hiding from behind the stadium, as me and Wedding Peach, ran through the stadium, while Wedding Peach used her "Lovely Operation Tempete!" and I was using my "Saint Sword Of Bluebell Devil Purification!" In an effort to purify and return the possessed fans back to normal. And once this had been done, we both then went off in search of the devil that was responsible.

After the match was over, me and Momoko, were seen on the field, having failed to locate the devil. And as a result we had missed the rest of the game alongside Momoko's ruined date with Yanagiba. And after an...incident...yea...let's call it that, had happened in the changing room involving Momoko and Kaji. We both agreed to help look for a pendant that he had lost in the bathroom.

Thankfully, Jama-P found the pendant on the floor and Momoko then gave it to back to Kaji. He thanked her and me and Momoko then introduced ourselves to him. "And as for me, well, I am not going to tell you my male forms name viewers. Sorry, Bluebell here. Because as with the suitcase scene in Pulp Fiction, I'll just let you viewers leave it up to interpretation. *giggles* Anyway, back to the story."

Anyway, Kaji then went on to talk about the origins of his pendant, which happened to be a good luck charm that had been given to him by his mother when he had traveled to Brazil for strenuous soccer training. Yousuke was then seen outside looking for Momoko and became bewildered when he saw Kaji driving with me and Momoko. But unfortunately, as I am sure you all known by now, evil never takes a holiday, and neither do the five of us love angels for that matter.

A little while later, at the school, Momoko and myself, along with several other students, waited to welcome Kaji to help coach the school's soccer team. Much to Yuri and Hinagiku's doubt, Kaji drove up to the school grounds and welcomed himself to Yanagiba.

Momoko, me, Yuri, and Hinagiku were then seen with the pendant as Kaji walked out of the building. And yet, he seemed to be acting as though he was possessed by a devil. And wanting to confirm our suspicions, Momoko scanned Kaji with her Saint Miroir. And sure enough, a devil by the name of Daruma was possessing him. The possessed Kaji then kicked a soccer ball towards us, which was then caught by Yousuke. Unfortunately however, Yousuke was soon unconscious from the negative energy that radiated from the ball. The four of us then ran to a clearing to transform, as Kaji used the soccer ball to knock out more students.

And once we had run off to a secluded area, and made sure that no one else was there. This was then followed by Momoko pulling out and readying her Saint Miroir, me pulling out and readying my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, Yuri readying her Saint Lip Liner, and Hinagiku readying her Saint Pendule. "Beautiful Wedding Flower!" Momoko said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress form. "Elegant Wedding Flower!" I said. And in a flash of light, I was in my usual battle outfit, and was Angel Bluebell, once again. "Graceful Wedding Flower!" Yuri said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress outfit. "Attractive Wedding Flower!" Hinagiku said. And in a flash of light, she too was in her wedding dress form.

This was then followed by Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy once again readying their respective items, as they then prepared to transform into their battle outfits. "Bridal Change Wedding Dress Transform!" Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy all said in unison. "Angel Amour Peach!" Wedding Peach said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit. "Angel Precious Lily!" Angel Lily said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit. "Angel Courage Daisy!" Angel Daisy said. And in a flash of light, she too was in her battle outfit as well.

Aquelda, no surprise here, had decided to pop in uninvited again. And after asking Daruma what had happened to the piece of what she thought was of the Saint Something Four. And as Wedding Peach, myself, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy, were all in battle ready stances, on the roof of the school, and all of us had less then pleased looks on our faces. Wedding Peach then decided to speak up. "I saved you the trouble!" Wedding Peach said.

"Straight and to the point as always Wedding Peach," I thought to myself, as I then took my turn to speak up. "If I were you Aquelda, I would worry more about dealing with us!" I said, the power and authority in my voice, hammering the statement home. And sure enough, when Aquelda turned her attention towards the source of our voices, she saw me, Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy. And as the sound of chiming bells filled the air, Wedding Peach began her introduction. "People look up to them to follow there dreams. Because they know this world too is nothing more then a fleeting memory! I can never forgive you for trying to steal that pendant so full of a mothers feelings! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach said, as she struck her usual pose.

"As spontaneous as ever Wedding Peach. My turn then," I thought to myself, as I then began my usual introduction, which would be the last time I would use it. "Because in the next chapter viewers. Sorry, Bluebell here. Anyway, as I was saying, an unexpected discovery in the next chapter is going wind up causing me to change it. But more on that later viewers, back to the task at hand." And as I held my Saint Sword Of Bluebell straight up with my left hand, I then began my introduction. "The nature of the bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong!" I said, as I swung my Saint Sword Of Bluebell up towards, and over, my right armor clad shoulder, then down in a diagonal swing, and then struck my usual pose.

"In the language of flowers, the name of the lily is special, it means that it will bloom and grant love! I am the Love Angel, Angel Lily!" Angel Lily said, as she struck a pose.

"The daisy is the emblem of the innocent heart, and it can withstand the most evil wind!" Angel Daisy said, as she struck a pose.

And after we had deflected the ball, and the possessed Kaji was about to kick another ball, Wedding Peach then pulled out the pendant to remind Kaji of his mother's love.

And with me and Wedding Peach, giving a nod to each other, we then proceeded to launch our respective purification attack at Daruma. "Lovely Operation...Tempete!" Wedding Peach said, as she raised her right hand, as her Lovely Operation Tempete Rod, then appeared, in her raised right hand. To which she then brought it, to in front of her, and the rainbow shockwaves then began to emanate from it, in equal intervals, towards Daruma.

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification!" I said, as I drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, back towards, and then over, my right armor clad shoulder. And once the blade glowed its usual bright blue color. I then swung it, in a left horizontal swing in front of me, and launched my purification attack, from the swords blade.

And once our attacks hit Daruma at exactly the same time, it drove Daruma out of Kaji's body. Aquelda then, for reasons known only to her, gave the devil more power to make him stronger and bigger. This though, prompted Angel Lily to ready her Saint Lip Liner. "Saint Lip Liner...Lily Rainbow!" Angel Lily said, as she launched her attack, which wound up tangling Daruma up. He then attempted to kick another ball. This then prompted Angel Daisy to use her Saint Pendule on him. "Saint Pendule...Daisy Blizzard!" Angel Daisy said, as she launched her attack, which froze Daruma.

"Now's your chance Peach and Bluebell!" Angel Lily said to the both of us.

"Well Wedding Peach, you ready to end this?" I asked Wedding Peach confidently, as I once again drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder.

"As ready as I will ever be," she responded back.

And with those words exchanged between us, we then proceeded to launch our respective purification attacks.

"Saint Miroir...Bridal Flash!" Wedding Peach said, as she then did a full spin. And once the heart on her Saint Miroir glowed red, she then fired her attack from it towards Aquelda.

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification!" I said. And as the blade of my Saint Sword Of Bluebell glowed its usual bright blue color, I then swung it, in a left horizontal swing in front of me, and fired my usual purification attack from my swords blade.

And once both of our respective purification attacks hit the devil Daruma at exactly the same time, he was purified, to which he then faded out of existence. However, Aquelda unfortunately fled. But, we would wind up seeing her again.