Chapter 26: An Exciting School Festival!: Takuro's Dilemma!

Date: September 6, 1995

Another week had now passed since Momoko, me, and Hinagiku, had worked together to purify and dispatch Ranbo. And yet this wasn't currently on our minds in the slightest. Because at Saint Hanazano Junior High, Momoko, me, Yuri, and Hinagiku were busy preparing for the upcoming school festival.

A little later on, in the school's gymnasium, the four of us were currently busy setting up decorations for where the evening dance would be held at the festival, fantasizing about dancing with Yanagiba. Well, Momoko, Yuri, and Hinagiku were. I was still having to deal with the fact that I was no longer a male in my civilian form as of yesterday morning.Yes, that's right. I was now a 16 year old female girl, with long light blue hair, that went down to past her lower back. Who now had the name Shinko Hanasaki. Because apparently, I looked exactly like her, hair and all. Not to mention that she was Momoko's sister from birth. So, I was still needing to deal with now being a female in my civilian form for the foreseeable future. But thankfully though, with regards to the events that lay ahead beyond the fifty-five episodes of the anime. And although I did not know it at the time. It would be far easier going into these events stuck as a female in my civilian form, rather then still being a male. "Trust me viewers, sorry Shinko here. *blushes profusely* Sorry to break the fourth wall on you all again out of the blue like this. *continues to blush profusely* Anyway, as I was about to say...Given the events that still lay ahead for me, Momoko, Yuri, Hinagiku, and Scarlet...Being a female in my civilian actually going to be very beneficial...and no, the two arrogant individuals that I have mentioned in previous chapter, are still not cousins...*sweatdrops while blushing profusely*...Actually, you know what viewers?...I just want to address something regarding that...I don't know what the screen writers were even thinking by having them portrayed as cousins...I mean, did they really ever even once think to themselves, that that was going to be even the least bit good of an idea?...I mean seriously...All that wound up doing was confusing people who watched that version of their anime...I understand that *ahem* things are different now from back when they were in the 90s...but that is still not a valid excuse for a company like DiC, to go and confuse people by censoring things like that...Actually, they did become defunct in 2008...So I guess I really can't blame them anymore, since they went out of business back then...Actually...let me just stop lying to myself as well as you viewers...The blame does fall squarely with them for making a complete mockery of that version of the anime...And I am sure that that didn't help with them not becoming defunct either...I would say that that is one of the main reasons why they became defunct in the first not go and watch that version of that would be wasting your time...the Viz not only better, but it is also much more cohesive. *proceeds to blush profusely again* Anyway, enough of all of my rambling...back to the story. *says this while still continuing to blush profusely*"

Anyway, lengthy fourth wall breaking aside. After more quarreling had gone on between Momoko, Yuri, and Hinagiku. The head of the executive committee, a girl named Natsumi, popped in and praised the four of us for all of our hard work. While she was still directing the other students, to decorate the gym.A few days later, on the day of the festival. Takuro wound up criticizing the students lack of artistic taste on the festival's entrance. "Yea, sorry, Shinko here again viewers...Anyway, as I am sure you have read in the previous chapters regarding Takuro...I am not very pleased with his most recent behavior regarding Momoko...Although, he is not as annoying to deal with, as another pair of individuals, that you will be reading about a little bit later on in this fic...Yea...both are very annoying individuals...How bad you might ask?...Well I am not going to tell you who they are. *giggles in a kind way with eyes closed* Because if I did, then there would be absolutely no point in you all reading further on into this fic. And it means that I can continue to spoil you all with foreshadowing...*proceeds to giggle again in a kind way with eyes closed* Anyway, back to the story. *smiles with eyes closed*"

Anyway, Takuro then redesigned it into a completely different structure. Which apparently surprised the other students, including Momoko, Yuri, Hinagiku, and Natsumi. As for me though, I wasn't. I was still very peeved at Takuro for making his unwanted advances on Momoko. So you could imagine that I was not on very good terms with him at the current moment, I mean, wouldn't you be?

Anyway, Takuro was then offered by Natsumi to decorate the gym, to which he accepted. He then climbed on top of the structure and asked Momoko to be his partner to the dance. Thankfully, before I took the decision to tell him otherwise, in the most 'polite' of responses, Momoko turned out his request. "And thank goodness for that viewers, because to tell you the truth, I was just about ready to tell him off in front of everyone...! Sorry, Shinko here, just had to get that off my chest *blush*" And yet, Momoko was told by her friends, other then me, Yuri, and Hinagiku, that she should join him as to make one less rival for Yanagiba. Takuro then left to go and work on the dance hall and asked Momoko to think her decision over. "Yea, sorry, no. Not if I have anything to say about it Takuro!" I thought to myself angrily, with a tickmark present on one side of my face.

A little later on, at the festival. Momoko, Yuri, and Hinagiku were making takoyaki for the other students at their stand. As for me, I was keeping a close eye out for Takuro, in case he decided to be a creep again. However, Yanagiba then approached our stand and was given an order of takoyaki by the three of them. "It seems that the more things change, the more they stay the same..." I thought to myself. Momoko, Yuri, and Hinagiku then asked if he had decided who's he was going to dance with, including mentioning the rumor about him and Natsumi dancing. He, not surprisingly, refuted these claims, exciting the girls and offering him extra services to convince him to dance with one of them. Like I said, nothing changes with the three of them. It's then that Takuro appeared again, and forcibly pushed the idea on Momoko that they would be going to the dance together. "Okay, seriously Takuro!? You just can't take a hint, can you!?" I angrily thought to myself with the tickmark once again returning to one side of my face. And after refusing Takuro several times and not getting through to him, she eventually ran away while being pursed by Takuro. And I, now having been fed up with him, and his antics, went off after him.

Well, here we go again viewers. And this battle is no exception. As the four of us were staring down a devil, who apparently went by the name of Blackie..."Okay...timeout...Bluebell here viewers...Let me just address something right here and now...I mean, do we see the problem here...I mean really, do you!? You realize what I am talking about right!? I mean, I am not going to spell it out for you, but you must see it as plainly as I do right?! Why would you name a devil that!?"

Anyway, fourth wall break and rant aside. Blackie...goodness gracious...if these fanfics ever do become actual canon. Then someone will really need to do something about that name. Anyway, Blackie wound up attacking Natsumi and her friends inside the school, transforming into a stronger form of himself. And as Yuri and Hinagiku were walking by, they wound up hearing Natsumi's scream. To which they then entered the room to find the devil having had knocked them out. Thankfully though Jama-P gone back to the takoyaki stand to warn Momoko and myself about what had just happened. And while this was going on, Yuri and Hinagiku transformed into their bridal dresses, and then their battle outfits. And after being attacked by Blackie, they decided to take the battle outside. Me and Momoko, then wound up making it to the roof of the school, which is where the battle with Blackie had wound up ending up.

This was then followed by Momoko pulling out her Saint Miroir, and me reaching into my skirt pocket and pulling out my Saint Sword Of Bluebell.

"Beautiful Wedding Flower!" Momoko said. And in a flash of light, she was her wedding dress form.

"Elegant Wedding Flower!" I said. And in a flash of light, I had changed into my Angel Bluebell form. Only this time, a thought then went through my mind, once I had changed into Angel Bluebell. " me crazy...but...that change felt a little bit different this time...As though it actually felt right this time...Probably because I am now a female in my civilian know what...let me stop dwelling on this for the moment...because I have a bigger job to do here." Angel Lily then summoned her Saint Astral Baton from the Something Blue. "The Veil Of The Maiden's Shyness!" Angel Lily said, twirling the Saint Astral Baton, as she did a full spin. "Saint Astral Stardust!" Angel Lily followed up with, as she then got into a down on one knee position, and then spun the Saint Astral Baton on her now open palm, as she fired her attack.

Angel Daisy was next, as she then summoned her Saint Tornado Rod from the Something Borrowed. "Memorial Candle Of Love!" Angel Daisy said. As two rows of candles appeared, which then lit themselves. "Saint Tornado Dreaming!" Angel Daisy followed up with, doing a 360 degree spin, and then firing her attack from the Saint Tornado Rod at Blackie. And once Blackie fired off his next attack. Wedding Peach then summoned the Saint Crystal Rod from the Something Old, while I readied my Saint Sword Of Bluebell. "Saint Crystal!" Wedding Peach said, as she did a full spin. To which she then absorbed Blackie's next attack into the Saint Crystal Rod. "Wedding Engagement Gift...Saint Crystal...Love...For...You!" Wedding Peach followed up with, as she did another full spin. And then fired Blackie's attack back at him in the form of a Love Wave.

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!" I said, as I drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, back towards, and then over, my right armor clad shoulder. And once the blade glowed bright blue. I then swung it, in a left horizontal swing in front of me, as I fired my purification attack from my Saint Sword Of Bluebell's blade.

And once our respective attacks hit Blackie at exactly the same time, he was purified, to which he then faded out of existence.Later on, at the gymnasium, Natsumi asked Yanagiba to dance, to which he surprise there. However, this forced Yuri and Hinagiku to become dance partners. Despite being annoyed at each other, Momoko partnered up with Yousuke as Takuro watched on in disappointment. "Honestly Takuro, what is up with you, and what is it you're hiding? You can't fool me with your most recent behavior, and I will be keeping an extra special eye on you," I said, with a stern and determined look on my face. Since I wasn't going to let him, for even a second, get close to Momoko, if he was acting creepy that is.