Chapter 31: Don't You Know?: Enter Potamos The Water Devil!

October 31, 1995

Well, more then a week had now passed since our encounter with Wolfen at the amusement park.

And yet, this wasn't on Momoko, me, Yuri, or Hinagiku's mind. We were more focused on what today was, which was Halloween. 

"Yes, viewers, you read that part right. Sorry, Shinko here viewers. *blushes* As not just the United States celebrates this holiday. Something for you all to think about. On another note, it is such a pity that most tourists who do wind up visiting Japan, don't know how to behave themselves accordingly. You should all be ashamed of yourselves! And all of you idiotic pranksters who think that doing all of that inappropriate stuff in Japan is funny? So taking a page out of what Charles White, or better known as MoistCr1TiKaL would say about something like this, you really do seem to have quite a bit of brain rotting going on. So, how do you like it when I call you all out for being the main reason why Japan hates American tourists!? Doesn't feel very good when I do it does it!? But now you know how it feels to be degraded! You should all know, as you do that sort of crap to them on a regular basis for your fans on YouTube, who are no doubt as immature and as moronic as you are. It is not your place nor your country, to do as you damn well please! You are a tourist and a guest in Japan, you are not a local resident who lives there! And as such, you are not going to behave in a way that makes you look a tit! Do you understand that your actions are completely inappropriate!? Or would you like me to dumb it further down for you so you will understand through all of the brain rotting that you have all succumbed to!? You are not going to be a burk in a country that you are a tourist and a guest in, and expect there not to be negative repercussions! No wonder you pranksters are as brain dead as you are! Your parents, as far as I have worked out, are just as mentally impaired as you are! Don't like me calling you all out!? Here's a simple solution, stop being a complete menace to society! I don't give a shred of even the slightest care that you are doing this for your viewers and subscribers! Your clout, as well as your blatantly and quite frankly horrid excuses, are completely meaningless to me! You, are not going to be like that in public, and not expect to be called out or degraded for it! Have some common sense, and how about taking accountability for your actions! Johnny Somali, that means you as well! But enough of me calling pranksters out. On with the story."

Anyway, with my immense fourth wall break aside, as the four of us passed by a shop selling various Halloween merchandise, it reminded us of the holiday, and we explained to Jama-P what it was. Yuri then came up with the idea to host a Halloween party at Reiko's nursery school for the children. Much to her dismay, Hinagiku agreed to assist them after hearing Yanagiba will be there to help out. "Shinko here viewers. Well, that is not even the least surprising, wouldn't you say? *sighs* Anyway, back to the story."

Anyway, as Momoko and Yuri discussed planning out their costumes, Hinagiku then snuck away to call Yanagiba about wearing a prince costume, while she dressed up as a princess. It was not too long, before the three of us heard Hinagiku's conversation and Momoko and Yuri yelled at her for sneaking ahead of them.

Later that day, the four of us were at the nursery school looking at the different fabrics that Momoko, Yuri, and Hinagiku planned to use for their costumes. While they were handed out refreshments. Unbeknownst to us however, we were being watched from afar.

A bit later, the four of us, along with Yanagiba and Yousuke got ready to start the party at the nursery school.

As more candy was passed out to the children, a devil appeared, who was named Potamos, in front of the partygoers. Who apparently assumed that she was dressed up as a witch. The kids rushed up to her and asked her to give them candy. However, Potamos then proceeded to grab one of the children. As Jama-P then told the four of us the devil's identity. "Bluebell here viewers. I gotta tell you, her mannerism, the way that she says 'don't you know,' on almost every sentence that she says, is more then enough to irritate the literal heck out of me. *gives very irritated expression with a tickmark on one side of face* If I must be honest viewers, she is the only villain in this entire fanfic, that I have any sort of problem with, in regards to the way she uses it on almost every sentence that she says. Actually, that's not true. She is not the only villain that I have a problem with. You will see why later on in this fanfic. But with regards to Potamos and her verbal tic. Sure, people say that it's a verbal tic that she has. But, I think that I have a right to say how I feel about it. Because it can get very annoying after a while. *sighs* Anyway, back to the story."

And after a bit of shenanigans, that resulted the four of us looking at Potamos chasing after Takuro, while thinking that he was a love angel. Because when he had appeared, he was dressed in Wedding Peach's wedding dress, to which he then said an introduction that Wedding Peach would usually say. This then prompted the four of us to find a secluded area.

This then prompted Momoko to ready her Saint Miroir, me to pull out and ready my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, Yuri to ready her Saint Lip Liner, and Hinagiku to ready her Saint Pendule. "Beautiful Wedding Flower!" Momoko said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress form. "Elegant Wedding Flower!" I said. And in a flash of light, I was once again in my usual battle outfit. "Graceful Wedding Flower!" Yuri said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress form. "Attractive Wedding Flower!" Hinagiku said. And in a flash of light, she too was in her wedding dress form.

Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy then proceeded to ready their respective items, and then proceeded transform into her battle outfits. "Bridal Change Wedding Dress Transform!" Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy said in unison. "Angel Amour Peach!" Wedding Peach said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit. "Angel Precious Lily!" Angel Lily said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit. her battle outfit. "Angel Courage Daisy!" Angel Daisy said. And in a flash of light, she too was in her battle outfit.

And as the sound of chiming bells then filled the air, Wedding Peach then began her introduction. "I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach said, as she struck her usual pose. "Hold on a sec here viewers, Angel Bluebell here again. So you might all be wondering why Wedding Peach only said the end of her introduction this time. Well, that's because since Takuro said an introduction that she would normally say, while he was apparently dressed in her wedding dress form. Well, not exactly, but this is one of those unique situations where..." "Sorry to interrupt you Bluebell, but we are kind of in the middle of something at the moment?" "Oh, my apologies Wedding Peach, anyway, back to the battle."

I then began my usual introduction, as I held my Saint Sword Of Bluebell straight up with my left hand. "The nature of the bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong! I can't forgive those who commit acts of evil! I am the Love Angel! I am Angel Bluebell, and I am very angry with you!" I said, as I drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder. To which I then stopped it mid downward swing, held it in front of me in a battle ready position, and then struck my usual pose.

"In the language of flowers the name of the pure lily is special, it means it will bloom and grant love!" Angel Lily said, as she struck a pose.

"The daisy is the emblem of the innocent heart, and it can withstand the most evil wind!" Angel Daisy said, as she struck a pose.

Angel Lily then summoned the Saint Astral Baton from the Something Blue earrings, and then proceeded to use it. "The Veil Of The Maiden's Shyness!" Angel Lily said, as she twirled the Saint Astral Baton, as she did a full spin. "Saint Astral Stardust!" Angel Lily followed up with, as she then got into a down on one knee position, as she then spun the Saint Astral Baton on her now open palm, and she launched her attack, which wound up weakening Potamos.

Angel Daisy then summoned the Saint Tornado Rod from the Something Borrowed pendant, and then proceeded to use it. "Memorial Candle Of Love!" Angel Daisy said, as two rows of candles then appeared, which then lit themselves. "Saint Tornado Dreaming!" Angel Daisy followed up with, as she did a 360 degree spin, and then fired her attack from the Saint Tornado Rod, which wound up further weakening Potamos.

"Peach, Bluebell, you two are up! Show that devil who's boss!" Angel Lily said. This then prompted Wedding Peach to summon the Saint Crystal Rod from the Something Old, while I readied my Saint Sword Of Bluebell to proceed with my usual purification attack. "Saint Crystal!" Wedding Peach said, as she did a full spin and got down onto one knee. To which she then absorbed Potamos' next attack that was fired at us into the crystal of the Saint Crystal Rod. "I can't forgive this evil!" Wedding Peach said, as she continued to and then finished absorbing Potamos' attack into the crystal of the Saint Crystal Rod. "Wedding Engagement Gift...Saint Crystal...Love...For...You!" Wedding Peach followed up with, as she did another full spin, and then fired Potamos' own attack back at her, in the form of a love wave.

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!" I said, as I once again drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder. And once the blade started to glow its familiar bright blue color. I then swung it forward in a left horizontal swing in front of me, as I then fired my light blue colored purification attack from the swords blade towards Potamos.

However, and yet quite surprisingly, Potamos wound up evading both of our respective purification attacks, and then escaped before we could attempt purify her again. And when both me and Wedding Peach walked up to Takuro, to check and see if he was okay. He managed to say Momoko's name, as well as my own, and then passed out. Which caused Wedding Peach to question if Takuro knew her true identity. But, now knowing that Takuro was safe, Momoko, Yuri, and Hinagiku, wondered why he was dressed up as Wedding Peach. To which they just laughed off the situation. I however meanwhile, did not. As I knew that this had now turned things into becoming far more complicated then they had already been. "Angel Bluebell here viewers. Well, isn't this just a fine mess that both me and Wedding Peach seem to be in. I can only hope, that things will work out in the end. *sighs* I will see you all in the next chapter. *Waves with a not too happy expression*"