Chapter 37: Looks LIke The Gang Is All Here?: The Fifth Love Angel!

Date: December 15, 1995

It was on a day like any other day, that the final Love Angel would wind up revealing herself. And that, is where this part of the story begins. Well, actually, let's wind back a little bit to when this all started shall we?

Earlier in the day, me, Momoko, Yuri, and Hinagiku were aboard a train, heading into the mountains for a relaxing day outdoors. Well, actually, we were not the only ones, as the schools soccer team, with Yanagiba, Yousuke, and. "Yea, so Shinko here viewers. Would any of you like to hazard a guess on who else was with us? Well, who but Hiromi Kawanami...oh joy...I still really really hate Potamos...But, you viewers probably already know that from me telling you all about it in previous chapters during my recent fourth wall breaks...And even when she isn't Potamos, she is still very very annoying...Even her voice is irritating to listen to...From those who have watched the anime...You will know exactly what it is that I am referring to. *proceeds to blush profusely* Anyway, back to the story...regrettably..."

Later on in the evening, after Momoko had been very unhappy with Hiromi being way too close to Yousuke on the train ride to our destination. "Yea, Shinko here again viewers. So yea...not what I would consider to be the most ideal situation...Because if Hiromi...I mean Potamos...Can upset a calm person like Momoko...then you can better believe that she is annoying...I mean after all...Momoko is usually calm...when she isn't in an upset mood that is. *breaths out a deep sigh* Anyway, back to the story."

Anyway, that evening, while me, Momoko, Yuri, and Hinagiku, were in a hot spring, enjoying the heat. "Yea, sorry, Shinko here again. So let me be clear, all four of us are in the women side of the hot springs...Yes I am still a female in my civilian form...So it would wind up being quite weird...not to mention very inappropriate to our countries Japanese culture...If I wasn't on this side of the hot spring...Anyway, back to the story."

Anyway, while the four of us were busy enjoying the hot spring. The soccer team, decided to pop into the hot spring...And remember when I said that it was a divided hot spring? Well, it sort of isn't. "Yea sorry, Shinko here again viewers...So I wasn't entirely truthful as to whether this was a divided hot spring...or a mixed hot spring...Well, it is the second one...Which would explain why the four of us were forced to hide behind a nearby rock in the hot spring...Why you may ask?...Because apparently we didn't want to be seen by them wearing next to nothing...Yea...Oh and by the way you perverts...Don't go and get any weird ideas or imagine any weird fantasies about me, Momoko, Yuri, and Hinagiku...We are all 14 years old for goodness sake...So real or not, we are under the age of 18...So don't imagine anything about me and them, that you wouldn't say to someone in public okay?...And I am well aware that the age of consensus in Japan is 13 years old...But that still doesn't give you all any sort of right to imagine impure thoughts about us...How about you get yourself an actual genuine girlfriend instead of fantasizing about female anime characters as your waifus...Because for those of you who do?...*cringes*...May you all one day, find someone that you want to spend the rest of your life with...And no, they don't count if they're from an anime or something equivalent to that...Find yourself a real life girlfriend...Someone who shares your interests..." "Uh Shinko, can you wrap your fourth wall break up? We sort of have a chapter to get to here." "Oh, my sincerest apologies Momoko...*proceeds to blush profusely*...Anyway, back to the story."

Okay, so I honestly do not care how many times me, Momoko, Yuri, and Hinagiku went up against her, Potamos irritated the literal living heck out of me. And this time was no exception. And by a nearby lake in the mountains where we were all staying. And as Potamos held on to Yousuke for dear life against a tree, I then turned my attention to Momoko.

"Well, sis, it looks like you and I have some work to do," I said with a sigh, as I proceeded to reach into my skirt pocket and pulled out my Saint Sword Of Bluebell.

"It would appear that way Shinko," Momoko said, as she pulled out and readied her Saint Miroir, while I readied my Saint Sword Of Bluebell.

"Beautiful Wedding Flower!" Momoko said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress form.

"Elegant Wedding Flower!" I said. And in a flash of light, I was Angel Bluebell once again, and was in my usual battle outfit.

Meanwhile, still up against one of the many tree of the forest, Potamos had Yousuke in a tight embrace, and was just about to kiss him, when Wedding Peach then decided to speak up.

"Stop it!" Wedding Peach said. 

"Straight and to the point like always sis. Well viewers, it looks like it is my turn to give my two cents now," I thought to myself, as I turned my head an eyesight, slightly to the left of me, to briefly address the viewers. To which I then took a deep breath, and then decided to speak up. "That is far enough Potamos! How about leaving him alone and try dealing with the two of us! Well, that is if you can! But, given your most recent track record, I seriously doubt it!" I passionately said, the power and authority in my voice helping to hammer the statement home.

It was at this point that Potamos turned her attention towards me and Wedding Peach. And sure enough, standing a few feet away, side by side, were me and Wedding Peach, with Wedding Peach dressed in her wedding dress, and me in my usual battle outfit.

And it was then, and as the sound of chiming bells then filled the air, that Wedding Peach then began her introduction. "When the moonlight falls on the plateau below, illuminating the Salvia in full bloom, the scent of romance fills the evening. You tried to force a man's beautiful kiss on this night, and for that, I can't forgive you! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach said, as she pointed her left hand that held her bridal bouquet at Potamos, which was then followed by her swinging her other arm in an upward arc. To which she then brought that arm into a flexing pose, with her arm bent, and her gloved hand in a closed fist. 

"To the point, and as spontaneous as always sis. Well viewers, it looks like it is my turn to start my usual introduction," I thought to myself, as I once again turned my head and eyesight slightly to the left of me, to briefly address the viewers. I then started my usual introduction, as I held my Saint Sword Of Bluebell straight up with my left hand. "The nature of the bluebell is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong! I can't forgive those who commit acts of evil! I am the Love Angel! I am Angel Bluebell, and I am very angry with you!" I said, as I drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder. To which I then stopped it mid downward swing, then held it in front of me in a ready stance, and then struck my usual pose.

It was then that Potamos conjured up daggers from out of nowhere, and then hurled them at us, which we both dodged out of the way without a problem. And it was then that Wedding Peach picked this moment to transform into her battle outfit.

"Bridal Change Wedding Dress Transform! Angel Amour Peach!" Wedding Peach said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit.

This was then followed by Wedding Peach readying her Saint Miroir, while I readied my Saint Sword Of Bluebell.

"Saint Miroir...Bridal Flash!" Wedding Peach said, as she did a full spin. And once the heart on her Saint Miroir glowed red, she then launched her attack from her Saint Miroir, toward Potamos. "Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!" I said, as I once again drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder. And once the blade glowed its familiar and usual bright blue color. I then swung it forward, in a left horizontal swing in front of me, as I launched my respective purification attack from the blade towards Potamos.

However, Potamos simply wound up evading both of our attacks. To which she then conjured up more daggers, and despite our best efforts to dodge quite a bit of them, we both wound up pinned to a tree each, staring down Potamos, with no possible way to defend ourselves. Luckily, help wasn't too far away. And sure enough, two female voices called out from one of trees above, and when me and Wedding Peach looked up, Angel Lily and Angel Daisy were there, side by side, in their battle outfits. 

"Man talk about impeccable timing, those two really know when to show up at the right time," I thought to myself, as a smile couldn't help but find its way onto my face.

It was at this point that both Angel Lily and Angel Daisy began their introductions. "In the language of flowers, the nature of the pure lily is special, it means that it will bloom and grant love!" Angel Lily said, as she struck a pose.

"The daisy is the emblem of the pure and innocent heart. And its power can withstand the force of even the most evil wind!" Angel Daisy said, as she struck a pose.

It was then that we decided to have a toast, like we had done in the episode with Omanma. And with champagne glasses filled with milk appearing in our hands. We then proceeded to make the toast. "A toast with milk, to the four of us, best friends, together forever!" The four of us said, as we then drank our respective milk, from our champagne glasses.

This was then followed by Potamos speaking up. "You four are a bunch of morons, it will be easy to take the Saint Something Four away from you!" Potamos said, as she then summoned a devil out of thin air, to which she then proceeded to sic it on us.

And it was all four of us were dodging explosions that were being dropped by the devil, that the Salvia flowers in the air started to glow, this was followed by a object shooting out of the lake, which wound up being the Something New. Which was then followed by the appearance of a Love Angel, with scarlet red hair. It was then followed by her saying her introduction, whilst holding a Salvia flower in her left hand. "In the language of flowers Salvia means a burning heart! The warrior from heaven, Angel Salvia, has arrived!" She said, as she then struck a pose. And although Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy, might not have known who she truly was yet, I definitely did. Scarlet O'Hara, better wise known as Angel Salvia, had arrived. And finally, it looked as though the gang was all here.

"And yet, I know, that with the arrogance that she has regarding who she is, this is not going to be an easy task, with regards to having her try and be a team player...*sigh*...Oh right, Angel Bluebell here, just wanted to let you viewers know that. And furthermore..." "Uh Bluebell, we're kind of in the middle of something right now?" "My apologies Wedding Peach, just telling the viewers something. See you viewers in the next chapter."