Chapter 57: A Fight On Valentines Day!: The False Love Angels!

Date: February 14, 1999

Well, yet another few more months had now passed since our fight against Golden Mask on Christmas.

But, this, like with our fight against the devil spider at the beach, and the fight against Mr. Oasis on the luxury liner, was the last thing that was on any of our respective minds.

Why you may ask was this currently the case?

Well, apparently as me, Momoko, Yuri, and Hinagiku were walking down one of the many streets, with Momoko, Yuri, and Hinagiku holding chocolates that they each had made for there own respective boyfriends. You know, Momoko made hers for Yousuke, Yuri made hers for Yanagiba. Or Limone as he was more known as by the four of us. And Hinagiku had made hers for Takuro. "Because as it currently stands....Sorry, Shinko here viewers. Anyway, as I was about to tell all of you viewers...and as you can obviously tell from the date at the top of this particular fanfiction is currently Valentine's Day in the year of 1999...And what a special holiday it is...*proceeds to turn head and eyesight away while blushing profusely before quickly bringing head and eyesight forward again*...I mean, there really is no better holiday when one can prove and express there love to someone that they truly cherish...*proceeds to say that while looking starry eyed while still addressing the viewers before quickly snapping back to reality*...Anyway...*once again blushes profusely while once again turning head and eyesight slightly away from addressing the viewer with slight embarrassment*...I think that I have kept you viewers all waiting long enough with this current fourth wall break of mine...let us now continue on with the chapter. *proceeds to tilt head slightly while smiling with eyes closed*"

On another pressing note, and well. As Hinagiku had said many times before, both her and Takuro, were just childhood friends, but I knew better then to trust her on that. And this was largely due to the very obvious fact, that every time she would say that exact statement, or something similarly pertaining to that statement. She would do so whilst yelling and with a blush on her face.

"Sorry, Shinko here again viewers...*once again proceeds to profusely blush*...Anyway, things started going sideways, when all three of their handmade chocolates, were confiscated by three cats. And after all four of us chased after the cats, we found ourselves face to face with a devil, who seemed to be wearing a strange, I guess you can call it a lab coat of sorts? Apparently he was named Doctor Belphagor?...But anyway, back to the story."

This then prompted the four of us, to prepared to transform into our battle outfits.

"Beautiful Wedding Flower! Angel Amour Peach!" Momoko said. And in two separate flashes of light, she was in her battle outfit.

"Elegant Wedding Flower!" I said. And in a flash of light, I was once again Angel Bluebell, and in my usual battle outfit as well.

"Graceful Wedding Flower! Angel Precious Lily!" Yuri said. And in two separate flashes of light, she was in her usual battle outfit.

"Attractive Wedding Flower! Angel Courage Daisy!" Hinagiku said. And in two separate flashes of light, she too was in her usual battle outfit.

And once we had finished our respective transformations and the sound of chiming bells then filled the air, Wedding Peach then started her introduction. "On this lovely Valentines Day, the hearts of young girls flutter with anticipation! You have stolen their chocolates made with love, and for that I can't forgive you! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach said, as she pointed her left hand at Doctor Belphagor. Which was then followed, by her swinging her other arm in an upward arc. As she then brought her other arm into a flexing pose, with her arm bent, and her hand in a fist and flexing pose.

"Great an introduction as always sis. Well then, it looks like I'm up," I thought to myself, as I then started my usual introduction, while holding my Saint Sword Of Bluebell straight up with my left hand. "The nature of the bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong! I cannot forgive those who commit acts of evil! I am the Love Angel! I am Angel Bluebell, and I am very angry with you!" I said, as I drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell back towards, and then over, my right armor clad shoulder. To which I then stopped it mid downward swing, held it in front of me, in a battle ready stance, and then struck my usual pose.

"In the language of flowers, the name of the pure lily is special, it means that it will bloom, and grant love!" Angel Lily said, as she struck a pose.

"The daisy is the emblem of the pure and innocent heart, and its power can withstand the force of even the most evil wind!" Angel Daisy said, as she too, struck a pose.

And just after the four of us had said our usual and respective introductions, Doctor Belphagor then decided to speak up. To which he then wound up slamming his staff down. Which wound up sending a wave of pink colored energy at the four of us. Thankfully, I was able to get out of the way, just in time. However, Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy, on the other hand, weren't as fortunate as I was. As all three of them wound up getting hit by the wave of pink energy head on. And when the energy had dissipated, I was then met by a very peculiar and very shocking site. All three of them now had cat whiskers on their faces, and seemed to be speaking a bit off. It was then that I looked at the three cats on the ground next to them, and upon hearing the three cats speak, I then realized what had happened. And to be honest, I was quite horrified. As the voices that came out of the mouths of the three cats, were that of Momoko, Yuri, and Hinagiku. "Alright, I've heard of stuff being the cat's meow, but this is just ridiculous!" I thought to myself, with a sweatdrop finding its way down the back of my head.

And after quite a while of me and 'the false love angels.' "Well actually. Sorry, Angel Bluebell here viewers...So, as it currently stands, I don't feel even the least bit comfortable with telling all of you viewers what exactly wound up transpiring after the incident with Doctor Belphagor swapping Wedding Peach's, Angel Lily's, and Angel Daisy's minds with the three cats. And the reason for this is that if I did wind up telling all of you about any of it...Well...then it wouldn't be something that would not be even the least bit suitable for all of the young people who are or will be reading this fanfic...*proceeds to blush profusely*...For those of you who have actually watched the fourth and final Wedding Peach DX episode...which if I remember correctly, was called, 'The False Love Angels!: We'll Fight, Even On Valentines Day!'...You will know what exactly it is that I am referring too...So yea, not what I would consider to be appropriate for this kind of fanfic...I am sure that you will all understand why I have decided not to go to deeply into what went on...Because like I said...not really appropriate given the circumstances...But I just said, this is the fourth, and also the final OVA episode in the current Wedding Peach anime canon timeline..And as I am sure that I have been saying for many chapters previously...After this chapter...That is where things will wind up becoming very interesting...I mean after all...when the Wedding Peach anime was released back in April 5, 1995...there currently only exists fifty-one main episodes...Well, that is actually fifty-five...If you are including the four OVA episodes of Wedding Peach DX...I am more then do what I deem to be completely necessary, to prove to the anime industry, that what is about to happen in the next chapter and after that...deserves to be turned into actual canon...I mean after all...I hope that the anime industry winds up realizing the potential huge amount of money that they could all make, for turning a multicross fanfic like this one into actual canon...I mean seriously...we could all stand to gain something from a crossover like this...I mean...the moonlight is a messenger of love after all...*proceeds to blush profusely while turning head and eyesight away with quite a bit of embarrassment before quickly turning head and eyesight forward again to continue to address the viewers*...But enough of me rambling in this current fourth wall break...*once again proceeds to blush profusely while once again turning head and eyesight away from addressing the viewers before once again quickly bringing head an eyesight forward again to continue addressing the viewers*...Anyway, as I was saying...back to the story...*proceeds to say this last part while tilting head slightly and smiling with eyes closed*"

Anyway, my lengthy fourth wall break aside. A lot of....'things'...yea...let's just go with that. All in which I had to do my absolute best, to try and make sure that the three of them. Even though it was three cats that were currently controlling their bodies, to not do anything that would be perceived as being less then decent. And yet, if I must be honest, this was no easy task. I mean, you try dealing with three of your favorite female anime characters, while they have been taken over by cats, and then tell me how difficult it is.

Thankfully however, after Angel Celeste happened by later on, and Aphrodite as well, in an effort to clear things up. I just resided myself to the fact that this crisis had finally been dealt with. And yet, I still felt somewhat uneasy. And for some reason, I couldn't seem to get an image of a blonde haired odango style girl out of my head. I wonder why?

"Angel Bluebell here viewers. First of all, I must properly commend you all for having read this far into this self-insert fanfic. Second, in the next chapter, that is when the true fun starts to begin. And you will finally get to read about two of the most well known magical girl groups, joining forces to take on a certain someone from one of the groups past. Who you may ask? Well, I'm not going to spoil it for you, because if I did, then there wouldn't be any sort of point in me enticing you to read the next chapter. *giggles* Anyway, see you all in the next chapter, when the course of this story completely shifts...The moonlight is a messenger of love after all...And as I am sure that you are all very much aware by this and the love angels, are not the only 90s magical girls involved in all of this...You must have all figured out who the other two well known 90s magical girls are that are in this fanfic right?...I mean, you must have by this point...I have been giving all of you viewers some pretty good and quite obvious hints...Not to mention that I have pretty much given you the identities of who they are...But I digress...I will see you all in the next chapter...And the one that will ultimately change things in our lives, and everyone else's...forever...See you all in the next chapter. *Waves with a smile and eyes closed*"