Chapter 77: These Twins Stand Resolute, Seeing It Through To The End!: A Day Of Destiny, The Race To Save Academy City! (Part 5)

Date: September 20, 2009

Okay, so as it currently stood, from the last chapter. Things, were already going exactly as I had planned that they would. And with the most recent arrival of the Sailor Senshi, via Sailor Teleport, it really did seem as though this was going to be the case.However, and once I wound up taking another quick look behind me at the nine recently arrived Sailor Senshi. Which was after the whole bickering between Eternal Sailor Moon, and Super Sailor Mars, had finally stopped. And, it was once I had quickly brought my attention back forward again, in order to insure that the trajectory of the beam from Li's Lasin Board, still held. It was then that a realization came to my mind.

"Okay, so all nine of the Senshi are here...But Mamoru Chiba...aka Tuxedo not with them...However, why do I get the slightest suspicion, that that is actually intended...I mean after all viewers...Like that of Kazuya Yanagiba...aka Limone...both he, and Tuxedo Mask, do usually wind up showing the most timely of manners...I mean after all, Tuxedo Mask, is a wing man of sorts...In fact viewers, Li Showron...can actually considered, to be a wing man of sorts as well...So viewers, are you now starting to realize the connections yet?...And furthermore, for those who have watched the Sailor Moon anime with intense attention to detail in mind...and just to give you all a bit of foreshadowing...Tuxedo Mask, like the rest of us, will soon be playing our hopefully, and finally, put an end to all of this senseless fighting, and death..." I thought to myself, while I had had my eyesight, shifted slightly to the left of me, to briefly address the viewers, while I had my attention divided, on making sure, that the beams trajectory, from Li's Lasin Board wasn't lost.

However, it was only when I had finished my fourth wall break...that an unlikely person, then chose to speak up.

"Okay Bluebell, now would you mind filling us all in, on this plan of yours?" Zachary chimed in, while giving an expression, to basically let me know, that now was as good a time as any, to fill everyone else in on my plan.

"Gladly Zachary..." I said, as a small smile made its way onto my face. As I then, while still having my attention divided, with making sure that the beams trajectory, from Li's Lasin Board, wasn't lost. And while I still had my attention diverted as such, while still having my eyesight pointed straight ahead. I then, proceeded, to fill everyone else in, on what was soon to become, the most elaborate, and yet also simple plan in the history of anime.

"So Zachary, the Clow Cards that you and Sakura have in your possession, have they by any chance, gained their aura back? Because I do think that it is best, that you and Sakura, see this all 'through' to the end," I said to him, while putting an immense annunciation on the word 'through.' Which when I saw his face, then change to a face of sudden realization. I then pretty much knew, that he knew exactly, what it was, that I meant by my statement.

"And furthermore, I think you will find, that the 'twins,' do in fact, very much stand, resolute," I followed up with saying to him. "Okay seriously, stop speaking in riddles, we're wasting time here!" I then heard Li blurt out in frustration from the way that I was currently speaking.

And as I then let out a audible sigh, a thought then quickly went through my mind. "Okay, maybe I am being a bit too cryptic with this...But seriously Li...When did you suddenly turn into Arkana?!...You know the one viewers, the very same Arkana, who went against Atem, in the Battle City arc of the Yugioh anime?...Yes, that Arkana...But, like I said in a much earlier chapter...that is not my it is in fact, Edwin Chaos' priority...Which by the way viewers, if you haven't already gone and read The Chaos Effect, then I highly recommend that you do...A little bit of exposure for you Mr. Chaos, and yes, you're welcome by the way...Now then, back to the story," I thought to myself, as I had semi turned, my attention, to the left of me once again, to briefly address the viewers, all while still keeping my attention divided, so that the trajectory of the beam, from Li's Lasin Board wasn't lost.

Anyway, after Li's quick but frustrating outburst, I then decided, to do away, with the unecessary riddles, so to speak, and just tell everyone my plan, the proper way.

"Okay, so Zachary, I need you and Sakura, to use the Twin Card, to make a duplicate of the Lasin Board...Also, in order to get to the place, that we all need to go to, as the crow flies, you will also be using the Through Card, to allow us all, to pass through any sort of solid obstacle," I said, all while, I still had my attention divided, to insure, that the Lasin Boards beam trajectory, wasn't lost.

And, after Zachary had given me a nod, to let me know that he understood. Both he, and Sakura pulled out the Clow Cards in question. And at last, it looked as though things, regarding us all fighting evil, were finally, going to come, to a most justifiable and positive end.

However, though none of us knew it at the time. And given the most horrid of discoveries still ahead, for me, and everyone else. Racing to save Academy City, was soon going to become, the very least of our current problems.

"A little bit more of foreshadowing for all of you viewers. you all now see, what my plan somewhat entails?...And don't worry viewers, as there is a very good reason, as to why this will wind up becoming, one of the most elaborate, and yet also very simple plans, in anime history...So, with that in mind, I will see you all in the next chapter, okay? *winks*"