Chapter 94: To Be A Hero!: My Plan Enters Its Final Phase! (Part 1)

"Hello viewers, Angel Bluebell here...Now then viewers, lets now head into the next part, of this crossover arc...But first things first viewers...A full recap of the previous chapter."

And here is the recap of the previous chapter in question...

Date: September 20, 2009

Okay, so things regarding the current situation with Eudial, were as good as they could possibly be. In fact, Eudial, along with Mimete, Telu, and the rest of the Witches 5, were about to learn a very valuable lesson, that if you let your arrogance speak for you in a situation with your very life on the line. Then, when you do go down, you will have only yourself, and your comrades to blame.

And, given what was about to happen, this was going wind up being far more then a justifiable response. And on the subject of that...

"What did you just say to me you light blue headed twerp?!" Eudial now responded with, to what I had just said to her.

"I said...No dare I talk to you like that?!...Are you serious with that?!...How about how dare YOU talk to ME like you just did!...You still don't get it!...And given how you went about things the last time...You know, when you were attempting to find the talismans?...I wouldn't say that I am surprised that you are still acting like this!...Now would you like to hear me say it again?!...Perhaps slower so you can better understand my overall statement?!" I wound up almost immediately responding back to Eudial with.

And not surprisingly...

"How dare you talk to her like that!" Telu suddenly wound up responding with. As both she, and the rest of the Witches 5, now had very irritated looking expressions, on each of their faces.

"Well then that's just the pot calling the kettle black then isn't it?! As you're ones to talk!" Keiko then wound up responding to Telu with. As she was now completely fed up with her arrogant sounding tone.

"You stay out of this! As this..." Mimete wound up responding to me with, only for me to cut her threat off mid sentence.

"Yea no Mimete...I won't stay out of this as you just so unkindly just put!...As this does concern me!...Because if you have a problem with one of us, then you have a problem with all of us!...So why don't you do me a favor, as well as the rest of us..." Keiko then followed up with saying, only for a certain someone, to decide to call something out. Well, actually several certain someones.

"Moon...Gorgeous...Meditation!~" Eternal Sailor Moon called out, as she conjured up her Moon Kaleidoscope, and fired her attack from it, towards the Witches 5.

"Mercury...Aqua...Rhapsody!" Super Sailor Mercury called out, as she conjured up a harp made of water. To which, as she strummed several of the water harps strings. Several tendrils of water erupted forth from it, and headed towards the Witches 5.

"Mars...Flame...Sniper!" Super Sailor Mars called out, as she conjured up her flame arrow, and then launched it forward from her left, with the use of her right hand, as it had let go of the fire based drawstring that the flame arrow had been strung to. As the flame arrow, also made its way, towards the Witches 5.

"Jupiter...Oak...Evolution!" Super Sailor Jupiter called out, as she twirled in a fast circle, and several razor sharp looking leaves, suddenly appeared, and then made their way towards the Witches 5. As every single one, shot towards the five of them, at a very alarming rate of speed.

"Venus...Love And Beauty Shock!" Super Sailor Venus called out, as she, like the rest of the other Inner Senshi, launched her attack towards the Witches 5.

And, as the five attacks closed in. None of the Witches 5, were able to react in time. As all 5 attacks, caused all 5 members of the Witches 5, to fade out of existence. And this wound up confirming, that they had in fact, all been purified.

And, more importantly, this had now taken us all one step closer, to finally putting an end, to all of the senseless fighting, and death.

Which had been followed, by Keiko doing her usual end of chapter fourth wall break.

And now, with the recap of the last chapter now done, we will now head right into the current chapter.

Date: September 20, 2009

Okay, so as it currently stood, the villain rogues galleries numbers, had been slowly dwindling. As the original opposing group of 24, had now been reduced, down to just 9. But, these remaining 9, weren't exactly slouches.

As the 9 that were left, were as follows. Galaxia, Joker, Raindevila, Gensei Kihara, Beryl, Kaolinite, and finally, The Amazon Trio.

But, as it currently stood, these remaining 9 individuals, who had just watched 15 of their so called allies, get blown out of existence, or purified, in the case of some of them. It was now quickly becoming apparent to them, that there wasn't really a remaining available version of this fight, in which they had any sort of advantage left.

In fact, with what was about to take place. Would show, that when you're backed into a corner, like these 9 villains were, someone, if not all of them, might suddenly decide to get desperate.

And on the subject of that...

"Damn you...all of you! You really think that you've all won against us haven't you?! Well no matter, as we will eventually be coming back to make the 25 of you pay!" Beryl suddenly blurted out with.

And not surprisingly...

"As a matter of fact Beryl...yes, yes I do think you villains, have no one to blame for this loss, but yourselves!...And on the subject of you coming back to make us pay Beryl?...Unfortunately for you villains, there isn't going to be a next this will be the very last time, that you ever come back to threaten any of us!" Zachary then suddenly wound up speaking up with.

Which not surprisingly, Zachary's current statement, wound up catching everyone on our side, except for him and Sakura, by complete surprise.

"Wait a sec Zachary, what do you mean when you say that?" Keiko then decided to respond with saying to what he had just said. As for only the second time since that version of myself, had wound up in Keiko's body in the Railgun anime timeline, she was now, completely in shock.

"Well Keiko, what I mean by what I just said, is that 'everything will be fine.' Isn't that right Sakura?" Zachary then wound up saying to me in response, as he then briefly turned his attention to Sakura, and smile at her. To which Sakura, wound up nodding to him in response, and then return her own smile back to him.

But, getting back to the current situation...

"Well Peach, Lily, Daisy, Salvia, I would say that it is now time for the end game, don't you think?" I then said. Which was followed during my statement, by me drawing my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, back towards, and then over, my right armor clad shoulder.

"Agreed Bluebell, it is finally time to show the villains what it truly means to be a hero," Angel Salvia then responded back to Angel Bluebell.

And, as me, Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, Angel Daisy, and Angel Salvia, all then took ready fighting stances. We all, then prepared ourselves, to finally take my plan, into its final phase.

And more importantly, finally put an end, to the endless death, and fighting, that had been set in motion by the entity known as Chaos, back at the very start, of the Sailor Moon canon timeline.

As what was about to happen, would prove, that if you were going to choose, between being a villain, or being a hero. You had best be ready, to play the hero.

"And isn't that the truth viewers...Sorry, Keiko here again...*Keiko says this, while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing her attention back up again, in order to continue, to address the viewers*...I mean after all one Herschel Biggs once said in the video game L.A. Noire...'The force is like politics, there's no sitting on the fence, you've gotta choose side, a brown paper envelope, and a one-way ticket to Palookaville'...*Keiko then suddenly blushes profusely, before then quickly composing herself, in order to continue to address the viewers*...Mind you viewers...when he had actually said that, Herschel Biggs, was of course speaking on the whole Los Angeles Police Department in the video game in question...what with the whole Suburban Redevelopment Fund...the death of Cole Phelps...crooked administrative vice cop Roy Earle...and of course, Leland Monroe...who was sometimes known as 'the man with the grin'...Also, while we are on that subject for the moment viewers...the very line that I had said back in my perspective of 'Chapter 19: Jokers, Aces, Kings, Queens, And The Presence Of Marked Cards!: One Sided Wins And Loaded Dice, A Lack Of Trust Is A Villains Worst Enemy!'...That went as 'kingdoms rise and kingdoms fall, ask the Emperor Of Japan'...That believe it or not viewers, was said by one Jack Kelso, in the L.A. Noire case, called 'A Polite Invitation'...Which believe it or not viewers...just so happens to be the title, of Going In Almost Completely Blind Chapter 76...But anyway viewers...I will be seeing you all in the next chapter...okay?...*Keiko says this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed, and her head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"