"Hello there viewers...Shinko here...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed. To which I then proceed to open them again, in order to continue, to properly address the viewers*...So anyways viewers, before I proceed forward with this particular chapter...and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order first...now then viewers...let us begin the chapter recap now, okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed*"
Date: April 28, 2002
Okay, getting back to the very shocking and somewhat precarious sort of situation, that we all currently found ourselves in...
"I am surprised that you aren't all happy to see me again," Pluie had now said, with an all too recognizable heavy ounce of arrogance to his tone. Which not surprisingly, was met by several disgusted and very fed up looking expressions from me, as well as everyone else on our side.
And with regard to some of those reactions...
"Save it Pluie, as you know as well as I do, that the feeling isn't exactly mutual when considering me and the rest of The Four Aces Alliance! And while we're on the subject here viewers...you've probably all been wondering, exactly as to why Pluie is now miraculously back from the dead again...isn't that right?...Well viewers...I think you'll find, that as it was explained in a previous chapter...these three fanfics, are playing off of a premise so too speak...that I have rightfully coined the 'Marvel's What If Principle.'...So basically viewers...since Sakura and Zachary's invincibility spell was used in the interconnected timeline back in their own world...as it was in fact during a dream that they had both been having back in 'Chapter 76: A Polite Invitation!: Enter Sailor Pluto, The Sailor Guardian Of Time And Space!'...and then again in a more recent chapter back when we had fought against the rouges gallery at the lab...Their invincibility spell...unfortunately in this case viewers...only worked for both the Going In Almost Completely Blind timeline, and the Railgun Aces timeline...So in other words viewers...lets just say...that we all still have a very long way to go, with regard to completely being done with the rouges gallery for good...as you will all actually wind up realizing in the upcoming future chapters...But anyway viewers...lets now get back to the chapter...shall we?...*Keiko proceeds to say this, while proceeding to smile with both of her eyes closed, and her head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"
And, with regard to Pluie's current resulting reaction...
"You know Shinko, I really have become quite tired and fed up...With you and your sisters quite irritating plot foiling antics!...But no matter, as it is finally time for you both to die! So, farewell...Angel Bluebell and Wedding Peach!" Pluie now proceeded to say. Which was then followed, by him then conjuring up his all too familiar sword of darkness. Which was then followed, by him proceeding to swing it forward, in an aggressive swiping motion.
And this was then followed, by a bolt like wave of black evil energy...
But, as it proceeded to make its way towards me and Wedding Peach, I then just couldn't help, but then give off a cocky sort of smirk...
"What are you smirking at Shinko?!" Pluie now proceeded to ask me, as he had now taken immediate notice of my cocky looking smirk, that had just found its way onto my face.
"Oh nothing really Pluie. It's just that you've once again underestimated us, isn't that right...Sailor Moon?" I now proceeded to say. Which was due to the fact, that as Pluie had proceeded to launch his attack, I had then begun to feel an all too familiar, but very much present magical aura.
And knowing full well who it belonged to, I just couldn't help but give off my current cocky smirk. I mean, wouldn't you?
And sure enough...
"How dare you return, and seek to try and tear us and our friends apart all over again! I am the Pretty Guardian, who fights for love and for justice, I am Sailor Moon! And now in the name of the moon, I'll punish you!" Eternal Sailor Moon proceeded to say. Which was followed, by her doing her signature pose, while pointing at Pluie.
"I am the Pretty Guardian, who fights for Love and Intelligence, I am Sailor Mercury! Douse yourself in water and repent!" Super Sailor Mercury said as she struck her usual pose.
"I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for Love and for Passion! I am Sailor Mars! In the name of Mars, I'll chastise you!" Super Sailor Mars said as she struck her usual pose.
"I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for Love and for Courage! I am Sailor Jupiter! I'll fill you regret, It'll leave you numb!" Super Sailor Jupiter said as she struck her usual pose.
"I am the Pretty Guardian who Fights for Love and for Beauty! I am Sailor Venus! In the name of Venus, I'll punish you with the power of love!" Super Sailor Venus said as she struck her usual pose.
And, just as the Outer Senshi, then proceeded to start their respective introduction. I had then noticed, that an immense amount of cherry blossoms, had now begun to fall.
And upon seeing these cherry blossoms, that seemed to start falling out of nowhere, I then realized something...
"Oh, so cherry blossoms do in fact start to fall when the Outer Senshi proceed to start their respective introductions...Well viewers...it looks as though that part about the Sailor Moon anime...was completely accurate to the letter...But anyways viewers...back to the chapter...as well as the current fight at hand," I thought to myself, which during this very thought. I had proceeded to briefly turn my attention slightly to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.
But getting back to the remaining introductions...
"I am an emissary from the abyss of Death. Protected by Saturn, the Outer Planet of Destruction, the Guardian of Silence. I am Sailor Saturn." Sailor Saturn said as she struck her usual pose.
"Protected by Uranus, the Planet of the Wind. Guardian of Heavens. I am Sailor Uranus!" Super Sailor Uranus said as she struck her usual pose.
"Protected by Neptune, the Outer Planet of the Seas, Guardian of the Deep Sea. I am Sailor Neptune." Super Sailor Neptune said as she struck her usual pose.
"I am the Keeper of the Door of Space and Time. I am Sailor Pluto, Guardian of the Underworld." Super Sailor Pluto said as she struck her usual pose.
And right after Super Sailor Pluto had finished her usual introduction, and had struck her usual pose...
"Oh wow...they are even more impressive in person!" Mew Ichigo had now proceeded to say. Which not surprisingly, was then met with several sweatdrops and somewhat uneasy sort of expressions, from Mew Mint, Mew Lettuce, me, Wedding Peach. And also, from Eternal Sailor Moon, and the rest of the Inner Senshi.
Which since they weren't really expecting Mew Ichigo to react in a similar manner to Chibiusa when she had first seen the Senshi since coming from Crystal Tokyo in the 30th century of the Sailor Moon anime canon timeline. Which was also me and the Love Angels anime canon timeline as well. And also, me and Wedding Peach weren't expecting it either, since we still weren't exactly used to Mew Ichigo's cat like hyper personality yet.
But getting back to the current situation at hand...
"Damn you Sailor Moon! You always did seem to be a thorn in mine and Queen Beryl's side! Also, did you miss me?!" The unmistakable currently disembodied voice of Jadeite, now proceeded to speak up with. As he then proceeded to fade into existence from out of nothing.
"Yep Jadeite, we're pretty stubborn, you can best be assured of that!" Zachary had now proceeded to say, as he wound up somewhat quoting one Captain America's Steve Rogers, from Avengers: Endgame.
"And don't we all know it viewers...Oh right...Keiko here again viewers...sorry about that...*Keiko proceeds to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which she then proceeds to bring her attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. Keiko also now proceeds to clear her throat, as she then proceeds to continue, to properly address the viewers*...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...But don't worry, as we will wind up getting right back into the action in the next chapter...So viewers...I hope to see you lot there...okay?...*Keiko proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed, and her head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"
"Well viewers...you heard it from Keiko...Oh right...Shinko here again viewers...so, like Shinko just said...see you all in the next chapter...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed*"
And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.
Date: April 28, 2002
Okay, so getting back to the current situation, and the battle at hand...
"Ah...Sailor Moon, right on time like always..." Jadeite now proceeded to say. Which he had said, with quite a bit of disdain and arrogance to his tone.
"Save it for someone whose more interested in your arrogant and disdainful sounding demeanor Jadeite! As you know full well as much as me, and the rest of the Four Aces, that you have yet to have any sort of advantage against us! And that quite honestly Jadeite, isn't something that is going to wind up changing for you and the rest of the rouges gallery, anytime soon!" I had now proceeded to say in my usual authoritative and passionately powerful tone. As not surprisingly, I had now already become quickly fed up with Jadeite's demeanor regarding Sailor Moon, and the rest of the Sailor Senshi. As it had been proven in previously similar incidents, no one mocks my friends or allies, unless they intend to wind up paying for it in some form or fashion.
Which from how I had my similarly first outburst. Which had taken place back on August 9th against Galaxia and Beryl, this wasn't something that I really blamed myself for. And to be plainly honest, Zachary, Keiko, and Misaka weren't at all shocked by my current reaction either.
But, getting back to the situation at hand...
"Damn you Bluebell...How dare you make a fool out of me!..." Jadeite now proceeded to respond back to me with. As he was now even more irritated by my sudden interruption of his statement.
But, seeing as how I now once again had a cocky smirk present on my face. Which had quickly reappeared after I had noticed, that Jadeite's left eye had suddenly begun to twitch. This, like my now dissipated outburst, was also something that I didn't blame myself for either.
And as for my response...
"No Jadeite, as I think that you will find that you're the one that just made a fool of yourself. I was only reacting to your statement. Which for the record viewers, is..." I had now proceeded to say to Jadeite in response.
But then...
"Bluebell, look out! Behind you!" Sakura had now proceeded to shout to me with. Which was due to a very quick and high speed attack making its way to me from behind.
Which thankfully though, was quickly followed, by an all too familiar looking whip, proceeding to shoot forward from the side of me, wrap itself around my torso, then proceed to yank me slightly sideways, and out of the current trajectory of the attack, just in time.
And upon realizing what had just happened, I could now only give off a small and cocky smirk.
And as a way to confirm this, just as I had wound up planting my blue high heel clad feet back down onto the ground again, and the whip uncoiled from around my torso...
"In the language of flowers, the nature of the pure lily is special, it means that it will bloom and grant love!" Angel Lily said, as she said her introduction, and then struck a pose, while she held her Saint Spiral Whip at the ready.
"The daisy is the emblem of the pure and innocent heart. For it's power can withstand even the most evil wind!" Angel Daisy said, as she said her introduction, and then struck a pose, while she held her Saint Rolling Boomerangs at the ready.
"In the language of flowers, salvia means a burning heart! The warrior from heaven, Angel Salvia, is here to do battle! All you devils who mislead innocent hearts, I will erase your filthy souls!" Angel Salvia said, as she then struck a pose, while she held her Saint Twin Swords at the ready.
And not surprisingly...
"Well, it would seem as though The Trinity is once again together...So then Jadeite...what do you say that we now proceed to go forward, and ahead with trouncing you, Pluie, and Quiche now...hmm?" Keiko now proceeded to say, as electricity had now once again proceeded to crackle, through the bangs of her long light blue hair.
"Well said there Keiko, let's teach these villains a lesson about teamwork!" Misaka now proceeded to say to Keiko in response, as electricity, had now also started to crackle, through the bangs of her brown hair.
"And also viewers...Oh right, Keiko here...*Keiko proceeds to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which she then proceeds to bring her attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. She also now proceeds to clear her throat, as she then proceeds to continue, to properly address the viewers*...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...But don't worry, as we will wind up getting right back into the action in the next chapter...So viewers...I hope to see you lot there...okay?...*Keiko proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed, and her head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"
"Thank you for that Keiko...And so viewers...as Keiko just said...we both look forward to seeing you both in the next chapter...okay?"
"Thank you as well Zachary...And viewers...Shinko here by the way...But anyway viewers...and as both Keiko and Zachary have just said...we all look forward to seeing you all in the next chapter...So viewers...see you all there...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed*"