Chapter 128: Fourth Wall Breaks, Magic Knights, And Quincies!: Gaslighting Uryu Ishida, And The Magic Knights Join The Fight!

"Hello there viewers...Shinko here again...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed. To which I then proceed to open them both up again, in order to continue, to properly address the viewers*...So anyways viewers, we will now move on to the next chapter in this massive crossover arc of these three fanfics...And more importantly to setup the next encounter with the Wandenreich...Now as usual viewers, before I proceed forward with this current upcoming chapter...and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order then viewers...let us begin the chapter recap now, okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed*"

Date: April 17, 2021

Okay, so things in the current situation, had now started to turn into pretty much an overwhelming advantage for those on our side of this fight. But, as we were about to all learn, there was always more to things, then just a simple fight, of good versus evil. And given what was about to happen, this couldn't be any further from the truth if it tried.

But getting back into the current situation at hand...

"Well sis, it would appear that we have a trio of new allies. So I would say, that things are in a pretty good standing with regards to our overall footing in this fight," I proceeded to say over to Wedding Peach. Who at the moment, had actually been standing not that far from where I currently was.

And the good news, was that because Angel Salvia, was able to use her Saint Twin Swords, to block the heavy overhead swing from the dirty blonde haired girls dark pink colored Claymore sword. I was able to more easily say my statement to Wedding Peach, without having to divert my attention, like I had been forced to do back in the last chapter.

But, however...

"Bluebell look out, on your right!" I then heard the unmistakable voice of one Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya now proceeded to yell over to me with.

Which, just as I proceeded to look slightly to my right, I was then greeted, by the long black haired man with the mustache and white trench coat from before. And he had just gone, and had fired a similar high speed Reishi based attack, like Uryu had did with his arrow. That had wound up striking me in the back.

But the good news was, that due to my high durability while I was transformed into Angel Bluebell, I was able to not only recover from the hit quickly. But the pain that I would've felt when just as Shinko, was as usual, non existent. As I was currently Angel Bluebell, and not Shinko.

But, just as the attack was about a foot or so from me. I was then greeted, with yet another blinding white light. Which not only wound up blinding me, but everyone else who was present in the area that we had all just been in.

But, once the light had died down, we were all then greeted with the fact, that we had all now been transported to what appeared to be on a somewhat flat and open area. Which as I then noticed, seemed to be made and composed, of mostly green trees and grass.

But, the most bizarre thing about this area, was as I looked just slightly to my left, I was then greeted by the appearance, of a floating piece of land up in the air. And on it, had what appeared to be a giant clear looking crystal. That almost seemed to in some way, represent the Crystal Palace, that was in Crystal Tokyo, in the 30th Century of the Sailor Moon anime.

"And for the record viewers...Oh right, Bluebell here again...Now, you're probably already wondering, for those who don't know, exactly what particular anime we're in at the moment...Well viewers...*I proceed to say this, only for somebody, to then proceed to cut me of mid-sentence*"

"Hey you! The girl with the long blue hair! Were you just speaking to the viewers by any chance?!" A now new unfamiliar female voice proceeded to shout out to me from over to my left. Which not surprisingly, had now caused my left eye to start twitching slightly. Since I now knew full well, that we had now wound up, in yet another anime, where one or more of the characters, had fourth wall awareness.

But, as I then turned my attention towards the source of the female voice. I was then greeted by the appearance, of three females. One had long red hair. Another had long blue hair, that seemed to be even as long as my long blue hair. And the final girl, had short wavy blonde hair.

But upon taking a somewhat closer look at the three of them, I then noticed, that all three of them seemed to be wearing small bits of what appeared to be a form of armor. And as for the girl who had shouted out her statement to me. Well...

"Y-yes...and you three are?" I now proceeded to ask the three of them.

But surprisingly...

"Now what kind of a statement is that?!" The girl with the long blue hair now proceeded to say to me in response.

"Umi don't say that to her that way, it is quite rude," The girl with the long red hair proceeded to say back to her in response.

And, with a sweatdrop now proceeding to appear on the back of my head. I then let out a somewhat audible sigh while looking slightly down with both of my eyes closed.

" another Tsundere then?...Not that there is anything wrong with that viewers...Oh and by the way...Let me welcome you all to the anime canon timeline, of the one and only Magic Knight Rayearth..." I thought to myself, while as usual while having my thought. I had proceeded to slightly turn my eyesight and attention, both slightly and briefly to the left of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.

But, as a sort of way to try and respond to what the girl I now knew was named Umi...

"Well you see Umi..." I started to proceed to say back to her in response. Only for me to be cut short mid statement. As once again, I wound up sensing the impending trajectory, of yet another attack heading in my direction again.

But strangely...

"Mokona is so glad to see more of you here," A voice now proceeded to say, as a white colored looking creature with what looked to be somewhat matted looking bunny ears, and a red jewel in the center of its forehead, proceeded to come bounding over to me, and stopped in front of me.

And, with a sort of small eyed expression on my face...

"Uh...h-hi there..." I now proceeded to say.

But then...

"Oh it's so cute!" The voice of Misaka now proceeded to speak up with. Which wound up catching me completely off guard.

"Uh...well that was somewhat predictable of you Misaka...I mean after all viewers...she is a fan of it's only natural that she thinks that Mokona is cute as well...But anyway viewers...back to the chapter, as well as the current situation at hand," I thought to myself. Which once again, while I had been having my thought. I had once again proceeded to turn both my eyesight, as well as my attention, slightly to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.

And, just to make things in the current situation just a bit much more unpredictable...

"Oh how cute, he looks a lot like Chappy The Rabbit!" Rukia Kuchiki now proceeded to speak up with. Which she had said, while matching Misaka's level of both excitement, and joyous tone.

And not surprisingly...

"Really?!...I mean are you for real right now?!...Please tell me that you're joking?!...Please!...Well viewers...I never knew that Rukia, could generate as much a high level of energy as one Ray Narvaez Jr. sometimes does when he proceeds to get somewhat upset with whatever game he's playing with his YouTube Frogs on Twitch...Which sometimes is a good portion of those Resident Evil Randomizer Twitch streams that he tends to do on occasion...Oh and by the way Ray?...I just mentioned your YouTube channel and your Twitch're welcome by the way...Oh, and while we're on the subject here Ray...LLLLLLET'S PLAY!...Oh, and while we're still on this particular subject at the moment viewers...Ray?...How's Shen doing?...As you did say that you were...*ahem*...taking a certain name brand something or other...when you had decided to do a Pokemon Soul Link playthrough with her...I'm just trying to gauge a sort of conversation...Mind you, it isn't a conversation per say?...But, you get what I mean...Also, if you haven't gone and watched a good portion of his COD Veteran Playthrough streams, then you are truly missing out...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...But don't worry we will be getting right back into the action, in the next chapter...So viewers...see you all there, okay?" I thought to myself.

Which during this very same thought, I had once again briefly turned both my attention and eyesight, slightly and briefly to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers. But the only difference this time, was that I had said the last part, while smiling with both of my eyes closed.

And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.

Date: October 17, 1994

Okay, so as it currently stood, all of us had now landed in the world of Cephiro. Or, to put it a more simpler variant of terms, the anime canon timeline, of Magic Knight Rayearth. But, as we were about to learn. If you even proceed to take your eyes off of your opponents, for even a split second. 

Then what can happen is. Well about that...

"How dare you freeze me in that wall of ice and then proceed to forget about me!" The unmistakably irritated sounding voice of one Uryu Ishida now proceeded to yell out to me and everyone else, while a tickmark was now currently present on one side of his face.

And not surprisingly...

"Wait, you're still here Uryu?" I now proceeded to say back to him in response. While trying my absolute best not to show the clear fact, that I was trying very very hard at the moment, to cover up the fact that I was currently snickering.

"Oh, and by the way viewers....Bluebell here by the way viewers...Anyway...if any of you are at all wondering why Uryu is no longer frozen in ice anymore?...Well, that has to do in large part, to the fact that that ice, can be easily broken out of, if Uryu uses even a small bit of his Reishi...So for those of you viewers, who are going to try and claim to me, that this isn't logical...Then need I remind you all, that these three fanfics, are not yours to dictate, on how they are told to all of you...If you don't like the way that these three fanfics are being told to you, then stop reading, it is as simple as that...But I guarantee, that you won't be able to find another trio of fanfics like these anywhere else on the net...So, if your one and only complaint, is that this isn't being told to your liking as of right now?...Then that is quite honestly your issue, and therefore has nothing to do with me, in any sort of way, shape, or form...No one forced you to read these three fanfics...So don't go acting as though I need to cater to your lack of a clear ability, to want to look past any anime canon timelines usual canonized events...So because these three fanfics are different, and they deviate from canon...that is going to wind up being your excuse to not want to read on?...But, I think that I am once again getting a bit carried away with my fourth wall break at the moment here viewers...So then, what do you say, that we get back to the chapter at hand now...hmm?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed*"

But anyway, getting back to the current situation at hand. And not surprisingly at all...

"I've been here the whole time! And I would also very much appreciate it if you didn't try to gaslight me!" Uryu now proceeded to say back to me in response.

And as for my response? Well...

"Oh I'm sorry Uryu, but whatever do you mean? And just what might I ask, is a gaslight? So you want one of us to cook you some food? Is that what you're trying to convey?" I now proceeded to say. While by this point, I had now pretty much all but given up, with attempting to hide my now clearly audible snickering.

And just as I had intended...

"I mean honestly, why do I even bother trying to talk to you?!" Uryu now proceeded to say back to me in response. While the same tickmark from before, was still very much present, on one side of his face. 

And as for my response? Well about that...

"Because you need someone to converse with, to help you talk about your life's current problems? I mean I don't know what you want me to say to you Ishida. As I am pretty sure that Ichigo would've probably been better in telling you..." I now proceeded to say. Which during this, my snickering as well as my smirk, had now quickly changed over, to a small eyed, and straight mouthed expression.

But then...

"What do you know about Ichigo?! You act as though you know him!" Uryu now proceeded to respond back to me with.

"Well technically Ishida, I never acted as though I knew him. Isn't that right viewers?" I proceeded to say to Uryu. Which during the end of my statement back to him in response, I had proceeded to slightly turn my eyesight, slightly to my left, in order to briefly address the viewers.

And as for Uryu's response...

"Hey, don't involve the viewers! You and I are talking, so leave this conversation between just the both of us!" Uryu now proceeded to say back to me with. 

And as for my response back to him...

"And you expect me to adhere to that Uryu? Also Uryu, since when is there any sort of rules governing fourth wall breaks? I don't remember any rules about that existing? Zachary, Keiko? Is there any rules regarding that? I don't remember there being any. So is Uryu just currently trying to make a sort of invalid excuse, as to why he is now not the only one who can speak to the viewers whenever he wants?" I now proceeded to say. While during this, with my smirk now back on my face, I had briefly turned my attention towards Keiko and Zachary. Which was in order to try and hammer home this fact being the case.

And as for their responses...

"Not that I am aware of Bluebell. I mean after all viewers, Deadpool didn't have that sort of restriction, so why should any of us have that either? And She-Hulk didn't have that restriction either. So Uryu, do you need anymore examples? Or should we just leave it at that? Because if the three of us didn't know any better, then we would say that you're what most people call. Wait, what would we call him? Zachary, would you care at all, to help me and Bluebell weigh in on this?" Keiko now proceeded to say to Uryu in response. Which during her statement, she had turned her attention over to Zachary, to try and have him weigh in on Uryu's current upset demeanor.

And as for Zachary's response...

"Well Keiko, I would have to say that Uryu here, is currently being what most people sometimes tend to refer to, as being jealous. I mean after all viewers, the three of us aren't the only ones currently here, who can choose to break the fourth wall whenever we want. Isn't that right Sakura?" Zachary now proceeded to say. Which during his statement, he had briefly turned his attention to behind him, when he had addressed Sakura.

But then...

"Can we just finally get back on track please?! The viewers have probably stopped reading this chapter by this point!" Super Sailor Mars now proceeded to yell out towards the three of us. Which she had proceeded to say, with quite a bit of frustration and anger in her tone. Which not surprisingly, had now caused me, Zachary, and Keiko, to snap to attention almost immediately.

Well when I say that...

"Uh...well aren't we just a little bit fired up, aren't we Mars?...You can sometimes be more of a worse buzzkill, then Buzz Killington...And yes viewers...that was a corny joke...and if you have a problem with it...then tough...But anyway viewers...let us now get back to the current chapter at hand...okay?" I proceeded to think to myself. Which during this, I had briefly turned both my attention and eyesight, slightly and briefly to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.

Okay, so getting back to the chapter, and away from my thought based fourth wall break...

"Okay alright Mars, I get the point, back to the..." I proceeded to say, only to have someone else, now proceed to cut me off mid statement.

"Bluebell, on your right!" The voice of one Rukia Kuchiki now proceeded to say to me. Which she had proceeded to say with quite a bit of concern in her tone.

And, once I had then turned my attention slightly over towards my right. I was just able, to make out a fast approaching spear. "Are you serious right now?! I mean honestly, you think that I can't dodge that?!" I now proceeded to say, while I then proceeded to quickly action roll out of the way. 

And this was just as the fast approaching spear, managed to speed by me, and off into the distance, as it wound up missing me by quite a margin. 

And as for who threw it? Well about that...

"Damn it, how did I miss?" A now unrecognizable female sounding voice now proceeded to yell out in frustration. Which was then followed, by the sudden appearance of a female, who looked to be currently dressed, in a purple bejeweled, and armored outfit.

And not surprisingly...

"I'm sorry, is a circus coming to town that I wasn't aware of? Or was an eggplant your overall inspiration for that outfit of yours?" I now proceeded to say to the oddly dressed female in question. Which was while, the small eyed expression from before, was now once again present on my face.

But as for the current situation...

"How dare you proceed to insult me! Do you know who it is that you're talking to?!" The woman in the purple bejeweled outfit proceeded to say back to me in response. With quite a bit of anger to her current tone.

But before I could even respond to what she had just said back to me in response...

"Fire Arrow!" The voice of the girl with the long red hair now proceeded to call out. Which as I proceeded to turn my attention towards her. I was then greeted, by a stream of fire, then proceeding to slam into the girl with the purple bejeweled outfit with quite a bit of ferocity.

And, by the time it had died down about a second or so later. I then noticed, that the girl with the purple bejeweled outfit, was no longer there.

"What just happened?!...So she can wield fire like Super Sailor Mars can?!...Well then...she might wind up being quite the useful ally...and so can the other two...Oh, and by the way viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...But don't worry we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...okay?" I proceeded to think to myself. Which during this, I had briefly turned both my attention and eyesight, slightly and briefly to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.