Night tour

It had been two days since my transfiguration class. During that time I spent every free moment practicing the disillusionment charm.

The spell was quite simple and within these days I was able to get my mastery of the spell to intermediate.

Once I'd learned legilimecy and occlumency to the intermediate level I resolved myself to start practicing Satan soul magic along with finding some rituals to enhance myself.

Turing to look at the clock I noticed that curfew had already ended. It had been half an hour since we where sent to the dormitory's. Having my own room definitely had its benefits, but even so I couldn't practice Satan soul within due to the aura it released.

Slapping my cheeks I readied myself for my first night tour. Walking out of my room I made my way towards the entrance of the dorm. Taking a deep breath I cast the disillusionment charm.

If anyone where to see me it look as if I'd disappear, but if one looked closely you could see ny faint outline.

As I left the common room I began to look around to make sure no one was camping the door. Seeing that everything was okay i began to move at a steady pace towards the library.

The spacious hallways where dark, bearly any light was left. On both sides of the wall portraits slept, but not at all did i believe they stopped watching.

Slowly and quitely making my way through the castle I eventually made it to the Library. Slowly creaking the door open I made sure that their was no surprises on the other side.

Seeing it was all clear I slipped through a semi-opened door before quitely closing it. Seeing the desk that madam Pince usually sits at I began to look for the restricted section key.

Rummaging through her desk only took me a few minutes, the key wasn't hidden at all. Returning the desks items to the position I found it in before I made my way over to the restricted section.

I had read that night tours where a type of tradition and a way to use magic in a practical setting. The purpose was that teachers where supposed to catch you and you must avoid them.

It was like a giant game of cat and mouse, one in which the students benefited most.

The library although large was quite compact. Luckily the restricted section was close to the door and I'd scouted it out previously.

Standind before the gate I took out the key and placed it into the acient padlock. With a sharp click that was much to load for my licking I pushed the door open and made my way into tue section.

Their where many books within this section of the library but most however must just be placeholders. No truely dangerous knowlage held within the library, you could of course find references to the darker arts but no books containing the full knowlage.

Even though that was the case their was still many books related to rituals. Even if illegal to perform one could recive many benefits form them.

Although tempted by the rituals I decided to save them for later and keep my original goal in mind. After taking a sharp corner I finally found the section I was looking for.

It was amptly named mind arts. From a glance it appeared to contain 21 books.

"Damn. It'll take 3 days to assimilate those books?" Letting out a sigh I couldn't help but think to myself aloud. " I suppose I'll have to practice my Satan soul and transformation more, it's the fastest way to get stronger. Especially if I want to assimilate the knowledge on rituals, their was hundreds of books" shaking my head I put my attention on the books

After reading the titles of them all I decided to pick the seven which would give me the best foundation. Just after I'd finished touching the last book however I was interrupted.

"Well well Fred, what do we have here?" A jovial voice feel from my left. " it looks to me like a little firstie on a nigh tour. Isn't that it George?" A voice equally as happy as the last form my right.

Before I could say nothing else however Fred hook his arm undermine and George did the same on the right. Quite easily they picked me off my feet.

" now now little she-devil the restricted section is no place for a firstie. We saw what caught your interest rituals are band for a reason" Fred began to reason, even as the most mischievous of the Weasley family they still didn't want one doing dark magic.

Especially one from griffendor. " come on guys it's not like their that bad if used correctly" this however caused them both to forrow their brows.

" now now firstie, rituals are band because they can easily go wrong and kill the wizard. A little firstie like you will fail easily and get yourself killed" George reasoned.

'He must have done his research, out to all the Weasleys the twins are probably the most talented'. Before I could turn to give my reasoning to the weasleys a shout resounded through the library.

" I know your here brats! I've heard your voices. You can't hide from me"the tone was dark and gritty leaving only one person it belonged to. it was the caretaker filtch.

Fred and George looked very panicked when they heard the shout however just before filtch could turn the corner I recast the disillusionment spell. "Get low" I whispered to the twins.

Following my voice the twins let me go and crouched down. " the other way towards the exit" once again I let out a feint whisper.

Travelling low and fast we saw filtch enter the section of the library we just left. Following the twins we quickly arrived at the gate leading out of the restricted section.

" wait a moment." I called out to the twins causing them to stop and turn to me. Taking out the key I used earlier I locked filtch the restricted section.

" alright let's go" as we turned to leave I continued following the twins. Without any resistance we easily made it out of the library and began to move towards the dormitory.

It took nearly 5 minutes but once we arrived inside we knew we was safe, without saying anything I returned to my room to quickly began practicing.

Fred PoV

As I watched Mirajane leave I couldn't help but be amazed.

"She's just like us George" my brother had a dumb smile on his face.

" I know Fred! Look like she will have to join our little group. She already has a cool nickname. She-devil" George had a mischievous look in his eye which was all I needed to know.

" of course she needs a proper invite!" Reaching out my hand I looked George in the eye.

Fred met my gaze another smile dawned his lips. Reaching out he grabbed my hand " let's get to playing shall we".