celebrating the holidays

It was soon discovered that even dumbledore couldn't undo the spell, this left most amazed that someone had invented a new spell just to fuck with the hogwarts caretaker.

This did cause filtch's hostitly towards the twins to rise massively as the can for some reason glowed in the dark.

Other then that matter my days continued in a reutine manor. Using the Marauders map i began to map out every part of the castle in preparation to build my own.

The twins had kindly lent it to me. When I'm finished with it I plan on showing them the room of requirement. My studies into rituals and dumbledores notes on Occlumency and Legilimency had greatly benefited me.

I was just a scratch away from mastering it according to the system. My last step as to create a sort of mind palace to optimise my brain.

When followed through with what the notes said it appeared to have both its strengths and weaknesses. Having a well organised mind allows one to remember easier and think fast. However if once's diffences are breached it becomes easy to locate information in one's mind.

Due to this I set my mind palace to become and unending corridor with many doors. If someone enters my mind the doors close shut and the corridor begins to loop in on its self.

In theory this should make to so they can't leave that area of my mind, it has a small sacrifice of them being able to potentially see the memories where they started. I digress nothing is perfect and it can be improved upon later.

With my mind put into an optimised state I was able to absorb more books then before. This allowed me to greatly push my plans forward.

After Christmas I had already planned to create my own marauders map. I planned out my opening phrase. " the devils deceit knows no bounds" and for the closing phrase "blood spilled". The materials I would be using are very high quality. I of course got them from the room of requirement. Unlike the marauders map mine will be elegantly decorated with a gothic theme.

Sure it was edgy but can you blame a girl for having fun.

" Now that I've master Occlumency and Legilimency I can focus on my Satan soul magic and increase my template precentage." And so that's what I did I practiced my satans soul all the up until Christmas Eve.

Over the last month I had made great strides and my stats have changed accordingly. Sitting in the room of requirement I mused aloud " hey system show me my status" and without delay the screen appeared in my sight.

[ name - Mirajane Strauss nee black

Race - human/demon - blood ratio 65/35

Template sync - 29%

Wizard class - A

Magic density/amount - S


Physical boost, greater vitality, greater posion resistance, greater curse resistance


Fairy tail magic - Satan soul (A), transformation magic (M)

Fairy tail curse magic - N/A

Harry Potter magic - Levitation Charm(A), Unlocking Charm (A), Locking Spell (A)

Mending Charm (A)

Important magic HP - Legilimency(M), Occlumency (M), transfiguration (A), disillusionment charm(A)]

Looking at my stats I noticed that their was quite a significant change as most of the spell I routinely practice reaches advance level. My Satan soul was well on its way to breaking into the master rank, my instinct screamed at me, telling me something important will happen.

However seeing as it was close to midnight I decided it was time to return to my dorm and since tomorrow was Christmas it was in my interest to be well rested.

Walking up to the door I cast the disillusionment charm before leaving. My journey back to the dorm was relatively easy as filtch's cat still paroled with him despite it glowing brightly.

Once back at the dormitory I immediately headed to bed so that Christmas wasn't spent with me moping around tiredly.

As soon as 6am rolled around much activity started happening within the dorm. Students where running to gather all their friends to open their presents. Mind you though not many where present as they went home for the holidays.

As I made my way towards the common area I saw both Harry and Ron opening presents. Seeing them so happy I decided to make my presence know as my presents beganto appear due to house elf magic.

"Yo! Harry,Ron get anything interesting?" My words caused them to stop talking and turn towards me, Ron being the first to respond. " we haven't opened many so far so it mainly just sweets. Also mum made you this" Ron proceeded to stand and hand me a shoe box wrapped in news paper and tied with string.

Knowing about their financial situation I decided not to comment on it. Since this was the first present in my hand I decided to open it straight away.

What I was greates with was a black jumper with a white zigzag patten across the stomach with the letters M.S.B.

Immediately I put it on over my sleepwear and joined the duo in their jumpers. " mum must have went the extra mile for you" Ron couldn't help but mutter, it was most likely because I was a girl.

Going through my presents I received a few interesting things. Dumbledore sent me a book on demons and another controlling evil magic. Flitwick sent me a many of his personal notes on charm. The half goblin was quite fond of me, McGonagall also sent me notes on her subject. I received nothing from Snape and the head of house Hufflepuff.

Dumbledores book was given to me in no doubt due to give me some insight into control, it was thoughtful of him.

'I suppose I should meet him about our rat, if I can get that out to the park next year my third year shall be peaceful.' Closing my eyes I began to relax on the sofa. The blazing fire beside me give me a giving a feeling of warmth. My respite however was quickly interrupted " bloody hell! That's an invisibility cloak!"

Opening my eyes I saw both Harry and Ron messing around with it. However looking at the cloak gave me a strange feeling. As I began to look a little harder it began to feel as if it was looking back.

Deciding that it was most wise to stop looking at it I turned my head back towards the fireplace and continued to rest. I felt its gaze on me for a few more seconds before disappearing completely.

Christmas was a genuinely bland celebration for wizards as they didn't believe in religion. So to muggles it was to celebrate the birth of Jesus to muggle. However, for wizards it was related to Yule and the winter solstice for wizards as many rituals could be performed during this time.

So Christmas continued as normal Ron annoyed Draco at dinner but other that that nothing interesting really happened.