
Hermione PoV.

Quickly as my legs would take me I made my way towards Professor McGonagalls office. Seeing the door infront of me I barged my way into room.

McGonagall who was sitting in her chair frowned deeply. However she most likely sense my urgency. " professor Mira has been hurt!" Worry trenched my voice

" miss Granger what ever do you mean" McGonagall tone was serious, even tho she wasn't fond of Mira she was still a Gryffindor student.

Taking a few deep breaths I began to explain what I saw to McGonagall. " I was going to ask Mira if she wanted to study with me. So I went to her room to ask but I didn't knock and just walked in. When I was inside I saw Mira standind infront off a Mirror, she had these massive claw like gashes across her chest!" My breathing grew heavier.

McGonagall stood up gave me a small hug before saying in a soft voice. "It'll be alright let's go and get her some help"

Together we began to walk towards the dormitory's.

Mira PoV

"Shit" that was all I could say about my current situation. I'd forgot to lock my door and because of that Hermione barged in. Saw the wound on my chest and immediately ran off.

Seeing as their wasn't much I could do about it I decided to just out on a gown. As it would most likely take a few minutes for who ever Hermione was fetching I turned to by bed to lie down.

Not even 10 minutes later my door was once again forced open. As I remained on my bed I turned my head to see exactly who I expected. Hermione and one of the professors.

They both looked I worried Hermione more notably so. "Miss black please show me your wound." McGonagall asked nay demanded.

With a wave of my hand I closed the door and stood up from my bed. Infront of both of them I dropped the night gowned I was wearing and it fell to floor.

Seeing the claw marks on my chest McGonagall gasped loudly before quickly moving to my side. " what happened? Who did this to you?" As she began to bombared me with questions she took out her want to no doubt cast anilitical spells on my body.

After a few moments she managed to calm herself down. In a soft yet reprimanding tone McGonagall began. " you child are coming with me to the visit madam pomfrey. No excepts now I'll help you get dressed as to not disturb the wound"

Going by the look on her face I knew it was best not to resist. During my interrogation in which I answered no questions Hermione had sneaked out of the room. Most likely going to tell Harry, which will mean Ron will found out resulting in Everyone finding out.

Letting out a sigh I couldn't help but feel irritated. Silently I walked with professor McGonagall and quickly arrived at the hospital wing.

Seeing me arrive with a professor madam promfrey turned her attention to us at an astounding speed. After a brief explanation I was forced to shower her my chest which resulted in me getting reprimanded again.

Once my second interrogation of the day was over I was handed a bottle of wiggonweld potion and told to not lick at it. Drinking the potion infront of her I made my way out of the hospital wing and towards the room of requirement.

'I'll never forgive you for this Hermione' my thoughts must have shown on my face as once again people started saying I'm about to go on another rampage.

Once I arrived at the room of requirement I used its special features to set up my rituals. The most disorienting of the set would no doubt be the one that amplifies my touch and sight. With that in mind I believe it wise to do those last.

Deciding that my first ritual shall be taste I began to think of the magical circle that needed to be drawn.

Dropping my Occlumency shields the room began to move to my will. A complex magic circle appeared in the centre.

Walking over to the designated spot I placed the five mooncalf corpses. Double checking the circle I made sure the room had made no mistakes. Seeing that it was perfect I let out a sigh of relief.

Standind at the centre I began to channel my magic into the circle. This started the process. Just like in the. books I had read about rituals it was incredibly painful. So painful it made the wound on my chest feel like a light tickle.

However due to my demonic heratige my pain tolerance was extremely high. After 30 minutes the final mooncalf desolved Turing into magic particles which flew into my body.

With the final mooncalf being absorbed into my body I felt as if my tounge had undergone an immense transformation.

"Damn this is definitely something I'll have to get used too. I'll have to carefully plan out my meals from now on" letting out a sigh I continued on with my rituals.

The next ritual I did was smell. By sacrificing the heart of a Hebridean black my sense of smell was enhanced so much I could smell the leather from a book I'd left in a corner.

" it looks like I'll have to spend less time around Ron" letting out a snide comment I continued on with my rituals.

Next I decided to do hearing. This ritual was arguably more complex then the other two. The ear was a very sensitive organ, this was also a ritual which might start to cause me some discomfort.

The main discomfort would be that I'd find it harder to balance myself whist I get used to it. With that I mind I triple checked the circle as I did not wish to go blind.

Once again it went of without a hitch. Decided it's best to not move to much I commanded to move onto my next ritual. Placing aragons legs into the circle I began to activate the ritual.

Out of all of them so far this one has taken the longest. After nearly an hour the last leg was taken by the ritual. As the circle died down I felt the change in my surroundings. The change was so emense I could feel the air current in the room.

"Only two left the demiguise eyes and griffin eyes. Let's do The griffin first" my words made the room instantly react and began preparing the circle which was done within minutes.

After checking it over I proceeded with the ritual. Once again this ritual took longer then the other, it also had a higher complexity. Another hour had passed by and griffin eyes where completely gone.

My eyes had been enhanced greatly, I was able to see minutiae details which I couldn't before. It had improved every aspect of my eyes.

Seeing as it was already late I thought it best to finish the last ritual quickly. Once everything was in place and the ritual started I couldn't help but feel myself excited.

This ritual was about the same length as the last two and much more painful. Once it was finished however my eyes had gained a small improvement. However, the most important part was that i had gotten precognition.

[notice ~ divination talent increase from poor to average]

[Notice ~ trait aquired ~ greater enhanced senses ~ massively enhances all the users senses to levels which would be consider astonishing to even superhumans]

Seeing that the system had recognised the rituals I couldn't help but smile. However what surprised me the most was that I could increase my talents. Seeing this I slowly began to think of many more rituals I would like to undertake.