Chapter 21: A Meltdown At The Facility, Enter Mugino Shizuri, Meltdowner! (Part 1)

Date: August 19, 2009

A few days had now passed since me and Misaka had had our confrontation with Accelerator in the railway yard. And although I had tried to confront Misaka regarding it. She had still decided to do her best to leave me out of it. This was made very much apparent, when after the incident. She told me in the most polite way, that it wasn't my business, and then proceeded to continue to skip out on curfew, and off to try her best, to ensure that the experiments involving Level 6 Shift, were destroyed. Unfortunately for her, I was still able to know what exactly she was thinking of, before she left each night. And she still wasn't able to notice it either.

One night. As it had turned out, from what I had learned. She was apparently, heading off to one of two of the facilities, that were still running the experiments. And after I once again pretended that I was asleep, until Misaka had left for one of the facilities. I then once again, decided to follow her. "Keiko here viewers. Now I know what you might be thinking. Doesn't this seem a little bit repetitive? I mean, after all, I did this exact same thing in the last chapter. But worry not viewers, this chapter, will be different. Anyway, back to the story."

Anyway, fourth wall break aside. Once I had followed Misaka to one of the facilities, and had been completely careful, not to alert her in any way, that I was following her. I then took notice, of quite a few long lines of what appeared to be tape, that were spread throughout the facility. And once I took notice of a girl wearing a black beret. I then realized exactly why. She was apparently named Frenda, and was a member of a group named ITEM. And you might be asking yourself, how is that significant to mention. Well, that is because ITEM, is headed by another of Academy City's top level 5 Espers. One Mugino Shizuri, the fourth ranked level 5 Esper. Mugino, had the nickname Meltdowner, which from what I would see from her esper ability, as well as her attacks, was more then a worthy nickname for her.

But I seem to be skipping ahead in the chapter a little, let's wind back to when Frenda first appeared shall we? Anyway, it was just as Frenda was making her presence known. That I decided to step in first, and make my presence known to both of them. I then decided to speak up. Mind you, it was not done in the most polite manner. "I see that you're still skipping out every night after curfew. So Misaka, would you mind telling me why you still haven't decided to include me in this?!" I asked her, my anger and frustration, speaking more then my politeness. And as Misaka then turned her attention to me for the moment, a blush, and a look of complete shock on her face was present. "And there's the tsundere behavior I remember..." I thought to myself, as a bead of sweat, made itself visible, on one side of my face. But, before Misaka could respond to my statement with a potential argument. Frenda picked this particular moment, to make her presence known. And despite Misaka's best efforts to keep her identity to ITEM a secret. I had now just gone, and undone all of that, by letting my anger speak instead of me using my head, and speaking politely. And also mentioning her name. "Okay, so that was a terrible mistake on my part...I guess I will have some explaining to do once everything involving the experiments, are over," I thought to myself.

And it was after a huge bit of back and forth, with both me and Misaka, dodging explosions, from the explosive dolls, that Frenda had laid throughout the facility, and had rigged them, with the tape that she had laid down. And it when Misaka had finally cornered Frenda, and then proceeded to shock her, in order to try and get some answers out of her. I then heard another female voice, make her presence known. And it was once Frenda had identified her as one Mugino Shizuri, a look of slight fear, then made its way onto my face. "Oh good, Meltdowner's here...well...this just got very very complicated...not to mention that due to my anger, I probably just blew any chance Misaka had, of keeping her identity a secret...I really need to work, on my anger skills...because I can't let something like this happen again," I thought to myself, as I then sighed.

Well here we are, all caught up. And as both me and Misaka, stared down Mugino. One last thought, then came to mind. "So this is Academy City's fourth ranked level 5 Esper...Mugino Shizuri...better wise known as have Accelerator, who is ranked 1st...Misaki...Shokuhou...who is ranked 5th...and now Meltdowner, who is ranked 4th...and yet...out of all of them...I am sure glad, that I am with Misaka...because from what I can recall...regarding what people say about her...Mugino...isn't exactly the most sane and mentally sound individual...and from meeting Accelerator as well, he isn't exactly the most sane either...well...looks like I am going to have to at least try to hold my own against Mugino...this has to go our way...because I don't know what I'm going to do if it doesn't...okay...why did I just think that?...Because after all viewers, I am not Marvel's Steve Rogers," I thought to myself, as I turned my attention, to the right of me, to address the viewers, with a bead of sweat, present on one side of my face.

But, I was going to need to hold my own, or risk me pulling Misaka down with me. "Keiko here again viewers...Because, as I'm sure you have read from one of the other fanfics. That is connected to this one, like another certain character once similarly said...I can't risk dropping my standards, and risk bringing Misaka down with me. Anyway, this is the end of part 1 of this episode. See you all in part 2. *awkwardly waves*"