Chapter 38: Ones True Intentions: The Not So Silent Party! (Part 2)

Now, remember when I said in the last chapter, that me and Misaka's encounter, with the green colored mech chapters wasn't going to be a one off. Well...

"Look viewers, the point here is. Sorry, Keiko here again. *I now traditionally bow to the viewers, in a sort of apology for once again breaking the fourth wall out of the blue again, before bringing myself straight up from my traditional bow, I then clear my throat, before once again proceeding, to continue to address the viewers*...Now, as I was about to say to all of you viewers...Actually viewers, you know what?...Why don't I just go into just a little more detail, with the sole intent, of explaining, who exactly, is responsible, for producing such abomination...Whoa...sort of turned into The Nostalgia Critic for a second there...I mean after all viewers, he does review it, so that you don't have to...But getting back on topic here viewers, and away from my...well..sort of diversion, with my Nostalgia Critic reference...Anyway, as I was saying, the...*ahem* of sorts, who were responsible for creating the green colored mech in question...Well, they are actually a group, whose name, that I had in fact already mentioned...In fact viewers, I just so happened, to have mentioned this very group, in just the previous chapter...the group STUDY...As in, the very same STUDY, responsible for the Chemicaloid Project...Yes, the very same Chemicaloid Project, that had created Febrie...Among other things...But more on that later, what do you say, that we finally, move on with the story, hmm?...*I say the last part, while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"

Now, fourth wall breaking aside, at least for the moment.

And going back to the current situation...

"Okay timeout for a second here viewers...Sorry Keiko here again...Now, I did leave a couple of things out, as to what went on in the last chapter. So, I will just explain that all now, okay?...Now, as it turned out, I did sort of mention, that me and Misaka, were the only ones, besides Febrie, who were walking down the streets of Academy City...Yea, the thing is, that wasn't entirely accurate, or even true. You see viewers, Kuroko, Saten, And Uiharu, were also there with us...Also, the whole reason as to and Misaka had really come across one of the Sisters...Well, that was actually because...Actually, you know what?...Why don't I just take you all back to a bit earlier...As I think, it far better, if I do that instead...Now, shall we begin, hmm?...*I say the last bit, while saying it in a similar fashion, in which Benedict Cumberbatch, had said it, as the villain in Star Trek Into Darkness*"

Anyway, winding back the clock a bit, to a couple of minutes prior. And while Me and Misaka, were walking down the street, with Kuroko, Uiharu, and Febrie.

Things currently were, well....

"Sissy, something is bothering you, isn't it?" Kuroko asked Misaka, upon Kuroko taking into account Misaka, less then happy looking expression.

"Uh...what are you talking about Kuroko?" Misaka wound up responding back to Kuroko, in a somewhat surprised sounding manner. The only thing was, that unlike Kuroko, I had now taken immediate notice, of a bead of sweat, now making its presence known, on one side, of Misaka's face.

"Oh, well this is not really the most ideal situation it viewers?" I thought to myself, while I had my attention, and eyesight, turned slightly to the left of me, to briefly address the viewers.

Only to be snapped back to reality again, by Kuroko then once again speaking up.

"Neither you or Keiko, have seemed to be yourselves, since you both finished talking to that doctor," Kuroko said to Misaka, while referencing me as well. Since quite frankly, I wasn't in any better of a shape, then Misaka currently was. And to be completely honest, not that I haven't already been throughout the entire portion of this fanfic already.

But anyway, this whole conversation, was suddenly cut short, by the arrival of an all too familiar black cat.

"Now here's the thing viewers. Sorry, Keiko here again. Now, as I was about to explain to all of you...the reason, as to why the black cat in question was familiar...well, that very black cat, just so happened to be the exact same black cat, that had been present, during my standoff with Misaka and Touma, on the iron bridge in Academy City...You know, the very same iron bridge, that almost became a certain Mr. Rotten Lucks untimely last stand?...Yes, that iron bridge...But anyway, viewers...What do you say, that we get back to the story, hmm?...*I say the last part, while once again smiling with eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"

Now getting back to the current situation, just after the black cat had appeared, me and Misaka, then looked towards a nearby tree, to see. Well who else, one of the Sisters. More specifically, Misaka #10032. As in the same #10032, who was almost killed by Accelerator, in the very same number of the Level 6 Shift experiments, that had in fact been interrupted by Touma. And had then led, to Touma, then giving Accelerator, exactly what he deserved, which was a punch straight to his face, with Touma's right hand. The very same right hand, that held his Imagine Breaker.

"So viewers. Sorry Keiko here again. Now, I think, that this, is more then a good place to stop with this episode for now...Don't worry, as you will not be left without another chapter for very long...I mean after all viewers...Like one Shinko Hanasaki...I am also trying to prove the exact same thing, that she herself, is trying to prove...As in, this very fanfic, as well as the other two...Which by the way viewers, I really do hope that you have all been reading alongside this...Because my hope, like that of Shinko's is to convince the anime industry, as well as all of you viewers, that I do very much believe...that this fanfic, and the other two alongside it, are more then worthy, of being turned into canon anime timeline material...And no, I don't just mean to be considered canon...What I in fact mean viewers...Is that the anime industry, should remake these three fanfics, into their own...*ahem*...sort of retelling, of these four anime...*smiles*...I mean after all, for those who don't already know...A Certain Scientific Railgun, is not the only well known anime, that is part of these three fanfics...Tell me, does the team name The 90s Magical Girl Holy Trinity, ring any bells?...You know, the very same 90s Magical Girl Holy Trinity...that were in fact featured as far back, as chapter 16?...Anyway, I think that that, is more then enough for now viewers...So, I will see you all in the next chapter, okay?...*I say this last part, while once again smiling with eyes closed, and my head tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"