Chapter 49: When The Past Isn't Yet Through With Disaster!: Railguns, Lucky Strikes, And Lifelines (Part 5)

"Hello again viewers...Keiko here...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my head, my attention, and my eyesight, back up again, to once again continue to address the viewers*...Now then viewers...I did in fact, say back in the last chapter...that we would be getting right back into the action in this chapter...Well viewers, I never break a promise...*I say this while smiling*...So viewers, with that now very much in mind...What do you all say...that just go and do that right now, hmm?...*I say this, while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"

Okay, so fourth wall breaking, and my fourth wall break moments aside, at least for the moment.

And getting back to the current situation from back in chapter 46...

As the current situation was...Well...

"...You want to survive in this city?!...Give into the darkness, and live like livestock...or become one of the people in charge!" Therestina continued on, after she had aggressively approached the bars of her prison cell, and had gripped the bars in question, quite forcefully. I could literally see Therestina, somewhat shaking, with the frustration on her face. To basically indicate, that she was...well...frustrated.

However, as per what went on in chapter 46. Both me and Misaka, still remained stoic faced.

"Now viewers...sorry Keiko then...while I am sure that you'd all love to listen to more of Therestina's...well...insanity based ramblings so to speak...Well, I wouldn't say that you would...but I had said several chapters ago Telepath Esper ability...only works on Misaka...Well actually viewers...and to give you a bit of a future chapter will wind up Telepath Esper Ability...has more then one use...what other use you may ask?...Well...the thing is viewers...if I did tell all of you what it was, then there would be little to no point, in you all be intrigued enough, to want to read on...*I say this while smiling*...Now then...though I do apologize for this...we will skipping ahead just a a little later on...But don't worry about what you wound up missing viewers...with regard to the rest of the conversation that had taken I will be explaining more about that, in the next chapter...But for now viewers...we will fast forward a little bit, to later on that Tokiwadai Middle School...more specifically viewers, in me, Misaka, and Kuroko's dorm room...Which was explained about at length, back in chapter 2 of this fanfic...And so now viewers, with that in mind...shall we begin?...*I say this, while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"

Okay, so fourth wall breaking, and fourth wall breaking moments aside, at least for the moment. And fast forwarding to later that night, and inside of me, Misaka, and Kuroko's dorm room. And as for the conversation? Well...

"Yes, that would be great captain. K," Kuroko said, as she then hung up the current call on her cell phone. And then followed up with speaking up again, just after she had hung up. "She says that there isn't enough evidence, to justify taking any action," Kuroko said, while obviously referring to me and Misaka, with her statement.

And as for our separate and current attires? Well, Kuroko was wearing her usual Burgundy colored pajamas. Misaka, was wearing her usual Gekota patterned pajamas. And as for me? Well, I was wearing some light blue colored pajamas, to match my long light blue mane of hair, that currently cascaded down my back, and onto my bed. Which to be honest, I was still having a bit of trouble, in dealing, with getting used, to such a feeling...

"And by the way viewers...sorry...Keiko here again...Now then, a bit of housekeeping so too speak. Now, I am sure that I don't need to remind all of you viewers, that the age of consensus in Japan, is 13 years old, correct?...Furthermore viewers, as I am sure that one Shinko Hanasaki, had gone to in great length in Going In Completely Blind 'Chapter 37: Looks Like The Gang Is All Here?: The Fifth Love Angel!' As Shinko Hanasaki herself, or one Angel Bluebell...had wound up going into even deeper detail, with regard to this very topic...Now viewers, what I am basically saying that you really do need to go and read Going In Completely Blind, and Going In Almost Completely Blind respectively...and only then, will you all learn to truly appreciate, the ultimate uniqueness, that these three fanfics...have to each of them, and as a culminated whole as well...But viewers, I think that that is more then enough of my fourth wall break...Well at least for the moment...However, this now marks the end of this chapter...But fear not, nor fret there will not be a non-action packed chapter...that will wind up following after this one...Well, at least not yet...But viewers, with all of that now currently very much fresh on all of your minds...I will see all of you lot, in the next chapter...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"

The only trouble was, that while things, seemed to be calm for the current moment. I would not know, until a bit later on in the future. That the events that wound up transpiring, back on August 9, would not, be an isolated incident. In fact, our most recent encounter, and alliance, with The 90s Magical Girl Holy Trinity, would not be an isolated incident either. But, more on that, at a little later of a date.