Chapter 47: Automatic Warning Systems, Signaler Errors, SPADs, And SPARs!: Further Proof Why Tombstone Technology Can Only Do So Much!

"Hello again viewers...

Sorry Keiko here...

So sorry to be breaking the fourth wall on all of you again...and completely out of the blue like this I might add...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my head, my attention, and my eyesight, back up again, to once again continue to address the viewers*...

Now, remember, when I, a couple chapters before this one, wound up doing a chapter, that wasn't action packed viewers, hmm?...*I say this while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*...

Now, this chapter, will in fact be, yet another, one of those chapters...As given several other more recent events...I feel as though, that I need to address this...

So viewers, like the previous chapter of this kind...And keep in mind viewers, that now going to be...yet another one...of one of the only other times...that I am going to be giving this sort of complete permission to all of you viewers, in letting you skip this particular the exact same manner...As you viewers, as of now, do once again, have my absolutely full permission, to skip this chapter...But just so you know viewers...You will, like the last chapter in which I wound up giving this exact same permission...Will not be missing much..if anything...*I say this, while smiling, with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*...

Now, first off, before I continue...I am just going to say...MrBeast, Logan Paul, and KSI, you should all be ashamed of yourselves!...Mind you, though they haven't killed anybody...yet...I still feel that they need to be put on blast...So...while we're on the subject of The Unholy YouTube Trinity...MrBeast, Logan Paul, and goes the so called crudstorm, that you three yourselves created, due to your own malign intend and deceit?...

I did say after all, that karma exists...So Jimmy...Logan Paul...KSI...I only ask you this...what size orange color you three want?...Because like it or not, you three, will soon be in them...and locked up...where you three rightfully belong...for attempting to poison our worlds youth!...

Also Jimmy, your brother Lucifer called, as he would like to have a word with you...

Also, fun fact about Jimmy viewers...he claims that he does charity work...when unfortunately, like everything else that he has is big...gigantic...lie...As in, as I am sure I have already said in a previous chapter...he used CGI, to remove a hospital, from his videos...and then...quite poorly I might add...he simply put it back in the future if to give off the illusion, that they had built that hospital...So Jimmy, karma really does come back to haunt you...doesn't it?...*I now proceed to smile quite broadly*...

And, now moving onto the other part of this chapters title...And for those who are not aware, what a SPAD, or a SPAR is...A SPAD, stands for a Signal Passed At Danger...while a a Signal Passed At Red...Some examples?...

Well, on October 8, 1952...An overnight express train from Perth, crashed into the rear of a local passenger train, that was standing at a platform at Harrow and Wealdstone station. The wreckage blocked adjacent lines and was struck within seconds by a "double-headed" express train traveling north at 60 mph, or 100 km/h for those who need the conversion over to kilometers per hour.

Anyway, The Ministry of Transport report on the crash found that the driver of the Perth train had passed a caution signal and two danger signals before colliding with the local train. The reason for this was never established, as both the driver and the fireman of the Perth train were killed in the accident...However, it was theorized, that because the weather was quite foggy leading up to the resulting was theorized...that the driver, and the fireman, of the Perth Night Express...couldn't see the signals, because they were likely obscured by the dense fog...How dense?...Well viewers, I am not talking RMS Empress Of Ireland incident type levels of dense...but I wouldn't say that it is that far off either...

Another example?...On October 5, 1999...The 06.03am Cheltenham Great Western Train...on route from Cheltenham, to London's Paddington Station, sometimes referred to, as...The "Cheltenham Flyer" wound up slamming head-on, into a Thames Turbo, that was bound for Bedwyn railway station in it had wound up passing by a SN109...that was at danger...Now I will give credit where credit is due...The Thames Turbo's driver, 31 year old Michael Hodder...did apply his brakes...when he saw the onrushing Cheltenham Flyer...however...given the stopping distance, and the time...that it would've taken the train to come to a safe stop...meant that it was already too the resulting head on collision, killed Michael Hodder...The Flyer's driver, Brian Cooper...a further 29 passengers, aboard both trains...and a further 417 people...were injured...

Another example?...On 22 May 1915...5 separate trains, were involved in an accident at Quintinshill Junction Signal what is, more then 109 years later, Britain's worst rail the resulting two separate from a troop train, slamming into a local train, that was parked on the mainline, and not even a minute later, a sleeper express bound for Glasgow, tripped over the wreckage...the resulting accident, and subsequent fire aboard the troop train, wound up killing at least 226 people...and also injured, at least 246 more...The cause?...Well unfortunately, as per the Quintinshills signaler regulations, that were present at the time, the blame for the accident, fell squarely with the signalmen James Tinsley...and signalmen George Meakin respectively...

Look, the salient point here that Tombstone it is called...can only do so companies...such as Thames Trains, and British Rail...will only spend the money to make the rails safer, when a body count winds up presenting itself...and to be honest viewers...that is not a good look...whether it be for them, or any other company that goes by this sort of philosophy...Now then viewers...with all of this now very much fresh on all of you minds...I will see all of you lot in the next chapter....okay?...*I say this while knowingly smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"