Chapter 57: From Here To Eternity!: What It Is Truly Like To Be A Third Ranked Level 5 Esper! (Part 1)

"Salutations viewers...Keiko here...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my attention back up again. To which I then proceed, to smile with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute manner*...Anyways viewers...we will now be heading, right into the next chapter..Or, the first part, of what will be episode 23...of Railgun Season S...or Season 2...And of course viewers...this episode, like that of the last one...will be at least six parts, in the form of six separate chapters...And then viewers, like the last will then bring us all, just that much closer, to our next meetup, with the rest of The Four Aces Alliance...And believe me viewers...I cannot stop saying this will not be disappointed...I mean after all viewers, from the last time that we all crossed paths with each wound up, being quite the stunning show...And, given one Shinko Hanasaki, or Angel you all know her more as...She, wound up dealing with one Sailor Galaxia, on more then one occasion...And, as a matter of fact viewers...You really do, need to go and read Going In Completely Blind...and Going In Almost Completely Blind as well...*I say this, while smiling quite broadly*...And so viewers, with all of this, now very much fresh, on all of your minds, let us now, get on with the recap of the previous chapter...or in other words, the tail end, of episode 22...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And upon us both glancing at the iron bridge in question. I then couldn't help, but reminisce slightly, back to when I had been locked, in a sort of very dangerous situation, with Misaka, and Touma.

(Back On The Evening Of August 21, 2009)

" need to step aside and let me do this!" Misaka said, in both a very upset, and not very enthusiastic sounding tone, as quite a bit of electricity, swirled and crackled around her. And as for me? Well...

"That is not going to happen you really expect me to just simply stand aside so that you can hurt him?!...How about you take a moment...and think about this?!" I said, as I stood in the middle, of what was currently, a very volatile situation.

And what I mean by that, was that the three of us, were all currently on a bridge, somewhere in Academy City. And as for a more detailed insight into the current situation? it currently stood...Misaka, had...for reasons known only to her, decided to start discharging huge amounts of electricity, towards Touma...and the reason for why?...Well, after I had briefly used my Telepath ability, to peak into her mind for a moment...I realized, that Misaka, was not interested, in having Touma get involved with the Level 6 Shift experiments...because she didn't want to drag him into our current dilemma, and risk him getting seriously hurt...and also, because Touma, apparently understood, exactly what Misaka was currently going through at this current moment. And as a pretty aggressive response, Misaka had then discharged quite a bit of her electricity...however, unlike back in chapter 5...Touma didn't use his Imagine Breaker, to neutralize Misaka's electricity. And not surprisingly, given the current situation...I wasn't having any of it.

"I am not budging here...So, if you want to hurt Touma..." I began to say, only to have my statement forced to a complete stop mid-sentence, as Misaka, once again, discharged more of her electricity.

But, while I continued to hold my ground...something unexpected happened. Touma, as it turned out, was no longer standing directly behind me. In fact, he had actually sidestepped out from behind me, and then wound up taking the full brunt of Misaka's discharged electricity. And, for the first time since I had wound up in control of Keiko's body back in chapter one, I was very very shocked and surprised.

"Wait a sec here...why did...wait...hold on here...what the heck just happened!?" I frantically thought to myself, as my current expression, now made me look, like I was now currently short-circuiting, as I tried to figure out, exactly what, had just taken place.

However, in those few seconds, in which I tried to figure out, exactly what was going on. Misaka, then proceeded to discharge, several more electric based attacks towards Touma. And each time, Touma didn't use his Imagine Breaker to block or neutralize any of them.

And, as I then turned my attention towards Misaka, during while this was going on. I then noticed, that she now had tears, streaming down her cheeks.

"What the heck is going on here?!" I thought to myself, as I continued to look on in horror, at the current situation, that was currently playing out in front of me.

However, once the electricity had completely seized discharging. And I then got a chance to get a much better look at the current situation. I couldn't help but show a face of complete horror. Because, once I took a look back at Touma, I was greeted by him, face-down on the ground, in a very injured state. And to make matters just that much worse then they already currently were, he was currently not moving either.

And, upon turning my attention back to Misaka, and as I was about to yell quite aggressively and angrily at her, for doing this to Touma. I then realized, that the tears that I had seen on her face during the whole incident, were now much more prominently visible, on her face.

"Okay...what the heck just happened?...And why do I get the feeling...that there is much more to this, then I am currently this very I missing something here viewers?" I thought to myself, while briefly turning my eyesight, as well as my attention, to the right of me, to briefly address the viewers, during the last bit of my thought.

And it was once my flashback to the incident in question had ended, and I had snapped out of my reminiscing stupor, that me and Misaka then arrived, at the laboratory in question. And upon coming across, the person that we were due to meet there...

Who was well...

"Oh, why hello 'original'...I see that you brought your sister along," One Nunotaba Shinobu said to the both of us.

However, the only thing was, I had absolutely no idea, who Shinobu was. As I had never met her before. And even worse still, I wasn't able, to learn about her, through gazing into Misaka's thoughts, with the use, of my Telepath ability.

However, though I did not know it at this current moment. What was about to happen, to me and Misaka, in only about a months more time. And, with the sudden second arrival, of the rest of our multi-dimensional allies. We would all, once again, be locked in a fight, for our very lives.

And so, with the recap of the previous chapter now done, we will now move on, to the current chapter. Or, the first part, of episode 23.

Okay, so as it currently stood, me and Misaka, had just met up, with one Nunotaba Shinobu. And, as I would soon learn, was actually, not an Esper. As in, she did not have, an Esper ability.

But, however...

"Okay, Misaka, do you know her? And, would you care filling me in on who she is?" I asked Misaka, with quite a bit of a confusing sounding tone, in my voice.

"Hey guys, Keiko here again...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my head, my attention, and my eyesight, back up again, to once again continue to address the viewers*...Now then viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...Yes, I know, I know, not the most ideal place to be ending this chapter...But like I said at the beginning of this chapter viewers...this is going to be split into six separate chapters...So viewers, with that now very much fresh, on all of your minds...I shall see all of you lot, in the next chapter...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"