Chapter 63: Unbreakable Wills Of Iron And Unshakable Nerves Of Steel!: The Battle With STUDY Nears Its Conclusion! (Part 1)

"Hello there viewers...Keiko here...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my attention back up again. To which I then proceed, to smile with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner. To which I then open my brown eyes again, in order to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Anyways viewers...we will now be heading, right into, what is the first part of this episode...Well viewers...technically this is still part of the current episode...what is currently episode 23...of Railgun Season S...or Season 2...if you want to be more technical...Although viewers...on a somewhat lighter note...this now puts us, one more chapter closer, to our next eventual meetup, with the rest, of The Four Aces Alliance...*I say this part, while smiling quite broadly, which winds up subsiding, before I then continue, to address the viewers*...And so viewers, with that now very much fresh, on all of your minds...let us now, quickly recap the previous chapter...or in other words, what was chapter 62...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And here, is the recap, of the previous chapter, in question...

"How did they know where to find the both of you?" Nunotaba suddenly chimed in with asking to both me and Misaka.

"Well Nunotaba...I am so glad you asked...and viewers...Yea, Keiko here by the way...Anyway viewers...I think that it is now time, for us to do a flashback of sorts..."

"Yea, so Keiko? How about you just explain it, rather then have us have to go through, what is more then likely, going to be a very lengthy flashback?...*Misaka winds up saying this to me, while giving me the sort of look, that told me, that perhaps I should take her statement, into account*"

"Okay Misaka, I suppose so...if you want to be boring..."

"What was that Keiko?...*Misaka proceeds to say this to me, with a look, that now pretty much tells me, that perhaps I should be thinking twice, about thinking something similar, during a future fourth wall break*"

"Uh nothing Misaka...*I say this, while a bead of sweat, is currently very visible, on one side of my face. Which winds up quickly subsiding, along with my currently nervous looking expression. To which I then, proceed to continue, to address the viewers*...So in short you know, in the James Bond movie Casino Royale...when James Bond, played by Daniel Craig...has a sort of tracking device, planted into his skin?...Well viewers, that just so happens to be, the similar type of device, that had allowed Kuroko, Uiharu, and Saten, to find and locate the both of us...Also, you might all be wondering, why I used Casino Royale, as a sort of analogy?...Well has to actually do, with the whole Poker aspect, of that movie...As the concept of Poker, so too speak...Will wind up playing a huge role, in a later arc, in this fanfic...But least for now, we will proceed onward, by getting right back, to the current situation...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

Anyway, fourth wall breaking, and fourth wall breaking moments aside, at least for the moment. And, getting back to the current situation. Which was currently. Well...

"Kuroko!" I called out to Kuroko, who at the moment we had happened upon her, had just finished destroying yet another robot, with quite a bit, of her pin darts.

But, given Kuroko's response...

"Sissy...Keiko...!" Kuroko then responded with, in a somewhat perverse sounding manner.

But, as she was about to approach me and Misaka, in an effort to try, quite an inopportune perverse leap towards us. I then, simply made an somewhat kind expression, with just a bit of emotion, that made Kuroko, perhaps think twice, with trying this, given the current situation.

And now, with the recap of the previous chapter, now over and done with. We will now, carry on, where we had last left off.

Which currently, was just after me and Misaka, had met up with Kuroko, just after, she had used her pin darts, to destroy a robot. And was just after, I had given Kuroko a sort of kind looking expression, which had pretty much let her know, that now, was not the most ideal time, to be attempting any perverted antics. Well, that was at least, until our current fight against STUDY, had finally reached its conclusion.

And, upon the three of us, now having regrouped with Uiharu, and Saten...

"What, a terrorist attack at the upcoming Reach Assembly!?" The voice of Saten, then suddenly blurted out, with quite a bit of surprise in her current tone.

"Yes Saten. However, the word that had been described by one Haruki, was a 'revolution,' so to speak," I wound up saying to Saten in response. And I made sure, to put a strong sort of emphasis, on the word 'revolution.'

"What, that's crazy!" Kuroko wound up responding to what I had just said in response.

"Well Kuroko technically that would be the case. However Kuroko, seeing as how we have recently been in crazier scenarios. I would say that this, isn't exactly the most crazy. I mean after all Kuroko, I need not remind you, about what went on, back on August 9th, right?" I wound up saying to Kuroko in response, in order to remind her, that our given situation, was only one-third, of what was, and still currently is, a much larger picture, and situation.

And this was compounded, by the all too obvious fact. As that was the date in question, in which me, Misaka, and Kuroko, had all had our first run-in, with the rest, of what was named, The Four Aces Alliance.

And more importantly, that was also the first time, in which I discovered, that my current situation, and who I currently was, was only one, of two other anime canon timelines, in which I, had wound up allying, in both of them, with three known female magical girls. Who would later be aptly coined, as 'The 90s Magical Girl Holy Trinity.'

"But viewers...Yes, Keiko here again...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my attention back up again. To which I then proceed, to smile with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner. To which I then open my brown eyes again, in order to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Anyway viewers, this now concludes, the first part, next group of six chapters...of what is the second section of episode 23...And so viewers, with this now all very much in mind...I will be seeing all of you lot, in the next chapter...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"