Chapter 78: The Three Legged Race!: An Aero Hand And A Lucky Strike!

"Okay viewers...Keiko here...Now then, I am well aware that not a whole lot happened in the previous episode...But fret not viewers...because these next few chapters are going to be making up for that...But first viewers, a quick recap of the previous episode...*I say this, while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"

Date: September 18, 2009

Okay, so at the current moment, me and Misaka, were currently standing side by side. Each of us, just having fired a railgun each, in an effort, to intercept a falling beam, from a stage in front of us, from crushing Uiharu and Saten...

"But viewers...Hello, Keiko here again...Anyway, we seem to be getting a bit ahead, lets wind things back a bit to just before this...shall we?...*I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

Okay, so winding back to just a couple of minutes before this, and given the current setting. Me and Misaka were getting prepared, for the upcoming Daihasei Festival. But, given the vision images, that had been shown to me of Misaka in an unstable state not too long ago.

I had managed to convince Misaka, to have me do the events in her place. Since I had absolutely not idea, what to expect regarding what was shown in the visions. So, I wanted to make sure that Misaka was up to her usual high standard, should we need to protect each other or defend ourselves, at a moments notice.

But, though I did not know it at the time, this decision I had made, to take Misaka's place, would wind up benefiting us both, in the long run.

But, now moving forward to the current situation. Well, a bit before it...

"Okay...moving a bit fast here aren't we Misaka?" I thought to myself, as we both wound up leaping forward off of the side of a nearby building, having used our electricity, to cling to it.

And, upon getting to just in front of the stage, just as the beam was falling. Misaka pulled out an arcade coin, while I pulled out one of my own. And, in a split second, as both coins flipped through the air, and had rested between our respective two fingers. We fired, each producing our respective railguns. Only I had fired mine, just after Misaka had fired hers.

And the benefit of this, was that Misaka's railgun, wound up knocking the beam sharply upwards. While my railgun, which was aimed a bit higher then hers was wound up sending the steel beam laterally. By hitting it underneath, and sending it spinning back behind us.

And, as the beam came crashing to the ground with a massive crashing bang...

"Is that?...Yes, it is the Electromaster sisters...Lucky Strike and Railgun!..." The voice of somebody then said from the crowd.

And this wound up with me blushing slightly, since I wasn't expecting this sort of praise, from a sort of random stranger.

" that was unexpected...I never knew that me and Misaka...had developed such a sterling reputation in such a short amount of time..." I thought to myself, which while I was still slightly blushing, managed to give off a sort of small smile.

"Hey Keiko?" The voice of Misaka then spoke up with saying, which snapped me out of my stupor.

"Yes Misaka?" I asked her in response.

"You're blushing," Misaka wound up saying to me, with a sort of tone in her voice, to sort of let me know, that this was not the best time to be blushing the way that I was.

"Oh r-right," I said in response, with a sort of somewhat embarrassed tone in my voice. To which I then stopped blushing, and a stoic demeanor, then returned to my face.

Okay, so as me and Misaka, were currently still standing side by side, having just save Uiharu and Saten from certain injury. I then took note, of someone who was currently present at the area where me and Misaka were currently at. And the reason as to why he stood out? Well...

" he appears to have a white headband some sort of Naruto sort of cosplay...mind you viewers...I am well aware that the ninja headband from the Naruto not that color in any sort of form or fashion...Also, he seems to be wearing his red jacket on his Atem did from the Yugioh anime when he went against Strings The Quiet One...while he was being controlled by Marik Ishtar...But like Shinko said herself in her respective fanfic perspective...that is not any of our concern...and nor is it a priority of ours it is the priority of one Edwin Chaos from the fanfic 'The Chaos Effect'...and by the way Mr.'re welcome for yet another fanfiction recommendation to my viewers...Now then viewers...back to the story," I thought to myself. To which during my thought, I had briefly turned my attention, and my eyesight slightly to the left of me, to briefly address the viewers.

"That's Sugiita Gunha, Academy City's seventh ranked level 5 Esper," Misaka suddenly wound up saying to me, as she had recently caught me staring for a bit of time at Sugiita.

"Oh...okay then," I said in response. But, I still couldn't seem to get the images from two weeks ago out of my head. Sure, I had done things, so that neither me or Misaka, wound up overexerting ourselves during the festival.

But still, I somehow couldn't help but think, that the disembodied voice that had spoken to me in my visions. It was almost as if, I had heard their voice someplace before. Though I was pretty sure, that I hadn't. Since the voice was so distorted when it had spoken to me, I couldn't exactly make out who it belonged to.

But, given what it had said, that I would 'learn about who they were in due time,' I wasn't at all too worried about it. However, whoever they were, they seemed to not just know about the other versions of myself, but they knew about the rest of our alliance as well.

But for now, me and Misaka, wound up going over, to check on Uiharu and Saten, to make sure that they were both okay. And, once this had been done, and we were glad they hadn't been injured, all four of us, then set off, to get ready for tomorrow, and the Daihasei Festival.

But, what I was already well aware of. For most of the events, that I would be taking part in. I would be partnered, with Mitsuko Kongo. Which to be honest, I had a bit of hesitation towards.

"I mean, Kongo is a very powerful level 4 Esper...And I saw what she could do when she completely destroyed several of Aritomi's mechs...But still, I don't know well enough about her Aero Hand have it meld well with my electromaster ability...However, I know that one of the events that I will be participating in, will be the three legged race...And I know for a fact, that my main electricity, is off limits for that event...However, I can still use my magnetism in its place...Still, that only takes care of one of the events that I will be participating in...But rest assured will wind up finding out how I intend to tackle each of the events of the festival soon enough..." I thought to myself, which had then been followed, by me doing my end of chapter fourth wall break.

And now, with the recap of the last episode now done, we will now head right episode 2...of Railgun T.

Date: September 19, 2009

And as of right now, me and Kongo, were currently at the start line, of the three legged race. And to be completely honest, I still wasn't at all confident about working with Kongo. But, given the circumstances, and what I had been shown in my visions. I felt, as though this was the only possible way, to prepare myself, for what was still too come.

But for now, I had to focus on what was in front of me, which was me and Kongo working together, to win the three legged race. And so, before the race began.

"Well Keiko, it is time for the festival to see the will of Tokiwadai's masters of wind and lightning," Kongo suddenly said to me out of the blue. Which not surprisingly, wound up catching me off guard slightly.

But, before I could respond to what she had just said, the race organizer fired his gun, to signify the start of the race. And before me and Kongo managed to get off the line, one of the other races participants, who had been wrapped in a sort of slew of bandages, wound up shouting out something, only for the many bandages, to unravel from her person, and then cover several of the other participants, including me and Kongo, in them.

And on top of that, her partner, had put her hand to the road, and had coated the aforementioned bandages in asphalt from the road. Which made the bandages, just that much more sticky, and also very gross.

But, me and Kongo, as well as the other participants, managed to quickly untangle ourselves. And once this had happened, me and Kongo, then took off after the other two participants.

But, as me and Kongo then took off after the two of them...

"Good luck catching up to us losers!" The girl wound up saying, as she quickly turned around to mock me and Kongo.

And not surprisingly, I wound up taking a sort of offense to this. But, my less then pleased looking expression, then wound up changing to a slight smirk. Because, as the two other contestants, passed under an overhanging branch of a tree. I then noticed several of what looked like hamsters, jump onto the both of them.

And the reason for why I was smirking? Well, lets just say, that the hamsters, wound up taking something from the both of them, that wound up rendering them both immobile.

"Hey viewers...Keiko here...And for the record...what you are thinking that the hamsters had taken from them...that is exactly what they took...And no viewers...I am not going to tell you what it was, as that is entirely not appropriate...And if you don't know...then I suggest you think hard...Now then viewers...back to the race..."

Now then fourth wall breaking aside for the moment. And as me and Kongo, raced by the other two immobilized participants. And as the hamsters tried for me and Kongo, they simply wound up bouncing off of us both. And the reason why? Well remember that an Esper has an AIM Diffusion Field, and as for me, since I was an Electromaster...this meant that I could use it, to repel things. Which in this case, were the hamsters.

And, with this first obstacle, now taken care of. Me and Kongo, then continued on, towards the finish line. And, as me and Kongo, had taken off from the start line, we had taken some of the residue of the asphalt adhesive bandages with us. And interestingly enough, this would wind up benefiting us both on our way towards the finish line. And the best part was, I was already aware, on how me and Kongo were going to use it.

And, as me and Kongo rounded a corner further down the races course, I then then took notice, of one of the participants, who was behind us, then use his pyrokinesist ability, to try and trip us up. But, both he and his partner in the race, as they made it towards the finish line, wound up tripping over each other.

But, as they reached out of bounds. Kongo then sprung into action, as did I. While Kongo wound up using her Aero Hand ability on a nearby mat, that lined the boundaries of the race tracks boundaries. And in combination with my electromagnetism, to swing us both from a nearby lamppost. We managed to leap over both of the downed participants, just as the mat, that had been launched with Kongo's Aero Hand, wound up saving both of the other participants from certain injury or harm. And to soften the blow they both endured, we had used the residue from the bandages, that were covered in the asphalt.

And moreover, as me and Kongo crossed the finish line. And were announced as the first place finishers of the three legged race. I then knew, that maybe Kongo, wasn't all that bad after all. I mean sure, she has her flaws, what with her liking to hear herself talk far too much. But, I figured that given who she was, and how much she had helped me and Misaka over the course of the past few weeks. I decided to push my previous feelings of her to the side, and just accept her for who she was.

But, though I did not know it at that current moment, that in just two more days time. I would wind up coming into yet another encounter, with the two other versions of myself. And more importantly, the rest of The Four Aces Alliance.

"Hello viewers, Keiko here...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my head, my attention, and my eyesight, back up again, to once again continue to address the viewers*...So viewers...this now marks the end of this episode...But fret not we will be getting right back into the action, in the next episode...Which will be episode 3...So then viewers, I will be seeing all of you lot there then...okay?....*I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"