Chapter 107: Fuel Contamination And Engine Separations!: Why Operative Engines, And Clean Fuel Are Always Paramount!

"Hello there viewers, Keiko here...*I proceed to say this, while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my attention back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers*...And yes viewers, I am still stuck in Shinko's yea...still not the most ideal of a situation that I am currently in...But anyway viewers, pushing that aside for the current moment...As we will now be heading right into the second, non action filler chapter...So, let us now get on with the chapter...Now then viewers...shall we proceed?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*...

And in this particular filler chapter...we will be talking about two more types of aviation accidents...

One being Fuel Contamination type incidents...

And the other, is accidents, having to do with Engine Separations, or the complete loss of an Engine...

Now then viewers...let us now head into the first one...

And to make things a bit less lengthy...we will only be covering one accident from each of these categories...

So, in the early evening on 4 October 1992, El Al Flight 1862, an El Al Boeing 747 cargo aircraft, suffered a catastrophic dual engine separation in flight...just a mere 8 minutes after the aircraft had taken off from Amsterdam Schipol Airport...

On board flight 1862...were an experienced El Al Captain...a somewhat rookie First Officer...and a very senior Flight Engineer...and, there was an El Al employee that was in the aircraft's jump seat...

Anyway, on climb out from Schipol, and just as flight 1862 passed through 6,500 feet...

One of the fuse the aircraft's number 3 engine...or the inner engine on the 747s right wing...failed due to a fatigue crack in one of its inner walls...

the resulting separation of engine number 3...caused it to detach, and then move sideways on the right wing...tearing off a large portion of that same wings leading edge...and knocking off engine number 4 on the same wing...and both engines departed the wing...

The resulting incident, caused a complete loss, of the number 3, and number 4 hydraulic systems...

And to make matters just that much worse...on a 747, you are unable to see the engines from the the crew had absolutely no idea, that they had literally lost both of their right hand engines...

Which also was actually the case, in the crash of American Airlines Flight 191...and if you want to learn about that viewers...simply go and read one of the previous chapters of this fanfic...

But anyway viewers...since this was also the case on El Al Flight 1862...the crew...not realizing this, as they attempted to come back to make an emergency landing at Schipol...

The moment that they extended the flaps...and because the number 3 and 4 hydraulic systems were so badly damaged...or in this case, were out of fluid...the flaps didn't wind up extending on the right wing...

Which, as the aircraft's speed slowed to below 260 knots...caused the right wing to drop, and the left wing to rise...

And this continued, until flight 1862 stalled, dropped out of the sky, and crashed into an eleven story apartment block in one of the suburbs of Amsterdam...

The crash would wind up killing all four people aboard flight 1862...and would also kill at least 43 more people on the ground...

And to this day...the crash of El Al flight still the worst air accident in the history of the Netherlands...

Now then viewers...onto the next and last one...

On April 13, Airbus A330...operating as Cathay Pacific Flight 780...suffered a dual engine stall...while at it was on its way to land at Hong Kong International Airport...

On board flight 780...were 309 passengers...11 flight attendants...and 2 pilots...

And as for the cause of the dual engine stall?...Well that was due to fuel contamination...and what that means in more simpler terms what happens when aircraft fuel...or any kind of fuel for that contaminated with a sort of element...or in this case...some sticky salt like material from one of flight 780s origin airports fuel truck filters...

And what had happened, was that the material in question, got stuck in the fuel lines, and wound up jamming the Main Metering Valve...which is what is used to regulate the flow of fuel to both engines...

And, when the material jammed the Main Metering Valves to both of flight 780s caused the eventual stalling of both engines...

Thankfully though, thanks to the captains quick of the two engines, whose Main Metering Valve hadn't yet been fully jammed by the foreign material...was able to have its thrust lever advanced forward enough, to about 74% where they were able to make it to Hong Kong...

But, when they tried to make a landing, they received an overspeed warning...and upon further realization...the one engine, that the crew had advanced to 74%...was now stuck basically the engine was jammed open...

Which forced the crew to land a full 100 knots faster then the usual landing speed...and they had to do this, without the use of the aircraft's number two thrust reverser...which had failed to deploy on landing...

But, the good news, was that they were able to slow the aircraft, before it had overshot the runway...

but 63 of the people aboard...still wound up injured...

But viewers...this now marks the end of this filler chapter...and more importantly viewers...we will get right back into the action, in the next viewers...I will see you lot there...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"