Chapter 90: Being Mentally Out There!: Having An Exteriority Complex! (Part 4)

"Hello viewers...Keiko here...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers. Before turning my attention back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers*...and we will be jumping right into the 4th part of this crossover episode...but first viewers...a recap is in then viewers, shall we begin?...*I say this, while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"

And here is the recap of the previous chapter in question...

Date: September 20, 2009

Okay, so as it currently stood, I had just been snapped out of my monologuing stupor, by Angel Bluebell. And, as it seemed, her plan, was not only foolproof. But would surely go down, as the most elaborate, but simple plan, in anime history.

However, with all plans, there will always be, one or two problems, that one wouldn't be able to account for. And in the case of Angel Bluebells plan, this time, was going to be no exception.

And this was confirmed, when out of the blue, Queen Nehelennia. Who had revealed herself out of the dark end of the hallway that we were all in. Suddenly decided to go on the offensive. And she had done so, in a way, that only the Sailor Senshi, had been expecting.

"Enough talk...all of you! It's time for you all to die!" Queen Nehelenia said, as seemingly out of the blue, she had teleported temporarily out of existence, and had appeared behind Angel Bluebell. And before Angel Bluebell could even react, or turn to face Nehelenia. Queen Nehelenia used her own hair, to tightly tie Bluebell up within it. And to make things that much worse, this now meant, that Wedding Peach's usual purification attacks, now had no effect, on the current situation, since Angel Bluebell, was currently out of action at the current moment.

And as for my overall reaction to this current development? Yea, so about that...

"Damn you! How dare you! You villains never learn! And you decided to do that to her, while she was focused on telling me something?! Nehelenia, you're going to live to regret having done this to Bluebell, I promise you!" I said, through clear apparent anger, and visibly gritted teeth, as electricity, had now started to dangerously crackle, through the bangs of my hair.

And as I turned my attention to Misaka, I then decided to speak up. "Well Misaka, it would seem, that we currently have a very bad problem on our hands! So then Misaka, with that being said, what do you say, that we go and help our friend?!" I said to Misaka, while the electricity, still continued to violently crackle, through the bangs of my long light blue hair.

"Keiko, I would be more then happy to!" Misaka wound up saying back to me in response, as not even a second later, electricity had now started, to violently crackle, through the bangs of her hair as well.

"Now then Misaka, let's show the rogues gallery, the true power, of The Aces Of Tokiwadai then, shall we?!" I said, as with an all to telling smirk, was currently very much present, on my face.

"Alright Galaxia, so you want a war?! Well, now you've got one! But know're going to regret ever having come after us once this is all over with! And maybe this time, when we do wind up knocking you all back down, then maybe this time you'll all stay down! Now then, shall we begin!?" I said, while referencing a line that had been said by Seto Kaiba, when he had dueled against Zigfried Von Shroeder, in the three episode part duel, "One Step Ahead."

And this had then been followed, by me then doing, my usual end of chapter fourth wall break.

And, now with the recap of the previous chapter now done. It is now time to proceed onward, into the fourth part of this crossover episode.

Date: September 20, 2009

Okay, so the current situation regarding a currently being tightly restrained Angel Bluebell, really made our current situation quite dire.

But, even though Angel Bluebell, hadn't taken this sort of situation into account when she made up her elaborate but simple plan. The good news here, was that something was about to happen, that would help to take care of that.

And it was then, that I suddenly heard, an all too familiar whooshing popping like sound. Which was then followed, by the sudden appearance, of a certain twin pigtailed Level 4 Esper Teleporter. And, as she had teleported just behind Queen Nehelenia, I then couldn't help, but give off a small sort of smile. And then, since I now knew that Queen Nehelenia wouldn't be able to react in time. I then decided to speak up.

"Ah Kuroko, nice to have you back. Now then, we seem to be in a pretty dire situation at the moment. So Kuroko..." I began to say to Kuroko, only for Misaka, to sort of cut me off mid sentence.

"Keiko, don't be so long winded with your statements! Kuroko, we need your help!" Misaka suddenly interjected with, as she had in fact just cut me off, mid sentence.

But, not surprisingly, Kuroko quickly sprang into action. As she wound up using several of her pin darts, to completely tear through the hair like binds, that currently bound Angel Bluebell. And, upon the hair like binds basically disintegrating. Angel Bluebell, then leapt back to being beside Wedding Peach, now very grateful for what had just happened.

And, with Queen Nehelenia now without a sort of human shield to defend herself. Me and Misaka, then decided to take the initiative.

"So, Queen Nehelenia, I would say, that checkmate!" I said with a currently very telling smirk on my face. As while I had said this, me and Misaka, had pulled an arcade coin out of our respective skirt pockets. And after quickly flipping them into the air. And just as they rested between our usual two fingers. We fired, each of us producing our respective railguns. And more importantly, it wiped Queen Nehelenia out of existence. Since she wasn't able to see our railguns fast enough to react in time.

"Okay so that is one down!...Now then, which of you villains want to be next?!" Misaka then suddenly said, with a smirk on her face, to match my own.

But, though neither of us could see her current expression at the moment. Angel Bluebell, currently had a face of relief. But more importantly, she was also grateful, that we had been able, to get her, out of any sort of serious injury, or even death.

"Hello viewers...Keiko here again...Man, talk about a close call huh?...But viewers...I would say, that this is now as good a place as any, to put a stop to this chapter...Don't worry like last time, we will be getting right back into the action, in the next chapter...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"