Chapter 111: The Final Countdown!: Aleister Crowley Vs. The Four Aces! (Part 1)

"Hello viewers...Keiko here...and yes viewers...I am still currently stuck in Shinko's body by the way...Oh, and in the similar words of one Leonard Hofstadter from The Big Bang Theory...albeit in a non sarcastic sounding tone...'Thanks for asking'...*I proceed to say this, while a sweatdrop suddenly becomes present, and then proceeds to make its way down one side of my face...Oh, almost forgot...if you have wound up reading this fanfic up to to this point...then I now ask that you leave an honest review on either this, or the other two fanfics that are connected to this one...As it would be very helpful, in making it so that these three fanfics, are allowed to be told properly...Because without your reviews...none of the three of us...being me, Shinko, or Zachary...will be able to achieve our overall goal...of getting these three fanfics having them be turned into alternate media anime shows of these three fanfics...You want to see what has gone on in these three fanfics visually on your television at home don't you?...Then why not help make this goal a reality, and leave an honest review on one or several of these three fanfics...hmm?...And also, the ones who do, I will make completely sure, that your usernames are mentioned in the new aforementioned anime shows in question...So that way, we don't wind up being the only people, who are immortalized by these three fanfics...And speaking of which...Jimmy...this is how you properly give back to the community, by asking for no money in return...something that a crypto scamming, lying piece of trash such as yourself, more then likely knows nothing neither you, Logan, JJ, Daniel, Jake, Adin, or Jack Dork, have probably ever done something like this, without paying somebody off to keep quite...or even committing every illegal sort of money related and charity related crime known to humankind...But anyway viewers, let us now get on with the chapter...but first, a chapter recap...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

Date: September 20, 2009

Okay, getting right back into the current swing of things. And what I mean by this is...

"Well...who knew that when Shinko is that ticked I just demonstrated in the last chapter...that she would wind up being as scary a person to talk to, as one Captain Unohana, from the Bleach anime was...And while I am on the subject of that anime viewers...if you haven't already gone and watched it...I highly recommend that you it is quite a good anime to binge watch...when you have free time with nothing else going on of course...I mean after all, both Shinko and Zachary, have already recommended it, so it must be good...But anyway viewers...let us now continue on with the current chapter...shall we?" I thought to myself. And of course, while during this very same thought. I had also, briefly turned my attention slightly to the left of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.

Okay, so getting back to the current situation at hand...

"Hey Sis...Uh...I mean Misaka..." I, now suddenly blurted out, while I was currently still stuck in Shinko's body. And I had this blurted this particular statement out. Which was then quickly followed, by a small blush, then becoming visible on Shinko's face.

"Hello there viewers...Shinko here again...still stuck in Keiko's body...*Shinko proceeds to say this, as a bead of sweat then becomes visible, on one side of Keiko's face*...Anyway viewers..."

"Hey Keiko?...Oops...I mean Shinko...Not right now okay?...Please save this fourth wall break for a little later on okay?...*Momoko, who is still stuck in Misaka's body, proceeds to say this to her, while a blush then makes its way onto Misaka's face.

" bad...So viewers...back to the story and current chapter...*Shinko proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of Keiko's eyes closed."

And on the subject of the current chapter...

"Oh my...isn't that embarrassing of you, isn't it Shinko?" Misaki Shokuhou, who was currently stuck in Rei Hino's body, now decided to chime in with saying to Shinko. And she had said this, in quite the demeaning sounding tone in Rei's voice.

And not surprisingly...

"Excuse me Shokuhou?! Since when was I asking for you two cents on this particular matter...hmm?! How about you do me, and Momoko a favor, and just quit your demeaning tone towards me, alright?! Because I am now starting to realize, exactly why Misaka and Keiko, can't stand to be around or near you!" Shinko now snapped back to Shokuhou with.

And to no ones surprise...

"So I am supposed to listen to, and obey that am I?! And how do you know that they both hate me?!" Shokuhou now blurted back to Shinko with.

"Because we do Shokuhou! And I am surprised that neither one of us told you this fact sooner to be honest!" I now chimed in with saying. And I was still currently stuck in Shinko's body, thanks for asking.

"All three of you stop bickering! You are being irritating, now quit it!" Zachary now proceeded to chime in with saying. Which actually wound up doing the trick.

And what I meant by this was...

"Okay, the next person who decides to bicker with somebody else, is going to have me use this remote on them," Usagi, who was still stuck in Shokuhou's body, now chimed in with saying.

"Please don't do that, as you have absolutely no idea what my ability can do!" Shokuhou said, in Rei's voice, and while still stuck in Rei's body.

"Oh, why not, are you jealous or something?" Usagi now proceeded to chime in with saying back to Shokuhou. And she had said this, as a mischievous looking smile, that would make both Anya and Frieren proud, made its way onto Shokuhou's face.

"Oh...well that is not terrifying or it viewers?...Oh right, Keiko here...and viewers...I will see you lot in the next chapter...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of Shinko's eyes closed, and her head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.

Date: September 20, 2009

Okay, so as of the recent chapter, things were very quickly starting to get out of hand. And what I am implying by this is. Well...

"Hey there zapper...I see that you and your sisters friends are still here..." The unmistakable voice of one Touma Kamijou now spoke up with saying.

But, however...

"Touma, who are all of these people?" A girl, who was small in stature, and appeared to have a petite build now spoke up with.

She also had thigh length, silver hair, and large green eyes. And for some unknown reason, at least for the current moment for all of us, except for those who already knew who she was. Namely me, Misaka, and Kuroko were the only three who knew who this individual was. And for those who didn't, well they weren't exactly sure why she was currently wearing a white, nun's habit with gold highlights.

But for those of us who did already know who she was...

"Oh...oh no...why is Index here?...Oh...oh god no...this just potentially got very very bad, and a whole lot more complicated...and for those who don't know what it is that I mean by this viewers..." I thought to myself, while I briefly turned my attention slightly to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.

But, however...

"Hey long hair? Were you just talking to the viewers about me just now?" Index now decided to chime in to me with saying. Which, now realizing what it is that she had just done, wound up causing me to get caught completely off guard.

"Uh...Index, whatever do you mean by that?" I now responded back with, in an attempt to try and feign some sort of ignorance.

The only trouble with this sort of thing was...

"Oh, so you were talking to the viewers about me then..." Index now proceeded to respond back to me with saying. Which now, all but pretty much completely destroyed any sort of chance, for me to try, and explain away the fact that I had just done exactly that.

And upon realizing this very fact...

"Y-yes, I was...and I meant well by it..." I now proceeded to say, in an attempt to try and defuse any sort of upcoming quick blowup from Index, as she sometimes loved to do to Touma. Which was usually followed by her biting Touma. Which was something I really didn't want to have happen to me. Even though I had only seen her do this to Touma a full two times, from the three episodes of A Certain Magical Index, that I had been able to watch, before winding up here in the world of the anime.

Which, as I was now starting to realize, were not just two separate, but nearly identical titled anime. But they were in fact two halves of a universal linear timeline, that crossed both A Certain Magical Index, and A Certain Scientific Railgun at certain points in both series.

But, getting back to the current situation at hand...

"So Touma, what brings you and your friend here?" Zachary now proceeded to ask.

But unfortunately, Zachary didn't wind up getting a response to his just asked question. And the reason for this was...

"So it seems that the god of pestilence, and the grimoires have finally arrived. Now then, shall we finally begin?" An all too familiar sounding male voice, although disembodied, now spoke up with saying.

And upon instantly realizing who this individual behind this voice was...

"Save it Crowley, as I am now getting pretty darn sick of you playing the coward! In fact, most of us are getting quite sick of it as well!" Li now decided to chime in with saying. As he still appeared, to have a bit of arrogance to him.

And not surprisingly...

"Oh Li, I beg to differ that this is 'cowardice' as you have just mentioned," Aleister Crowley chimed back to Li in response.

And with Aleister Crowley now materializing into existence again...

"I summon lightning!" Urd now shouted out. Which right after she had said this, she had raised one of her hands skywards. And almost immediately, lightning shot down from the sky, and proceeded to attempt to fry Crowley.

The only trouble was, Crowley just simply raised one of his hands, and the lightning that Urd had just called upon, wound up hitting the top of an invisible forcefield, and caused the lightning to dissipate to nothing shortly thereafter.

And then...

"Wow, a forcefield?...How very unoriginal of you Crowley!" Misaka, who was still stuck in Momoko's body, now decided to interject with saying. Which wound up catching some of us by surprise.

"Hello viewers...Keiko here again..."

"Hey Keiko!?...Just end the chapter already!...*Misaka, who is currently still stuck in Momoko's body now proceeds to say, with a tickmark now becoming present on one side of her face*"

"R-right Misaka...*I proceed to say this in response, while a sweatdrop becomes present, and then proceeds to make its way down one side of Shinko's face*...Now then viewers...see you lot in the next chapter...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of Shinko's eyes closed, and her head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"