Chapter 131: Blown Tires, Auto-Throttle Failures, And Asymmetrical Thrust!: Why Consistent Maintenance Of An Aircraft Is Paramount!

"Hello there viewers...Keiko here...*I proceed to say this, while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my attention back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers*...And so viewers, we will now be heading right into yet another non action filler chapter...So, let us now get on with the chapter...And yes viewers...I am well aware that now is not the best time to be doing this...But I did say that I would do at least one of these a couple of chapters back...Now then viewers...with that in mind...shall we proceed?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*...

And this time, we will be looking into three specific accidents...

And as you can probably tell by this particular chapters title viewers, we will be talking about three aviation accidents, that have to do with blown aircraft tires, auto-throttle failures, and asymmetrical thrust...

Now then viewers...on with the first accident...

And we will start, by going back to July 25, 2000...Which coincidentally enough viewers...happens to be one of the dates in one of these three fanfics...and the reason for this viewers...for those who don't know, has to do with the first, and only fatal accident of the Concorde...

And no, not the band named Concord...But the supersonic passenger aircraft, that was able to travel at almost twice the speed of sound...Now I am sure you've all noticed from reading the second chapter of this particular fanfic...

Then you will have noticed, that I mentioned this particular aircraft during one of my thoughts...

But anyway viewers...on July 25, 2000...Concorde Flight Air France 4590...aircraft tail registration F-BTSC...was taking off from Paris' Charles De Gaulle Airport...and was due to fly to John F. Kennedy Airport in New York...

At the time of the accident, Flight AF4590 was carrying 3 pilots...6 flight attendants, and 100 passengers...for a total of 109 passengers and crew...

But unfortunately, as Flight 4590 just managed to accelerate past V1...or its decision speed...a aircraft wear strip...that had been dropped onto Runway a Continental Airlines DC-10...operating as Continental Airlines Flight 55...Which had departed Runway 26R just 5 minutes before Flight 4590...

Anyway, the wear strip, wound up being struck by Flight 4590...ruptured at least one of its tires...and the tire shrapnel, wound up flying upwards, and impacted Flight 4590s Fuel Tank #5...

Now thought the tire didn't rupture the tank in question...It still wound up sending a series of pressure waves through the tank...causing it to find a weak spot, and thus caused the tank to rupture...

And the resulting fuel...wound up pouring out of the tank, and wound up instantly igniting...once it had come into contact with some sparking and frayed wires, that had been sliced through by another of the tire shrapnel fragments...

And unfortunately, after just 120 seconds...Flight 4590...stalled, and crashed into a nearby airport hotel...the impact and resulting post crash fire, killing all 109 passengers and crew, and another 4 people on the ground inside of the hotel...

And to add salt to the wound...this would wind up playing a big role, in the eventual retiring of the Concorde...which would carry passengers for the last time, in 2003...

Which interestingly Jeremy Clarkson, wound up traveling on that final Concorde flight in 2003...

But anyway viewers...let us now move onto the second accident...

And for this, we will be heading back all the March 31, Tarom Flight Airbus A310-324...took off from Henri Coandă International Airport in Bucharest, Romania...

At the time...Tarom Flight 371...was carrying 2 pilots...9 flight attendants...and 49 passengers...for a total of 60 passengers and crew...

And unfortunately...only 89 seconds after takeoff...and 27 seconds...after the captain of Flight 371 had become incapacitated...most likely due to a heart attack...

Flight 371 smashed into the a speed of 324 knots...or 600 km/h...or 373 mph...for those who want the various conversions of its speed at the point of impact...

And this wound up killing all 60 people on board instantly...

And as for the cause of this accident?...Well it had to do with the Airbus A310s auto-throttle system...

Which due to an previous fault in the auto throttle system in the A310s number one engine...caused the throttle to drop all the way back to idle...and thus, wound up causing an thrust asymmetry...

Now then viewers...we will now move onto the third, and final accident...

And we will go to a little bit more of a recent January 9, 2021 in fact...when Sriwijaya Air Flight 182...A Boeing 737-524...had just taken off from Soekarno–Hatta International Indonesia...

At the time of the accident...Sriwijaya Air Flight 182...was carrying 50 passengers...2 pilots...4 flight attendants...and another 6 crew members deadheading..

And unfortunately...only a mere 4 minutes into its the short 90 minute flight...a bad case of cable binding...caused Flight 182s right hand engine thrust lever to jam...keeping it from moving order to transition both of Flight 182s engines, from takeoff thrust, to climb thrust...

And this wound up forcing the left hand engines thrust lever, to move back...all the way to idle...

And unfortunately...the crew was not able to realize the thrust lever split, until just 4 seconds before impact with the ocean...

And by that point, it was already too just upon approaching the speed of sound...Flight 182 impacted the water off the coast of Indonesia...the impact killing all 62 people on board...

And that marks the end of this chapter...But you don't need to worry about there being another possible non action filler chapter after this one...As we will be getting right back into the action, in the next chapter...

So then viewers...see you lot there...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"