Chapter 133: Standing Ones Ground, Whilst Pouring It On!: The Heroes Of Blue Reflection Ray Join The Fight!

"Hello there viewers...Keiko here again...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...And yes viewers...I am still very much well aware, that it hasn't been very long...But anyway viewers...we will now dive right into, what is going to wind up being the next anime show to be featured in this chapter...And this one, for those who know of it, is going to be what will wind up giving these three fanfics, the further attention that they so rightfully deserve...Oh, and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order then viewers...shall we begin?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

Date: April 17, 2021

Okay, so given the current situation. What with Uryu currently frozen in a wall of ice that had just been created from Rukia's Sode no Shirayuki's Shikai. We were all about to learn, that this, was only the beginning, in what was soon going to become, and all out fight across dimensions. Even more so, then it was already.

But, getting back to the current situation at hand...

" that was your witty one-liner? To quote a song title from the band Foreigner?" Zachary now proceeded to say in regard to me. As he wasn't exactly a fan, of how I had gone and stated, that Uryu, was 'Cold As Ice,' in a somewhat cheesy sort of manner.

"Oh lighten up Zachary! And besides, aren't you sometimes cheesy in this sort of manner yourself on some occasions?" I now proceeded to say back to Zachary in response. While giving the sort of all too similar smirk, that one Anya Forger from Spy X Family, or Frieren from Frieren: Beyond Journey's End, both sometimes tended to give on occasion.

And not surprisingly...

"Uh...well see...the thing is...Oh why do I need to bother with answering you, that's not the point that I am trying to make here Keiko! And you know full well what I am trying to say! So stop trying to flip it back to me like that! I mean my goodness, you're as irritating of a professional gas-lighter as those Vtubers from Hololive tend to sometimes do on occasion to each other!..."Not that there is anything wrong with that you know full well that I enjoy an occasional Vtuber gaslight just as much as the next person..."

"Oh really that thought you just had isn't self contradictory then?" I now proceeded to say. Since I was able to tell that he had been speaking to the viewers in a thought based fourth wall break. And this was due to the fact, that I also tended to give a similar sort of expression, when I did my thought based fourth wall breaks.

And not surprisingly...

"Oh Keiko, whatever do you mean?" Zachary now proceeded to say back to me in response, in a very feeble attempt, to try and feign ignorance.

"Nothing Zachary, nothing at all...Just that I know full well that you were being self contradictory...Which by the way viewers..." I proceeded to think to myself. Which during this thought, I had briefly turned my attention, as well as my eyesight, slightly and briefly to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.

But then...

"Hey Keiko? You're doing it again," Misaka now proceeded to say to me in response. Which she had said to me, with a deadpan looking sort of expression present on her face. Which was in order to help let me know, that now wasn't exactly the best time, to be addressing the viewers.

And the reason was as follows...

"Hey Keiko, pay attention, we have a situation to deal with here!" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to chime in with saying to me.

As when I looked in her direction, I was then greeted by the same dirty blonde haired female from before. Only she now once again had her dark pink colored Claymore sword in hand. Which she currently had its blade pressed quite firmly against Angel Bluebells Saint Sword Of Bluebell. And her Claymore looked to be completely undamaged now.

And this, came as a shock to me. "Are you serious right now?!...I sheared her swords blade to pieces!...How in the word is it back together again?!...Am I missing something here viewers?!" I thought to myself. Which during this very same thought, I had briefly turned my eyesight, as well as my attention, slightly and briefly to the right of me again, in order to briefly address the viewers.

"Well then it seems that I will have to be a little more thorough this time with destroying her sword!" I now proceeded to say. Which, with my iron sand and electricity composed sword still in hand. I then proceeded to attempt to leap forward, in order to make completely sure this time, that her sword didn't have a chance to come back together again.

But unfortunately...

"I wouldn't try that tactic of yours if I were you little miss sparky," the very annoying sounding voice of Quiche now proceeded to speak up with. As he then simply wound up leaping in front of me, with both of his Sai drawn, and had used them, to block my advance on the girl with the dark pink colored Claymore.

"I don't have time for this, out of my way you pervert!" I now proceeded to say, as after I had proceeded to lightly scoff with a tad bit of frustration. I then proceeded to take a pretty hefty swing at Quiche, with my iron sand and electricity composed sword.

But strangely...

"You don't mind if I 'cut in' on this now, do you?" The unmistakable voice of Kenpachi Zaraki now chimed in with saying.

And, now knowing full well that I needed to get out of the way. I then, now slightly fearing for my own safety at the moment, proceeded to leap to the side, and then action roll out of the way. And this was just as Kenpachi's Zanpakuto, had proceeded to slam against Quiche's Sai with a great amount of force. Which caused a sort of reverberating metal crashing noise.

But more importantly, the force of his swing wound up generating so much force, that it wound up knocking both of the Sai out of Quiche's hands.

And as a sort of follow up...

"Now then, do you have any last words before I proceed to carve you up like a Turkey?" Kenpachi proceeded to say to Quiche, as he held the tip of his Zanpakuto quite close to Quiche's throat.

And, this was then followed, by Quiche then proceeding to smirk. And at first I didn't know why. But, with the sound of an inhuman type roar, now proceeding to reverberate throughout the area that we were all in. I then knew exactly why.

And upon the appearance, of a quite inhuman looking creature. I then realized, that this, was what was called a Chimera Anima. Which was a sort of creature, that tended to be used quite a bit by the Cyniclons in the Tokyo Mew Mew anime. And it was then that I knew, that things in this fight, weren't about to get any easier, anytime soon.

"And that viewers, is going to wind up becoming quite the understatement...Oh right, sorry...Keiko here viewers...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Now then viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...But don't worry yourselves we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...So then viewers...with that still very much fresh on all of your minds...I will see you lot in the next chapter...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.

Date: April 17, 2021

Okay, so as it was still the case from the previous chapter, Angel Bluebell still had her Saint Sword Of Bluebells blade pressed very firmly against the dirty blonde haired girls dark pink Claymore.

But, as was the case of what was about to take place. We were all soon about to learn, that even though this female in question, was obviously a pretty obvious villain in this particular anime canon timeline. There are in fact those in this particular anime dimension, that were in fact heroes.

And sure enough, as a way to confirm this very clear and obvious fact...

"Just who are you people? And why are you all dressed up like that?" A now unrecognizable sounding female voice suddenly wound up saying out of the blue, and out of nowhere. And this female had said this particular statement of theirs, in a somewhat confused sounding tone.

Which, unlike the all too obvious arrogant, and anger induced sounding tone, that the dirty blonde haired girl had said to me, right as we all had first arrived here. And this had all but pretty much clued me, as well as Zachary, and Angel Bluebell in on the clear and obvious fact, that this female, was more then likely a hero, rather then a villain.

And upon Angel Bluebell then taking a split second, to put her other hand onto the blade of her Saint Sword Of Bluebell. And while proceeding to use it as leverage. She then proceeded to apply more then enough of the necessary force, to force a deflection of the dirty blonde haired girls Claymore upwards. And as Angel Bluebell had also intended to have happen, this also had forced her to leap back from her by about a couple of feet.

And this was because she feared that Angel Bluebell was going to then try and attempt a follow up swing against her. But instead, Angel Bluebell wound up taking this moment, to take a look at the female, whose voice that me and her, had just heard say there statement but just a moment prior.

And once me, Zachary, and Angel Bluebell, had briefly turned all of our respective attentions, towards the source of the female voice in question. We were all then greeted, by three females. And each of them weirdly, seemed to be dressed up in a similar looking sort of attire, to the dirty blonde haired girl. Whose dark pink colored Claymore that I had just seen Angel Bluebell forcefully deflected but just a moment earlier as well.

However, as Angel Bluebell had also previously deduced. These three females, seemed to be a little more like the three people who one would assume to be the heroes, rather then the villains.

And this was due to the clear fact, that one of the females in question, had both pink colored hair, pink colored eyes. Which were in fact the same color as Mew Ichigo had, when she was transformed into her Mew Mew form. She also had on a pink sundress with a big tie at the center. There were also some black accents on her dress. And around her arms were sleeve-like garments. And as for the Claymore she was currently holding in her right hand? Well that was a somewhat light blue color, rather then the dark pink that the dirty blonde haired girl had in her respective Claymore sword.

As for the girl on her left? She was currently wearing a two-toned blue dress with pink accessories. She was also wearing long blue boots and gloves. The dress also had ruffled shoulders and cutaways around her midriff. And like the first mentioned female, she too wielded a light blue colored sword in her right hand.

And as for the final girl of the three? She had blonde and pink hair. Which interestingly, she also happened to have a pale blue flower on the right side of her head. And her outfit was a combination, of the colors white, green, yellow and blue. 

But interestingly enough, Zachary didn't consider any of the outfits, that these three females were currently wearing to be even the least bit strange looking. But, I guess that is what was to be expected, since both he and Sakura had worn quite a few of Madison's battle outfits throughout the years, when they had both been capturing and transforming all of the clow cards. And also, when we they been capturing the clear cards.

And as a sort of way for us to confirm as to whether or not they were a friend, or a foe...

"I take it that you're the heroes then?" Angel Bluebell proceeded to ask the three aforementioned females in a somewhat nervous sort of tone.

"Well that depends on who you are to us," The girl with the blonde and pink hair proceeded to reply back to Angel Bluebell with.

"Well, let me ask you this, do we look like the kind of people who would attempt to harm innocent people? Sailor Moon, would you or anyone else attempt to help me out here with explaining this?" I now noticed that Angel Bluebell had now proceeded to say, while she briefly turned her attention towards everyone else.


"You're joking right Bluebell? Please tell me that you're joking with that statement right?" Li now proceeded to say to her in response.

"Well Li, then let me ask you this! Do I look like I am joking to you?!" Angel Bluebell proceeded to say back to Li in response. And this was while I then took notice that Angel Bluebell now displayed a sort of small eye expression on her face. Which she was displaying, in order to pretty much say to Li, 'you're kidding with you saying that statement of yours, right Li?'

"Well Bluebell..." Li then attempted to say to her in response, right before she proceeded to interject him mid statement.

"Actually Li, on second thought, don't answer that," Angel Bluebell proceeded to say in response, as a sweatdrop then became present, and then proceeded to make its way down one side of her face.

But thankfully...

"Yes, you can trust us. We're on your side her," Sailor Mercury now proceeded to say to the girl with the blonde and pink hair in response.

And sure enough...

"Thank you Mercury, and you have my thanks," Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say, while I noticed that she had then proceeded to smile at Sailor Mercury, with both of her eyes closed, and her head slightly tilted to one side.

But then...

"Bluebell, behind you!" Eternal Sailor Moon now proceeded to call out to her.

And just as Angel Bluebell turned her attention just behind her. She was then greeted by the dirty blonde haired girl, once again proceeding to leap forward towards her with her dark pink colored Claymore sword.

But thankfully...

Just before she committedly loaded up an overhead swing with her dark pink colored Claymore sword above her. Angel Bluebell was then thankfully greeted, by the form of Angle Salvia, proceeding to dash out in front of her, and use her Saint Twin Swords to block the heavy downward swing from the dirty blonde haired girls dark pink colored Claymore sword.

And as the dark pink Claymore in question slammed hard against both of Angel Salvia's Saint Twin Swords. It then wound up making, a very loud and audible sounding metal crashing noise.

"Thanks for the save there Salvia, you have my thanks. And also, is this now more then enough proof for you three that we're on your side?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say, as she once again proceeded to turn her attention back to the three females.

And thankfully, as a way to help confirm that this had done the trick...

"Well, what do you both say that we help them?" The girl with the blond and pink colored hair said, as she held her light blue sword at the ready.

And without a single word then being exchanged between the three of them, the three newly arrived allies, proceeded to leap forward into the fray. And finally, it looked as though our fight, had now gotten a bit easier.

But, as we were all about to discover, this wasn't the case, at least not yet anyway. And as what was about to still happen. This was going to wind up being the case, in more ways then one.

"And believe me viewers...Oh right, Bluebell here again viewers...sorry about that...Now then viewers, this now marks the end of this chapter...But don't worry, as we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter viewers...And more importantly, we will be heading into the next form of media in the next chapter as well...So you won't want to miss that either viewers...So viewers...see you all in the next chapter...okay?...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed*"

"Indeed Bluebell...Zachary here by the way viewers...So Angel Bluebell just said...we both look forward to seeing you all in the next chapter...okay?"

"And thank you for your statement as well Zachary...Oh right, Keiko here again viewers...sorry about that...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Now then viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...But don't worry yourselves we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...Which believe it or not, will have you reading about us winding up in yet another anime world...does the name Cephiro ring any bells?...*I proceed to say this, while my smile then proceeds to become a bit more broad*...So then viewers...with that still very much fresh on all of your minds...I will see you lot in the next chapter...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"