Chapter 28: Buyer Beware!: Calling The Shots!

Okay, so a couple of days had now passed since me and Sakura had captured and sealed the Return Card at the Tsukihime Shrine. But as of right now, this wasn't a concern of ours. In fact as it currently stood...

"Zachary, Sakura, what is it?" Madison had just asked me and Sakura. And the reason as to why Madison had asked this to the both of us...

"I am sensing a Clow Card," Sakura said to Madison in response.

And rather then responding back to Madison by speaking up, I simply just turned to her, and then nodded to indicate that I was sensing the Clow Card as well.

And, for context regarding our current location? Well we were currently at the Twin Bells shop, and were sort of investigating the mysterious Clow Card copies, that seemed to have popped up from out of nowhere. Well, technically, they were the kind of Clow Cards, that one would consider to be not real.

And, once me, Sakura, and Madison, had come upon one of the racks in the store that had these exact cards on display...

"Maggie, which card was being displayed in this particular slot?" I proceeded to ask Maggie, as I pointed to a spot on the display rack, that was currently vacant.

"Well, it was a particularly strange looking one," Maggie responded back to me with.

"Really, what was the name of it?" Sakura now chimed in with asking Maggie in response.

"The Shot Card," Maggie responded with.

"The Shot Card?" I said in response, but now with a somewhat weary tone to my voice. Almost as if I instinctively knew, that this 'Shot Card,' was in fact a real Clow Card.

And, a little bit later, after finally figuring out, that not only was the Shot Card a real Clow Card. But after calling Kero for information on it, Kero seemed to be pretty serious about just how dangerous this particular Clow Card was.

"The Shot Card is very dangerous, as it can be activated by anyone who says it's name out loud. And the first person that it sees, then becomes its target," Kero said in a very serious sounding tone.

"Oh, well that is not ideal..." I now thought to myself, now realizing just how dangerous the Shot Card was.

But, after we had finally found out, that Meilin was the one that was currently in possession of The Shot Card. Me, Sakura, and Li, who had tagged along with us. We had rushed to the school to try and prevent her from doing something foolish.

However, as Li struggled to try and get The Shot Card back from Meilin, things then suddenly wound up getting completely out of hand.

"Hey, back off Li, The Shot Card is mine!" Meilin yelled. "Oh great, she said its name out loud!" Sakura now said with complete terror and nervousness in her voice. And I also now knew full well that by her doing so, that she had activated it.

But shockingly...

"Li's the target!" Kero, who had found us before this mess had started now exclaimed. And this was then followed, by The Shot Card spirit proceeding to fire several bolts of what appeared to be static electricity at Li. And although one of them wound up grazing him, it still wound up causing him a considerable amount of pain.

Which thankfully, after I had been temporarily blinded by the currently setting sun, that I then came up with an idea, that would help me and Sakura capture, and then seal The Shot Card.

And upon me then turning my attention to Sakura...

"Hey Sakura?" I proceeded to ask her, while pulling out The Mirror Card. And without even having to answer me back, Sakura just simply nodded. And more importantly...

"Hey Li!" Sakura now proceeded to call out to Li with saying. And once Li had temporarily turned his attention towards both of us. He then noticed that Sakura was currently pointing to me, who was currently holding up The Mirror Card.

"Got it Sakura," Li now responded with, indicating that he understood exactly what me and Sakura were planning to attempt to do.

And, with this now in mind, me and Sakura, then raised our respective staffs. "Mirror Card, project the image before you...Mirror...release and dispel!" Me and Sakura chanted in unison, as we hit The Mirror Card, at exactly the same time, with the tips of our respective staffs.

And, with the appearance of the Mirror form of the Mirror Card spirit appearing in my hands. And once Li, had run towards the Mirror Card's spirits mirror. The Shot Card spirit, hit the Mirror Card's mirror, only to bounce off of it. And this had been accomplished by Li diving out of the way of the Mirror Card spirits mirror, just before The Shot Card spirit made it to it.

And, once the Shot Card spirit bounced off of the reflection of the sun, so too speak...

"Seal it!" Kero now chimed in with.

And with this now in mind, me and Sakura, then raised our respective staffs. "Return to your power confined, Shot Card!" Me and Sakura both chanted in unison, as we both swung our respective staffs down, at exactly the same time

And after the Shot Card spirit had been sucked into our respective card halves, that had materialized on the tips of our respective staffs, and both card halves had then combined together into a complete clow card, the Shot Card was captured and sealed.

"That was well done from the both of you Sakura and Zachary, capturing the Shot Card took a lot of courage," Kero now proceeded to say to me and Sakura.

"Thanks Kero," I now proceeded to say back to him.

And more importantly...

"Thanks for you help Li," I said. As I turned to him, and did something that I thought I would never do to someone like Li. I wound up smiling at him. And it was then that I realized, that despite the differences that me and Li currently had with each other, that maybe there was actually a way for us to actually be friends after all.

And though I did not know it yet, Li would wind up becoming a very important ally, in what was eventually going to become a multi dimensional war. That would wind up bringing me, Sakura, and the rest of our friends, into contact with two other well known 90s magical girl groups. Whose sterling reputations, helped to turn the magical girl genre, into what it was today. But more on this, at a much later of a date.