Chapter 31: Dragon Slayer!: A Big Creating Problem!

Okay, so as it currently stood, me, Sakura, and a couple of our friends, were currently out on the street of Tomoeda. Well, more specifically, we were all inside a bookstore, somewhere in town.

The only trouble was, was that a certain one of our friends, had wound up picking up a green colored book from one of the shelves, that had no title.

And unfortunately, this very book, later in the evening, would wind up, becoming a big problem.

And speaking of which, and now fast forwarding to later tonight.

And me and Sakura, were once again, dressed up in yet another costume ensemble, courtesy of Madison. Sakura, was currently wearing a pretty elaborate and fancy looking battle outfit. Sakura was wearing a long-sleeved blue one-piece with large shoulder padding, ending as a pair of shorts. The main body of the one-piece had its sides lined in white, the space between the white and blue bordered with gold. A large, golden chest piece in the shape of a pair of wings that had its back extending into two long grey-blue tails with a red circle matching that of the gemstone in the center of the wings is worn with the costume, as well as the blue thigh high boots with a blue circle near the opening, the opening itself bordered with gold. And as for the other accessories? Well they included a blue headband with wings extending from the side of the end of the headband. 

And as for my battle outfit? Well, it was almost exactly the same battle outfit, as Sakura was. The only difference, was that mine was a slightly lighter blue then hers was. And the hidden reason for this being the case? Well, as it turned out, and would be confirmed much further on into the future, I would wind up meeting another version of myself, who would be dressed in a similar battle outfit. However, on top of that, this other version of myself, would be aligned, with two other well known 90s Anime Magical Girls...And more importantly, would help to further coin a future name, that I would have, for both of them, and Sakura as well. As the 90 Magical Girl Holy Trinity.

Anyway, and now getting back to the current situation regarding me, Sakura, Kero, and Madison...

"These are from my new Millennium Collection," Madison said in a very notably joyous sounding tone of voice. While she had the camera focused, on me and Sakura, dressed in our respective battle outfits.


"Well look whose here!" I then heard the all too familiar voice of one Meilin, call out to us from above.

"Oh joy, Meilin and Li are here...Well...I already put my differences regarding me and Li aside...Meilin on the other hand?...Not exactly," I thought to myself, while I audibly let out a deep sigh.

However, this was sort of interrupted, by me and Sakura, then getting an all too familiar feeling. And with this very feeling, directing it us both, to look behind us. I then, couldn't help, but speak up. "D-did any of you guys sense that?" I asked out loud with a slight bit of nervousness in my tone.

"Hear what?" I then heard Madison respond with.

And with the sudden arrival of a cat. No scratch that, a much larger then normal cat. It was then, that as the very huge cat, had proceeded to try and take a swipe at me and Sakura. Only for me to then quickly pull out the Fly Card, and for me and Sakura, to the quickly raise our respective staffs. "Fly!" Me and Sakura both chanted in unison, as we both swung our staffs down, at exactly the same time, and then hit the Fly Card, at exactly the same time, with the tips, of our respective staffs.

Now fast forwarding, to just a little bit later on.

Which was not too long, after Sakura and I, had captured and sealed the Big Card at the towns fountain. We were now being told by Kero that another clow card had just revealed itself, which was the Create card. And only once a huge dragon had wound up appearing out of seemingly nowhere, that both me an Sakura, then got a sickening feeling in our stomachs.

As both of us now knew all too well, of the only Clow Card, that was able to stand up to a dragon. Which not surprisingly, was the Big Card. The good news here, was that Madison, was quick to try and put both me and Sakura at ease.

"It'll be okay, just remember that dragons aren't real," Madison said, trying to comfort the both of us.

As I then hesitantly pulled out the Big card, and turned to Sakura. Which after she had hesitantly nodded in response, we both then raised our respective staffs.

"Big card, make us grow, big card, release and dispel!" Me and Sakura both chanted in unison, as we both swung our staffs down, at exactly the same time, and then hit the Fly Card, at exactly the same time, with the tips, of our respective staffs.

And within seconds, the both of us grew to 50 feet tall. And once both Me and Sakura, had made our way over to the dragon, and had grabbed its tail, in an effort to stop it from making it to the city, and having it cause damage to it.

The dragon suddenly started to disappear. It was then Sakura and I then raised our respective now gigantic staffs. "We command you to return to your power confined, Create Card!" Me and Sakura, both chanted as we swung our now gigantic staffs down at the exact same time, only this time, a microscopic card halve wound up materializing on the tips of our now gigantic staffs. And of course, just like all the previous captures. After the two respective card halves, had joined together, thus forming a now completed clow card, the Create Card was sealed.