Chapter 39: Bubble Trouble!: A Capture At The School!

Well about a week or so had now passed, since me and Sakura, had captured and sealed the Fire Card spirit at the fairgrounds. Which strangely, had allowed Kero to get his power of Fire back. And as for more on regard to the capturing of the Fire Card spirit. It had been done with the help of Li. Since he had used the Time Card to temporarily stop time during the encounter with the Fire Card. And me and Sakura, had used the Sleep Card, to put everyone else besides us to sleep. However, this wasn't currently on either of our minds. Moreover, as this was due to the current fact, that me and Sakura, were currently at home. And the reason was, that we were currently up in our room, doing our spring break homework.

Well Sakura was, and this was due to the clear fact, that I had already finished all of my spring break homework yesterday.

Anyway, this was then followed by the phone in our room ringing. To which I then went over, and then answered it. "Hello, this is Zachary speaking," I said cheerily into the mouthpiece of the phone.

"Zachary, you and Sakura need to get to the school," came Li's voice from the other end of the line. And by the sound of his tone, it sounded as though it could be a Clow Card. So, with this in mind, I proceeded to ask Li about whether or not this was the case. "Why Li, is it a Clow Card by any chance?" I now proceeded to ask Li, with a bit of intrigue to my tone.

"I sensed an unusual presence at the school earlier this morning, so I would assume so…" Li said matter-of-factly from the other end of the line. "Fine, me and Sakura will be there in a bit," I said, as I sighed, and then hung up.

To which I then proceeded to turn my attention to Sakura, and then proceeded to speak up. "Sakura, that was Li, he said that he apparently sensed an unusual presence at the school earlier this morning…? He says it is most likely a Clow Card?" I said, with a bit of reproach in my tone. "Well then Zachary, it seems that we both have another Clow Card to capture," Sakura now proceeded to say to me, as she smiled with her eyes closed.

"R-right Sakura," I now proceeded to say. But it was while I had had a sort of nervous expression on my face, but I did my best to hide it. And the reason as to why I currently had this nervous expression. Well that was due to me still not being used to Sakura's personality, as well as experiencing it for real

So, later that night, me and Sakura, after meeting up with Li, then went to the school to investigate. And, as usual, me and Sakura were now dressed up in yet another one of Madison's battle outfit ensembles. Sakura was dressed up in a red colored outfit that consisted of a cape, with an outline of the sun on the front. And she was also currently wearing a somewhat large looking red colored hat on her head, that was tilted to one side. Which also had two tassels, one on the front edge of it, and the other on the reverse side. One had an ornament of the sun, and the other was of a crescent shaped moon.

And on more with regard to this very hat. Well, it would actually wind up somewhat resembling someone else, that we would be running into in the somewhat distant future. Who believe it or not, actually had a similar looking hat, to the one that Sakura was currently wearing. And for those who are

But anyway, it wasn't long, until we were confronted by a swarm of pink colored bubbles. Which after asking Kero for information regarding it via me asking him on my blue cellphone. We were then told by Kero, that it was the Bubbles Card. And thankfully, he told us that it was harmless in nature. Which given that me and Sakura had captured the Fire Card during our last capture. I then proceeded to breath a slight sigh of relief, since I now knew that at least this time, the Clow Card spirit wasn't hostile, or violent in its nature

And, it was when we were on the school roof after a chase that seemed to last forever. Li then wound up choosing to speak up. "Hold on, here it comes! Both of you get ready!" Li said, as were then confronted by the swarm of pink bubbles again. Which was after Li had drawn our attention to its sudden appearance.

And, with us both then hoping, that nothing would wind up going wrong. Me and Sakura, then proceeded to raise our respective staffs. "Bubbles card, we command you to return to your power confined, Bubbles!" Me and Sakura proceeded to chant together in unison. Which while we did so, we proceeded to swing our respective staffs down at exactly the same time. And, as the wind started to pick up around the three of us, and Madison. Who was currently filming us, as usual. And, as the usual Clow card halves materialized on the tips of our respective staffs. And, as the Clow Card spirit started to break apart, and was then sucked into our respective Clow card halves. And once both halves formed together to make a whole and complete Clow Card, the Bubbles Card was captured.

But, what neither of us, or even Kero or Li realized at the current moment. Was that we would eventually wind up in a duo of tests. One, would wind up transpiring, once all of the Clow Cards were finally all captured. And as for the other? Well, it would wind up being a final test of sorts. Which, if me and Sakura wound up failing either one, then we would not only wind up throwing our own timeline out of balance. But it would also throw at least two more anime timelines out of balance as well. And, me and Sakura, would also need to prepare ourselves. Because we would also wind up coming into contact, with two of the most well known 90s magical girls to every exist. Who like Sakura, helped to turn the magical girl genre, into what it was today. I mean after all, while one was often referred to as 'Magical Girl Genesis,' the other, was not as well known. But, she would wind up becoming just as legendary and well known as me and Sakura. And it would all be thanks, to the help of two more versions of myself. One, who I would find out, was partnered with these very two 90s magical girl groups. And the other? Well, I would find out that she was partnered, with one of the most powerful level 5 Espers to every exist. I mean after all, she wasn't nicknamed The Ace Of Tokiwadai for no reason.