Chapter 41: Stormy Weather!: Knee Deep In Snow!

Okay, so things regarding our encounters with the clow card spirits, had actually quieted down a little bit. In fact, it had now been about a week or so, since the last clow card had revealed itself to us. Which before me and Sakura had gone off to Hong Kong, was the Arrow Card.

But carrying on to the current situation...

"It's following us! Why is it following us!?" I had just proceeded to yell. Which was in fact due to the clear and currently obvious fact. That me, Sakura, and Li, were currently being overcome slightly by a concentrated, and also very strong vortex of snow.

Which as Kero had told us earlier in the day, was a clow card called the Snow Card.

But getting back to the situation...

"Maybe it's because the three of you have magical powers?!" Kero now proceeded to try and yell back to me, over the roaring of the vortex of snow, that was still encircling the four of us.

"Alright, this is just getting ridiculous! Hey Sakura? Lets fly!" I now proceeded to yell over to Sakura with. Which I said, while I pulled out the Fly Card. To which me and Sakura then raised our respective staffs, and then hit the Fly Card at the same time, with the tips of our respective staffs.

And upon the both of us proceeding to get onto our respective now winged staffs. I then reached out my hand to Li, in order to get him to climb on. But, for some reason, Li was hesitant.

"Come on Li! Hurry up, we have to get moving!" I now proceeded to yell over to him with a somewhat frantic tone to my voice.

"Are you coming kid or what?!" Kero now proceeded to say to Li. Which thankfully, then wound up doing the trick. As Li then quickly got onto my staff, and me, Sakura, Li, and Kero, then took off into the air, and then away from the vortex of snow. At least for the moment...

But, it was after me, Sakura, Li, and Kero, had escaped the swirling vortex of snow. That Sakura suddenly realized that she was missing her watch from her wrist, which had been given to her as a present. "Oh no!" Sakura had proceeded to say.

"Sakura what is it?" I proceeded to ask her in response.

"My watch is gone!" Sakura proceeded to say.

The only thing was. That once Sakura had then proceeded to back at me, Li and Kero with a now determined look on her face. I then realized, that Sakura wasn't exactly in the best of moods at the moment. Since I could also tell, that her expression, also seemed to have a hint of anger.

And sure enough...

"We're using the Fire Card!" Sakura then said. And as we all found our way onto the entrance structure to the park. And apparently also with great haste, Sakura then proceeded to pull out the Fire Card.

And without wanting to challenge her actions, seeing the mood that she was currently in, I then proceeded to raise my respective staff, as did Sakura. "Fire Card, come to our aid, use your power to melt all the snow, Fire Card Release and Dispel!" Me and Sakura both chanted in unison, as we swung our respective staffs down and hit the Fire Card at exactly the same time, with the tips of our respective staffs.

And once the Snow Card spirit was seen being chased by the Fire Card spirit. Which was after the Fire Card spirit had proceeded to melt all of the snow in the current area. Me and Sakura once again proceeded to raise our respective staffs.

"We command you to return to your power confined, Snow Card!" Me and Sakura then proceeded to chant in unison, as we once again swung our respective staffs down at exactly the same time. And with the all too familiar appearance, of the two glowing clow card halves, then proceeding to materialize on the tips of our respective staffs.

Which was then quickly followed, by the Snow Card spirit, then proceeding to begin to get broken apart, and then sucked into our respective card halves.

And as usual, once both of the glowing card halves, wound up merging with each other, in order to form a now complete clow card, the Snow Card was then captured.

But, as for Sakura's recent anger...

"Well, now we know what happens when Sakura gets mad," Kero said.

"And to be honest with you Kero. I really wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of any of it, when she's like that," I said in a somewhat nervous tone of voice.

But, even though yet another capture was now under both me and Sakura's belts. This would wind up paling in comparison, to what still truly awaited us in both the near, and also somewhat further future.

Because even once all of the clow cards were successfully captured, this was to only be the beginning, of what would later wind up becoming a multi dimensional war. And whether we wanted to take part in it or not. And given who we were still due to run into, in the distant future. We would soon find, that given the overall circumstances, we wouldn't have a choice.

And even worse still if we lost, then we would not wind up being the only people, who would wind up suffering from losing. In fact, if none of us wound up pulling our equal weight. It would wind up putting both our respective anime timeline, as well as dozens, or even millions of other anime timelines at risk, and in grave danger.

So, me, Sakura, and Li would need to be at our best. Because given who our future allies were going to be. And given that some of them, like Sakura, were two of the most well known 90s anime magical girl groups, in 90s anime magical girl history, this could not be any more the truth, if it tried. I mean after all, they didn't have sterling reputations for no reason.