It seemed like it had been an eternity since the darkness had surrounded both Sakura and I. However, it dawned on us that even though we were in total darkness, we both seemed to be glowing. It was then that the both of us realized that it wasn't just the Dark Card that was behind this, but the Light Card as well. And once the Light Card spirit had revealed its true form along with that of the Dark Card, Sakura and I then raised our respective staffs, "Light and Dark Cards, we command you to return to your power confined, Light and Dark!" we chanted in unison as we swung our respective staffs down at the same time. However, just before both the Light and Dark card spirits disappeared and became clow cards once more, each one of them then decided to tell us both one more thing. "Believe in yourself, you're both the chosen ones!" "The Final Judgement will come from Yue!" And though neither of us knew it at that current moment, things were about to soon get that much more interesting for the both of us. And unfortunately, I would soon be faced with a choice, that depending on the outcome, would have an everlasting effect on the events that would follow. But more on that at a much later date.