Chapter 104: A Fourth Wall Break Inside Of A Fourth Wall Break?...That's Like...Sixteen Walls!: A Day Of Destiny, The Race To Save Academy City (Part 2)

Date: September 20, 2009

"Okay viewers. Sorry, Angel Bluebell here again. So ramping off, so to speak, from the whole...fourth wall break moment...from the previous two chapters...Actually, now that I think about that part a bit more here for a moment viewers...I think that that does in fact warrant, a little bit more of an explanation...You know, since I was sort of cutoff, so to speak...from giving my explanation, in the last chapter...*Angel Bluebell says this with her free right feminine hand behind her head, while giving a sheepish grin, and a sweatdrop, is also quite visible, on one side of her face*"

"Uh yeah Bluebell?...I really don't think that this is really the time to be going into yet another one of your very lengthy fourth wall breaks...*I say this while giving Angel Bluebell a sort of weary looking glance, to pretty much let her know, that given the last chapter, regarding her fourth wall breaks, that they, do in fact, tend to drag on a little bit*"

"Oh...right Zachary..."

Anyway, fourth wall breaking aside, at least for the moment. And also getting back to the current situation. Which was right after me, Angel Bluebell, and Wedding Peach, had all apologized for the recent scene, that the three of us had caused. Well, it wasn't Wedding Peach, so much as it was pretty much all me and Angel Bluebell.

But anyway, after me and Angel Bluebell, had apologized for our actions. Angel Bluebell then once again proceeded, to try and ask Li, in yet another attempt, to try and set her idea in motion.

"So Li, do you happen to have your Lasin Board with you?" Angel Bluebell asked him, all while doing her absolute best, not to show, that although she did look confident, speaking to someone like Li Showron. When in reality, she was actually completely freaking out below the surface. I had also taken notice, of Angel Bluebell, turning slightly to the left of her during this, to briefly address the viewers, in a short fourth wall break. And I knew this, mostly because, I did the exact same thing, when I did my fourth wall breaks.

Anyway, upon Angel Bluebell having once again asked Li, if he had in fact had his Lasin Board with him. Me and Bluebell were then greeted, with Li, then pulling out his Lasin Board. And, upon now having confirmation, that Li did in fact have his Lasin Board with him. Angel Bluebell, then set about, bringing everyone else up to speed, as to what exactly, was her interesting, and quite honestly, very unique idea.

And on the subject, of Li having his Lasin Board with him. I knew, from the previous times, in which Li pretty much had said, that he always brought his Lasin Board with him. I mean after all, just because Li's Lasin Board, has lost some of its power, over the course of the Cardcaptor Sakura anime canon timeline. That didn't mean though, given the current situation, regarding Angel Bluebells idea, that it was completely worthless, in fact, it was soon going to be, far from it.

The only trouble was, she was not just about, to be speaking her idea, to just another version of herself, or in this, case me. But to Sakura Avalon as well, one of the three original 90s magical girls, who from what I knew about her, along with Wedding Peach, and Sailor Moon as well.

Well, the point here, was that there was a very good reason, as to why all three of them, had led me, as well as Angel Bluebell, to respectively coin the three of them, as "The Holy Magical Girl Trinity." I mean after all, this was Sakura Avalon that we're talking about here. Or Sakura Kinomoto, if you wound up watching the 'Original English Dub,' so to speak. As in the same 10 year old Tomoeda Elementary School student, whose sudden discovery of a certain ancient book, wound up spawning the catalyst, that would later set the stage, for what was to be known, as The Final Judgment. Or The Last Judgment, which is once again, very dependent, on which of the English Dubs, you had watched back when you were younger. Well, you may not have actually watched it back when you were younger. But I digress.

I mean, moving onto the Love Angel version of myself. I could only just imagine, just how many difficult, as well as strenuous circumstances, the Love Angel version of me, had had to go through, in order to get to the position, that she was in now. As even though, she was another version of me, I could never truly understand, just how much stress, and the many painful decisions, that she had to make, and honestly, I would never truly understand. Because like a certain song from Yugioh: The Pyramid Of Light, so rightfully said, "You're Not Me." Even though she technically was.

But anyway, as I took all of this into account, I then proceeded to listen, to what Angel Bluebell had to say, regarding her idea. But from what I could tell from what was on her face, she was still, quite justifiably I might add, quite a bit nervous.

"Now, you might all be wondering, exactly what my thought process is regarding our current situation, right?..." Angel Bluebell began, which was compounded, and very much confirmed, by all that were present, including me, simply nodding in response. "Well, let's just say...that I may have indeed, come up with an idea, that will get us out of this current situation. And so, with that in mind, Li, I need you to hand me your Lasin Board for a moment, don't worry, all will become more clear shortly," Angel Bluebell said, while she turned her attention back to Li, only to be met, with an unexpected look of uncertainty, plastered across Li's face. As if he wasn't entirely confident, in willing to acquiesce her request.

And to be completely honest, I was sort of having a bit of trouble, in trying to understand, exactly what Angel Bluebells overall plan, actually was.

"Well, it looks like somethings just never change, right viewers?..." I thought to myself, while I briefly turned my eyesight, to the left of me again, to briefly address the viewers. The only thing was, I wasn't the only, who was thinking this exact thought, at this very moment.