The Garden (4)

[How much longer until we get there?!]

Berkah cried inwardly, his lungs burning hot from holding his breath for so long. A concentrated flame beneath his feet aiding in his underwater trek.

Impressively enough, Berkah had been holding his breath for a staggering thirty minutes, but alas, even he had his limits.

Thoughts of abandoning them and going above water to catch his breath ran through his mind, but he decided to hold on for a bit longer, he would only resurface at the last minute.

The Nagi leading the way was surprisingly swimming through the water as if it were her natural habitat.

[They don't seem at all bothered by this, do they have gills or something?!]

Berkah wondered, glancing at the blank expressions of the Nagi accompanying him.

Four more minutes passed and the Nagi leading the way looked to be swimming up, much to Berkah's joy.
