Land of the Snakes (3)

"I have brought the prince of the Naga, my Queen."

Berkah's escort bowed deeply and quickly exited the room, she couldn't bear to be in the same space as two red eyed beings.

The Queen merely nodded, the snakes on her scalp quivered and most pretended to be asleep after seeing Berkah, only one or two of them were standing defiantly.

She then took a deep breath as she laid in her long and wide bed, her gaze slowly turning to Berkah, devoid of any malice that was present earlier on.

[Hm... She seems a bit calm for someone who just got their ass beat in front of her subordinates, I was sure she'd throw a fit.]

Berkah mused, glancing around for a chair and noticed that there was none, the Nagi's lower body resembled a snake's after all, they did not need chairs.

Berkah sucked his teeth and glanced at the cushion conveniently placed on the floor beside the bed.

[Am I supposed to sit on that?]

[Well... At least they have etiquette...]