The Great Harvest (4)

[That little brat! How is he so strong?!]

[I feel like I just got hit by a mountain!!]

The eldest Prince cried inwardly as his body was helplessly rising despite his attempts to arrest the momentum.

Glaring down, he saw Berkah snickering. A sight which only served to fuel the embers of his rage.

[I'll kill him!!]



He used his burning rage as a catalyst to dig his hand deep into his Mana Pool, coating his entire body with Mana and effectively arresting the momentum that carried him.

The Naga Prince's dislocated jaw radiated an intense and unbearable pain, blood filling up in his mouth as he continued hissing in a fit of rage and frustration.

Flap! Flap!

The eldest Prince beat his wings and rapidly descended, his blade infused with a large quantity of raw Mana.

Berkah maintained his calm even as the imminent threat to his being was rapidly descending on him.