Clang! Clang!
"Sister, stop this nonsense! Are you truly giving up on mother Yggrassil?!"
The young Dark Elf man exclaimed in a loud and pained voice, parrying the Corpse Maiden's boned daggers.
"Stop resisting... Haven't I always known what is best for you?"
The Corpse Maiden drew the energy of death bestowed upon it by Valeria, coating its bone daggers in an emerald flame.
"You are foolish brother, that tree has tied us down for centuries. I am free now! I lack nothing outside of my Master!"
Clang! Clang!
"A tree...?"
The Dark Elf Prince bit his lower lip and drew blood, despite knowing that his twin sister was long gone, he found it difficult to truly believe that the undead before him was not her.
From the way that it talks, the way that it fights to even its miniscule mannerisms that only her sister had a habit of doing, the undead before him was exactly like her.