War (13)




In the wake of Atrax's orange streak, a multitude of heads were sent flying through the air as if they were merely grains of sand.

Following closely behind him was ten strings of his black web, the ligaments on both his hands extremely sore and throbbing with an uncomfortable pain, leaving him with the incessant urge to crack his knuckles.


Upon noticing that a large shadow was cast upon him, stubbornly following him wherever he went, Atrax quickly stole a glance at the sky above him, and saw tens of thousands of "Gargoyles " swarming above him, as if on purpose, to prevent him from leveraging the skies.

"Tch... How annoying."

Atrax's breath was becoming hotter with each passing moment, his semi-curly black hair drenched in blood, to an such an extent that it was murky-blue in color.