Millie's Ordeal

My name is Millie. I have worked for the Percando family since I was young, and I am well acquainted with the house and how everyone acts around here.

It isn't my place, but I grew to dislike most of the Percando family members because of how unfairly they treat Rose. I was there when her sister dragged her into the forest, I was there when she came back bruised from finding a way out for both of them. I was there when she was blamed and scolded for her elder sister's mistake, I was there when she cried herself to sleep. I was there when she started going inside the forest to see if anyone would come for her.

I saw everything that happened to her; I saw how they all played victim even when they were hurting her. I never expressed my emotions in front of her because I knew if I did, I might one day say something that she wouldn't like, even if it's true.